Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

I understand what white boys mean by bi-racial. I dont subscribe to white boy definitions. That has nothing to do with your dumb remark. I said thats deep and you say No i'm not? What kind of retard cant understand two words?.....My bad. Its obviously you.

I am not responsible for what you're too stupid to understand. You claim to posses some intelligence ... go back and figure it out. Stop with the whining to be spoonfed.

adjective: biracial; adjective: bi-racial
  1. concerning or containing members of two racial groups.

Go away you moronic monkey.
You are responsible for what you are too stupid to understand though moron. What does "Thats deep" have to do with me? Are you really that retarded? And what did I tell you about white boy definitions? They arent valid.

Poor baby, needs to be spoonfed because you have poor reading skills. :itsok:

Your black definitions are wrong, you are wrong, you can claim otherwise all you want. You're wrong black boy. Bi-racial does not and will never mean 'black', a person with one white and one black parent is bi-racial, NOT black. Your inane spinning is quite entertaining though. Please continue to rant and show your stupidity.
Poor monkey. Youre white boy definitions hold no validity. Next you will begin telling me about Black Caucasians and white ancient Egyptians and expect me to believe that too.

^ claims intelligence, needs spoon feeding. Moronic monkey is moronic.
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.
I am not responsible for what you're too stupid to understand. You claim to posses some intelligence ... go back and figure it out. Stop with the whining to be spoonfed.

adjective: biracial; adjective: bi-racial
  1. concerning or containing members of two racial groups.

Go away you moronic monkey.
You are responsible for what you are too stupid to understand though moron. What does "Thats deep" have to do with me? Are you really that retarded? And what did I tell you about white boy definitions? They arent valid.

Poor baby, needs to be spoonfed because you have poor reading skills. :itsok:

Your black definitions are wrong, you are wrong, you can claim otherwise all you want. You're wrong black boy. Bi-racial does not and will never mean 'black', a person with one white and one black parent is bi-racial, NOT black. Your inane spinning is quite entertaining though. Please continue to rant and show your stupidity.
Poor monkey. Youre white boy definitions hold no validity. Next you will begin telling me about Black Caucasians and white ancient Egyptians and expect me to believe that too.

^ claims intelligence, needs spoon feeding. Moronic monkey is moronic.
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.

Lame come back, as noted previously in this thread. But it's what I expected from someone who is too stupid to understand the definition of a word. You're an unoriginal idiot. Go away, monkey boy.
You are responsible for what you are too stupid to understand though moron. What does "Thats deep" have to do with me? Are you really that retarded? And what did I tell you about white boy definitions? They arent valid.

Poor baby, needs to be spoonfed because you have poor reading skills. :itsok:

Your black definitions are wrong, you are wrong, you can claim otherwise all you want. You're wrong black boy. Bi-racial does not and will never mean 'black', a person with one white and one black parent is bi-racial, NOT black. Your inane spinning is quite entertaining though. Please continue to rant and show your stupidity.
Poor monkey. Youre white boy definitions hold no validity. Next you will begin telling me about Black Caucasians and white ancient Egyptians and expect me to believe that too.

^ claims intelligence, needs spoon feeding. Moronic monkey is moronic.
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.

Lame come back, as noted previously in this thread. But it's what I expected from someone who is too stupid to understand the definition of a word. You're an unoriginal idiot. Go away, monkey boy.
Sorry monkey. Not concerned with what you think is lame or not. If you want me to go away lets see you make me. :cool-45:
Poor baby, needs to be spoonfed because you have poor reading skills. :itsok:

Your black definitions are wrong, you are wrong, you can claim otherwise all you want. You're wrong black boy. Bi-racial does not and will never mean 'black', a person with one white and one black parent is bi-racial, NOT black. Your inane spinning is quite entertaining though. Please continue to rant and show your stupidity.
Poor monkey. Youre white boy definitions hold no validity. Next you will begin telling me about Black Caucasians and white ancient Egyptians and expect me to believe that too.

