Too bad the German people are no longer armed...ain't gun "control" swell...
They are about to get seriously ass fucked by their own government, and they can't do shit about it but become meat targets.

Still want to give up your guns?

Me neither.
Should the BLM protestors have been armed when clashing with the police? Should they have open fired?
It is precisely because we have the right to bear arms that our own fucking government doesn't wholesale take a huge dump on our rights to protest. Germany is an example of what happens when government can shut it down without even a remote chance at armed rebellion.
Germans and guns...well historically that hasn’t worked out well for Europe, has it now, fat boy?

You mean the Europe that was happy to go along with the Germans in most of what they did?

More of Europe was aligned with Germany than fighting it.
The Europe that was happy? Bwaaaahhhaaaaa....Most of the countries of Europe were bombed into submission, but hey they became slaves of the Socialists just like you..
JoeB lives in a fantasy world. Unicorns and pink candy roads.
Germans and guns...well historically that hasn’t worked out well for Europe, has it now, fat boy?

You mean the Europe that was happy to go along with the Germans in most of what they did?

More of Europe was aligned with Germany than fighting it.
The Europe that was happy? Bwaaaahhhaaaaa....Most of the countries of Europe were bombed into submission, but hey they became slaves of the Socialists just like you..
JoeB lives in a fantasy world. Unicorns and pink candy roads.
He lives on the upper side of Chincago, where he doesnt have Burning Looting and Murder ....yet...They are coming for Joebong69, he just doesnt know it yet.
They are about to get seriously ass fucked by their own government, and they can't do shit about it but become meat targets.

Still want to give up your guns?

Me neither.
Should the BLM protestors have been armed when clashing with the police? Should they have open fired?
It is precisely because we have the right to bear arms that our own fucking government doesn't wholesale take a huge dump on our rights to protest. Germany is an example of what happens when government can shut it down without even a remote chance at armed rebellion.
How much time have you spent in Germany to know it this well? And you did not answer my questions.
They are about to get seriously ass fucked by their own government, and they can't do shit about it but become meat targets.

Still want to give up your guns?

Me neither.
Should the BLM protestors have been armed when clashing with the police? Should they have open fired?
It is precisely because we have the right to bear arms that our own fucking government doesn't wholesale take a huge dump on our rights to protest. Germany is an example of what happens when government can shut it down without even a remote chance at armed rebellion.
They have a lot of peaceful protests in Germany.
Hitler's come packaged differently. They got their own today. Prog broads are the destroyers of the West as the Chinese lick their chops waiting for the inevitable.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Wrong. The second amendment wasn’t written with “self defense” in mind. That was a given at the time. It was written specifically in reference to resisting a tyrannical government. The founders had just done so. They overthrew the crown, which saw the resistance to their rule building and tried to seize all of their weapons.

Actually, it was written about militias, not gun ownership. Most people didn't own guns in 1776, they were expensive (more than a skilled Artisan made in a month) and had little practical use.
They are about to get seriously ass fucked by their own government, and they can't do shit about it but become meat targets.

Still want to give up your guns?

Me neither.

How would have guns helped that situation?

Germany, by the way, is not a gun control paradise. Germans can own guns, there are in fact some 18 million legal guns in Germany.

They just don't let crazy people own them because a slave rapist couldn't word a militia amendment clearly.
You're such an incredible asshole.
Hitler's come packaged differently. They got their own today. Prog broads are the destroyers of the West as the Chinese lick their chops waiting for the inevitable.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Wrong. The second amendment wasn’t written with “self defense” in mind. That was a given at the time. It was written specifically in reference to resisting a tyrannical government. The founders had just done so. They overthrew the crown, which saw the resistance to their rule building and tried to seize all of their weapons.

Actually, it was written about militias, not gun ownership. Most people didn't own guns in 1776, they were expensive (more than a skilled Artisan made in a month) and had little practical use.
Should lockdowns become necessary here (and I can't see anything less to slow the spread of this out of control pandemic), would you shoot someone else nforcing [sic] it?

That you are so abysmally ignorant and gullible that you actually believe that the lockdowns and other horrific abuses of government power and violations of basic humans rights on the pretext of protecting us from an overblown flu bug are being done for our own good, being done for any reason other than to satisfy the lusts of power-crazed corrupt subhuman pieces of shit who infest government; fully explains why you are also so ignorant as to not understand the purpose of the Second Amendment in giving us actual human beings the power to defend ourselves and our freedoms against such subhuman pieces of shit.
How on earth can you make a jump like that? Do you consider eradicating a virus as the equivalent of eradicating people?

None of this is about eradicating a virus. It may not be about actually eradicating people, but it is certainly about stripping us of basic human rights, and even our ability to make a living. One has to be unimaginably ignorant to believe that any of this is being done to us for our benefit.
Should lockdowns become necessary here (and I can't see anything less to slow the spread of this out of control pandemic), would you shoot someone else nforcing [sic] it?

That you are so abysmally ignorant and gullible that you actually believe that the lockdowns and other horrific abuses of government power and violations of basic humans rights on the pretext of protecting us from an overblown flu bug are being done for our own good, being done for any reason other than to satisfy the lusts of power-crazed corrupt subhuman pieces of shit who infest government; fully explains why you are also so ignorant as to not understand the purpose of the Second Amendment in giving us actual human beings the power to defend ourselves and our freedoms against such subhuman pieces of shit.
A pandemic denier. And you call me abysmally ignorant.

Isn't Newsmax on right now? Go and get some ignorance confirmation!
How on earth can you make a jump like that? Do you consider eradicating a virus as the equivalent of eradicating people?

None of this is about eradicating a virus. It may not be about actually eradicating people, but it is certainly about stripping us of basic human rights, and even our ability to make a living. One has to be unimaginably ignorant to believe that any of this is being done to us for our benefit.
Over a quarter million dead tell a radically different story:namely the truth.

Do you think this global pandemic is a farce to inconvenience you? We're all inconvienced! But, as with wartime rationing and other civic sacrifice, the sober and responsible among us are willing to do our part. I take you for a peculiarly selfish, petty person who would bear no responsibility to his community. A taker. No doubt you would traffic in the Black Market just to assert the warped vision of what you consider "freedom".
A pandemic denier. And you call me abysmally ignorant.

Over a quarter million dead tell a radically different story:namely the truth.

That you continue to repeat that lie, even after it has been so solidly disproven, demonstrates which one of us is truly ignorant. Or willfully dishonest. In your case, my bet is on both.

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