Too bad the German people are no longer armed...ain't gun "control" swell...

He lives on the upper side of Chincago, where he doesnt have Burning Looting and Murder ....yet...They are coming for Joebong69, he just doesnt know it yet.

Actually, most of the Demonstration here have been peaceful. The Chicago Police Department was cited for overreacting to the demonstrations.

Nothing that cheery in his fantasy world. Whatever is in there, is clearly something very dark and unpleasant.

Well, mine involves turning Utah into a Cult Deprogramming Camp for Mormons and Trump Fans... we throw a big fence around it and get some truly sadistic guards.
That you are so abysmally ignorant and gullible that you actually believe that the lockdowns and other horrific abuses of government power and violations of basic humans rights on the pretext of protecting us from an overblown flu bug are being done for our own good, being done for any reason other than to satisfy the lusts of power-crazed corrupt subhuman pieces of shit who infest government; fully explains why you are also so ignorant as to not understand the purpose of the Second Amendment in giving us actual human beings the power to defend ourselves and our freedoms against such subhuman pieces of shit.

yes, Mormon Bob...

Covid was a VAST CONSPIRACY to gain more power, even though the lockdowns are pretty unpopular.

And the solution is to take guns and have Karen shoot people who tell her to wear a fucking mask.

So Riddle Me this, Bob. If this is such a hoax, why are COMPANIES going a lot further than governments are in enforcing distancing, working from home and so on, even businesses deemed "essential".

Bob, seriously, get help before you hurt someone.
He lives on the upper side of Chincago, where he doesnt have Burning Looting and Murder ....yet...They are coming for Joebong69, he just doesnt know it yet.

Actually, most of the Demonstration here have been peaceful. The Chicago Police Department was cited for overreacting to the demonstrations.

Nothing that cheery in his fantasy world. Whatever is in there, is clearly something very dark and unpleasant.

Well, mine involves turning Utah into a Cult Deprogramming Camp for Mormons and Trump Fans... we throw a big fence around it and get some truly sadistic guards.
Actually, most of the Demonstration here have been peaceful.
And that my friends is exactly what the prog masters tell their slaves to say...

Looting And Rioting Break Out On Chicago’s Magnificent Mile | TODAY - YouTube

It is easy to think like a liberal..
They are about to get seriously ass fucked by their own government, and they can't do shit about it but become meat targets.

Still want to give up your guns?

Me neither.

How would have guns helped that situation?

Germany, by the way, is not a gun control paradise. Germans can own guns, there are in fact some 18 million legal guns in Germany.

They just don't let crazy people own them because a slave rapist couldn't word a militia amendment clearly.

It was worded clearly. The Militia Act defined that every able bodied male was in the Militia. That means you scooter.
Yup, after the cops shot yet another black man, you had some looting.

Big deal.

Property can be replaced. Lives cannot.

It is very easy to say that when you're talking about other people's property being stolen or destroyed.

When it is your own property, your own ability to make a living, then that's another matter.

Anyone who values his life more than he values stealing or destroying other people's property needs to keep his filthy criminal hands off that property.

No surprise that you don't get this You always, consistently, take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.
A pandemic denier. And you call me abysmally ignorant.

Over a quarter million dead tell a radically different story:namely the truth.

That you continue to repeat that lie, even after it has been so solidly disproven, demonstrates which one of us is truly ignorant. Or willfully dishonest. In your case, my bet is on both.
What lie? That over 250,000 people are dead? Or that a pandemic is reality?

Who is disputing that? What warped, crass media outlet told you that real isn't real?
They are about to get seriously ass fucked by their own government, and they can't do shit about it but become meat targets.

Still want to give up your guns?

Me neither.

How would have guns helped that situation?

Germany, by the way, is not a gun control paradise. Germans can own guns, there are in fact some 18 million legal guns in Germany.

They just don't let crazy people own them because a slave rapist couldn't word a militia amendment clearly.

We have never had a militia amendment. The second was meant to secure the rights of individual citizens which is what it says.

