Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

I wonder if she'll go back to being white, or at least not "froing" her hair now.

This is pretty goddamned funny!
Honorary Black woman for life in regards to race. No she will never go back to being white. She rejected that long ago.

LMAO @ "honorary black woman" This is too fucking funny.
Dont be mad. :itsok:

You can go back to ignore, child. It makes no difference to me what so ever. Dumb ass
Sure. I can tell.
NAACP has announced she has resigned. :)

--- that's a good thing?
Too racists its a good thing. That wont stop her from continuing her good work though.

She's white, I'm does that make me a racist? Dumb ass
Because you hate that she has rejected your white race in preference for the Black one. It angers you.

Her "preference" is to gain the power of victimhood. It's amazing to me you guys can't see this.
She didnt look much like a victim to me. She was employed and a college professor. Its amazing you guys cant see this.
She's white, I'm does that make me a racist? Dumb ass
Because you hate that she has rejected your white race in preference for the Black one. It angers you.

LOL I don't hate anything, toad. I think it's all hilarious. You're the moron calling people racist because some idiot got caught doing something REALLY stupid.
Of course you hate it. :itsok:

Bitch please, the moron got caught lying, living a lie and it's priceless. A week from now nobody will care about the sorry lying crunt
Sure. OK.

Ignored, as usual you bring nothing to the table, except your childish emoticons. It reveals your small mind. Bye dumb ass
Because you hate that she has rejected your white race in preference for the Black one. It angers you.

LOL I don't hate anything, toad. I think it's all hilarious. You're the moron calling people racist because some idiot got caught doing something REALLY stupid.
Of course you hate it. :itsok:

Bitch please, the moron got caught lying, living a lie and it's priceless. A week from now nobody will care about the sorry lying crunt
Sure. OK.

Ignored, as usual you bring nothing to the table, except your childish emoticons. It reveals your small mind. Bye dumb ass
I already asked you not to be mad.
This woman is a gem. More whites need to emulate her spirit.

Spokane NAACP - Dear Executive Committee and NAACP... Facebook

"Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights and will do everything in my power to help and assist, whether it means stepping up or stepping down, because this is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum. It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."
After statements over the weekend, the NAACP asked her to resign or they would remove her.
I'm still laughing @ "honorary black woman", you left loons are too fucking stupid to live.
It's always a hoot when their PC and Identity Politics comes back to bite 'em.

They get very nasty when that happens, and that's when the goofy stuff starts.

Who exactly is "playing identity politics" in a thread agonizing over skin color?
That's why I don't get this thread.

Bo hit it on the head back in post 35:

It really just shows how absurd the fixation on RACE is.

Indeed it does. SMH...
This woman is a gem. More whites need to emulate her spirit.

Spokane NAACP - Dear Executive Committee and NAACP... Facebook

"Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights and will do everything in my power to help and assist, whether it means stepping up or stepping down, because this is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum. It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."

Sorry lying and misrepresenting myself is not a character value I want to emulate.
This woman is a gem. More whites need to emulate her spirit.

Spokane NAACP - Dear Executive Committee and NAACP... Facebook

"Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights and will do everything in my power to help and assist, whether it means stepping up or stepping down, because this is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum. It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."
OK, but at least get rid of the fro and the tanning salon.

This came on the Czech news today. Fun for everyone all over the world!:)
Uh oh.....lying does have consequences .....

The city of Spokane is investigating whether Dolezal lied about her ethnicity when she applied to be on the police board

Well if she checked the box that said black yeah she lied LMAO
NAACP has announced she has resigned. :)

--- that's a good thing?
Too racists its a good thing. That wont stop her from continuing her good work though.

She's white, I'm does that make me a racist? Dumb ass

That's gotta be the most bizarre logical leap I've read since the last Special Ed post ... :dunno:

Well going around calling someone a racist because some idiot got caught pretending to be black isn't real bright. She made her own bed, let her sleep in it.

Who called who a "racist"?
This woman is a gem. More whites need to emulate her spirit.

Spokane NAACP - Dear Executive Committee and NAACP... Facebook

"Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights and will do everything in my power to help and assist, whether it means stepping up or stepping down, because this is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum. It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."
OK, but at least get rid of the fro and the tanning salon.

This came on the Czech news today. Fun for everyone all over the world!:)
She looks better as a light skinned Black woman. I say keep the look.
I'm still laughing @ "honorary black woman", you left loons are too fucking stupid to live.
It's always a hoot when their PC and Identity Politics comes back to bite 'em.

They get very nasty when that happens, and that's when the goofy stuff starts.

Who exactly is "playing identity politics" in a thread agonizing over skin color?
That's why I don't get this thread.

Bo hit it on the head back in post 35:

It really just shows how absurd the fixation on RACE is.

Indeed it does. SMH...
A woman says she's a different race, she quits an organization that is based specifically on race, an entire end of the political spectrum divides people by race by using hyphenation, and you're calling reaction to this absurd.

Thanks, this just gets better.

This woman is a gem. More whites need to emulate her spirit.

Spokane NAACP - Dear Executive Committee and NAACP... Facebook

"Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights and will do everything in my power to help and assist, whether it means stepping up or stepping down, because this is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum. It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."

Sorry lying and misrepresenting myself is not a character value I want to emulate.
I said her spirit. Her spirit is the same as a true freedom fighter.

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