^ claims intelligence, needs spoon feeding. Moronic monkey is moronic.
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.

Lame come back, as noted previously in this thread. But it's what I expected from someone who is too stupid to understand the definition of a word. You're an unoriginal idiot. Go away, monkey boy.
Sorry monkey. Not concerned with what you think is lame or not. If you want me to go away lets see you make me. :cool-45:

You're weird.
Poor monkey. Youre white boy definitions hold no validity. Next you will begin telling me about Black Caucasians and white ancient Egyptians and expect me to believe that too.

^ claims intelligence, needs spoon feeding. Moronic monkey is moronic.
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.

Lame come back, as noted previously in this thread. But it's what I expected from someone who is too stupid to understand the definition of a word. You're an unoriginal idiot. Go away, monkey boy.
Sorry monkey. Not concerned with what you think is lame or not. If you want me to go away lets see you make me. :cool-45:

You're weird.
Thanks. Youre pretty common.
^ claims intelligence, needs spoon feeding. Moronic monkey is moronic.
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.

Lame come back, as noted previously in this thread. But it's what I expected from someone who is too stupid to understand the definition of a word. You're an unoriginal idiot. Go away, monkey boy.
Sorry monkey. Not concerned with what you think is lame or not. If you want me to go away lets see you make me. :cool-45:

You're weird.
Thanks. Youre pretty common.

I'm an American hip hop recording artist, actor, and poet from Chicago?
Yes monkey you are moronic. I'm glad you figured yourself out.

Lame come back, as noted previously in this thread. But it's what I expected from someone who is too stupid to understand the definition of a word. You're an unoriginal idiot. Go away, monkey boy.
Sorry monkey. Not concerned with what you think is lame or not. If you want me to go away lets see you make me. :cool-45:

You're weird.
Thanks. Youre pretty common.

I'm an American hip hop recording artist, actor, and poet from Chicago?
Are you looking for confirmation? i doubt you are a hip hop anything monkey. PH what is it?
In other words: she's a confidence trickster who's made financial gains under false

THAT is the big problem, once you get any form of financial gain out of it, its fraud.

Except there won't be any prosecution seeing as we're living under a liberal narrative. Even your Republican Congressmen will join the chorus of "understanding" and "forgiveness" in due course. Much the same as the Tories over here will sing from the approved hymn sheet whenever the usual suspects put their foot in it. Trust me, this will be swept under the carpet quicker than you (or I) can say: #BlackLivesMatter.

Very curious to see how the black community reacts to this, and how her friends react to this. I would think its more about the lies than the actual fact that she is probably (mostly) white by definition.
The Black community is not monlithic. Some will see it as a good thing, others will be outraged, and still others couldnt care less.
As REPARATIONS are a big plank in the Racial Justice Platform, the implication is that slavery is a key component of the African American experience. And history indicates that the vast majority of Africans who came to America in the slave era were slaves.

You can't have it both ways, bub.
So you admit you were a dumb fuck that didnt know the POTUS was descended from the enslaved and that not all AA are? That was a long winded way of going about it.

No, I admit that Obama played you all like a fiddle.
How did Obama play anyone? Your premise for that retarded argument has already been shredded. I'm all ears on your opinion. Got something I dont know?

He's a race baiting Ivy League hustler who preyed on the blacks as a community organizer. Now, as CO in chief, he has made the economy and culture even worse for blacks than before he was President.

Not exactly the Hopenchange he promised.
Obama put in good work as a community organizer. As the most powerful man on the planet he cleaned up the mess Bush left and almost tripled my networth. Sounds like your opinion is even more erroneous than I originally thought.
Define "good work"....Name Obama's accomplishments. This oughta be good.
So you admit you were a dumb fuck that didnt know the POTUS was descended from the enslaved and that not all AA are? That was a long winded way of going about it.