Calling them rapists is a lie and smear.
Hitler's come packaged differently. They got their own today. Prog broads are the destroyers of the West as the Chinese lick their chops waiting for the inevitable.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Wrong. The second amendment wasn’t written with “self defense” in mind. That was a given at the time. It was written specifically in reference to resisting a tyrannical government. The founders had just done so. They overthrew the crown, which saw the resistance to their rule building and tried to seize all of their weapons.

Actually, it was written about militias, not gun ownership. Most people didn't own guns in 1776, they were expensive (more than a skilled Artisan made in a month) and had little practical use.
It was written about the individual right to own forearms.

Gun ownership was common for all people including the poorer people in those days and they were easily made by blacksmiths.

You were proven wrong on that claim many times over.
What lie? That over 250,000 people are dead? Or that a pandemic is reality?

Who is disputing that? What warped, crass media outlet told you that real isn't real?

Per a recent admission from the CDC, 94% of deaths attributed to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus involved other causes. So that 200,000+ figure is exaggerated by more than an order of magnitude, the honest toll being closer to around 10,000.
That you are so abysmally ignorant and gullible that you actually believe that the lockdowns and other horrific abuses of government power and violations of basic humans rights on the pretext of protecting us from an overblown flu bug are being done for our own good, being done for any reason other than to satisfy the lusts of power-crazed corrupt subhuman pieces of shit who infest government; fully explains why you are also so ignorant as to not understand the purpose of the Second Amendment in giving us actual human beings the power to defend ourselves and our freedoms against such subhuman pieces of shit.

yes, Mormon Bob...

Covid was a VAST CONSPIRACY to gain more power, even though the lockdowns are pretty unpopular.

And the solution is to take guns and have Karen shoot people who tell her to wear a fucking mask.

So Riddle Me this, Bob. If this is such a hoax, why are COMPANIES going a lot further than governments are in enforcing distancing, working from home and so on, even businesses deemed "essential".

Bob, seriously, get help before you hurt someone.
Are those corporations under globalist control or they are denied resources to continue to operate at maximum capacity?
What lie? That over 250,000 people are dead? Or that a pandemic is reality?

Who is disputing that? What warped, crass media outlet told you that real isn't real?

Per a recent admission from the CDC, 94% of deaths attributed to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus involved other causes. So that 200,000+ figure is exaggerated by more than an order of magnitude, the honest toll being closer to around 10,000.
That, coupled with the FACT that hospitals were getting upwards of $10,000 per Covid case, you can imagine how hospitals would be very tempted to make sure everything was a Covid case.
What lie? That over 250,000 people are dead? Or that a pandemic is reality?

Who is disputing that? What warped, crass media outlet told you that real isn't real?

Per a recent admission from the CDC, 94% of deaths attributed to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus involved other causes. So that 200,000+ figure is exaggerated by more than an order of magnitude, the honest toll being closer to around 10,000.
Your reading of that report is flawed.

Some of those people had other medical conditions, sure. But they died because they were infected by the virus. 240,000 additional deaths cannot be explained away because some were diabetic or suffered other maladies.
And that my friends is exactly what the prog masters tell their slaves to say...

Looting And Rioting Break Out On Chicago’s Magnificent Mile | TODAY - YouTube

Yup, after the cops shot yet another black man, you had some looting.

Big deal.

Property can be replaced. Lives cannot.
We know the reality. You do not represent that. You represent deceit. Lies can be made by us all. But it is part of the Progressive Socialist Handbook using the Alinsky model. Day after day on TV. with many of the people on there having emotional breakdowns when they do or do not get their way for the cause.
It is very easy to say that when you're talking about other people's property being stolen or destroyed.

When it is your own property, your own ability to make a living, then that's another matter.

I have insurance. I've been robbed. Yes, at the time, I had revenge fantasies about doing really nasty things to the guys who broke into my house and stole a TV and VCR that would obsolete now. I imagine I would still be haunted by it to this day if I had.

Anyone who values his life more than he values stealing or destroying other people's property needs to keep his filthy criminal hands off that property.

No surprise that you don't get this You always, consistently, take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of @shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

Again, this is why I don't consider Mormons to be real Christians.... Real Jesus would never take that attitude. I guess Fake Mormon Jesus would.

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