No, I admit that Obama played you all like a fiddle.
How did Obama play anyone? Your premise for that retarded argument has already been shredded. I'm all ears on your opinion. Got something I dont know?

He's a race baiting Ivy League hustler who preyed on the blacks as a community organizer. Now, as CO in chief, he has made the economy and culture even worse for blacks than before he was President.

Not exactly the Hopenchange he promised.
Obama put in good work as a community organizer. As the most powerful man on the planet he cleaned up the mess Bush left and almost tripled my networth. Sounds like your opinion is even more erroneous than I originally thought.
Define "good work"....Name Obama's accomplishments. This oughta be good.
You must not have read what you replied to.
Got to wonder if the OP has ever done the 23andMe genetic profiling for herself and her lily white skin.

23andMe - Genetic kit for ancestry DNA Service

Because she might learn something about herself in the process.

Mrs Te is probably one of the whitest persons you will ever meet but she actually has African genes.

Appearances can be deceptive.
News flash...We ALL can trace our ancestry to Africa.
Are you buying into that now debunked "one drop of blood" criteria for determining race?
Here's the little liar. And the NAACP has become NOTHING more than a joke. Anyone takes what they have to say as the truth, is a damn fool. they are nothing more than a Political arm of THE DNC. which is filled with nothing BUT LIARS. how you can support this group and the Democrat party is shameful really

That's how we got someone like Obama as our President. lies lies and more lies


She lied about being black on a signed application to be a ‘police oversight’ ombudsman. So she’s now in trouble with the city of Spokane.

Dolezal’s application for appointment to Spokane’s new police ombudsman commission was signed by Dolezal and submitted in May 2014. The application was acquired by The Press through a public record request.

According to Spokane City spokesman Brian Coddington, Dolezal was appointed to the Police Oversight Committee by the mayor himself. In April 2014, the city held two public workshops to consider how the oversight committee should be formed, Coddington said.

And yes, she is a Black Lives Matter supporter.

all of it here:
Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers

Liar and fraud. She's a huckster. She has now been discovered to have falsified official documents.
She should be made to repay any ill gotten gains. That would include Howard University rescinding her degree. That was a fraud as well

You monkeys are going in for the kill. This bold rejection of your failed culture will not be tolerated. It will be met with lies and speculation in the absence of proof eh?

How can you in good conscience take up for this woman. She perpetrated a FRAUD.....And that fraud was on Black people...
Why are you in blind support of this woman?.....She STOLE a seat from a deserving black person when she falsified her application for acceptance to Howard U....She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

OMFG he just dug hisself into the same hole three times in a row. :disbelief:

Hard to believe, Harry....

When did she do what you claimed? Do you have any links at all? I hope you didnt think I was going to accept your word that falsified her application to Howard do you?

I asked him that same question twice; he just figures he didn't look stupid enough the last round and goes right back to the same well. :rofl:

Theater of the Absurd in here.

This part is interesting though:
She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

He actually reacts with anger over what somebody else is doing with her own identity.
Weird, but he's not the first:

There is nothing more slimy than an Uncle Tom, and since I'm white this particular case disgusts me to the bone....
I hope she not only is fired but I hope she is shamed night and day. Fucking bitch.

Bizzarro.... :cuckoo:

Why are you evading the questions?.....Is your liberalism so ingrained in your very being that you cannot bring yourself to NOT excuse a fellow liberal for ANY act?
Got to wonder if the OP has ever done the 23andMe genetic profiling for herself and her lily white skin.

23andMe - Genetic kit for ancestry DNA Service

Because she might learn something about herself in the process.

Mrs Te is probably one of the whitest persons you will ever meet but she actually has African genes.

Appearances can be deceptive.
News flash...We ALL can trace our ancestry to Africa.
Are you buying into that now debunked "one drop of blood" criteria for determining race?
Its never been debunked. Blacks have embraced it. Now whites like you are outraged about it.

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