Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

Who told you those were her parents? How did she lie when she said the Black guy was her father? If I'm too stupid why cant you explain yourself?

HER PARENTS said they were her parents, you moron.

She lied about the black guy because HE ISN"T HER FATHER, Larry Dolezal is.

I can't explain it any more to you, if you're too stupid to understand then you're too stupid.
How do you know they are her parents? Because they said so?

Because in subsequent interviews she has acknowledged they are her bio parents. But then she says she doesn't consider them her parents.

What this woman has is issues.
and more knowledge about Black history than a lot of Black people.
Well, that isnt THAT uncommon. I mean about white people knowing more. Take you for example. Your head is full of incorrect historical knowledge. Almost everything you "know" is wrong. Most people know more about true black history than you do.
Great news. She has resigned from the NAACP, now hopefully we can drive her out of her professorship at her shit-tier university.

Rachel Dolezal resigns accused of lying about race -
Like most monkeys you are always. Late to talk. Late to civilization and doomed to fail.
Not late, just reminding people they job isn't done yet, we need to finish the job and totally disgrace her and force her into hiding.
I made a comment about that as well. Now all the monkeys are socially ostracizing her for her egregious breach of protocol and rejection of white culture. They even lied and said she wasnt really a professor even though they have a webpage calling her a professor up on their servers.
Wow, now she even lied about being a professor of a worthless garbage major. Lies don't end with this mentally ill freak. Glad her life is over.

“Dolezal was listed as a professor but she was never a professor,” Meany explained. “Either she or one of her staffers listed her inaccurately as a professor.” Meany told Breitbart News, Dolezal was an “adjunct instructor hired on a quarterly basis.” He added that she has been hired on a quarterly basis since 2010 and that her profile was taken down from the school’s website to “avoid confusion.”
The monkey attack continues. Now theyre denying she was a professor and have a cover story for it. They know she is not going to fight this.
Don't call blacks monkeys, they have a right to be mad about this fraud.
Who told you those were her parents? How did she lie when she said the Black guy was her father? If I'm too stupid why cant you explain yourself?

HER PARENTS said they were her parents, you moron.

She lied about the black guy because HE ISN"T HER FATHER, Larry Dolezal is.

I can't explain it any more to you, if you're too stupid to understand then you're too stupid.
How do you know they are her parents? Because they said so?

Because in subsequent interviews she has acknowledged they are her bio parents. But then she says she doesn't consider them her parents.
If she doesnt consider them her parents then they are not her parents. How do you know she wasnt adopted or her mom got busy with a Black guy behind her husbands back?

How do you know your real parents aren't white?

She doesn't dispute that they are her real biological parents. She doesn't ant them to be but you can't pick out your parents.

Maybe you need to ask your parents if your mom had an affair and maybe your dad is someone else.

You want to give her the benefit of the doubt go right ahead. I'm not that stupid.
Because I'm Black. White people cant make Black kids but Black people can make white kids.

I was going to report you for the family reference but youre pretty cool. Anyways I give her the benefit of the doubt because until she comes out and tells her story I dont believe in conjecture.
HER PARENTS said they were her parents, you moron.

She lied about the black guy because HE ISN"T HER FATHER, Larry Dolezal is.

I can't explain it any more to you, if you're too stupid to understand then you're too stupid.
How do you know they are her parents? Because they said so?

Because in subsequent interviews she has acknowledged they are her bio parents. But then she says she doesn't consider them her parents.

What this woman has is issues.
and more knowledge about Black history than a lot of Black people.
Well, that isnt THAT uncommon. I mean about white people knowing more. Take you for example. Your head is full of incorrect historical knowledge. Almost everything you "know" is wrong. Most people know more about true black history than you do.
She has demonstrated she knows all the stuff I know. She doesnt believe in all that fantastical shit you white boys made up.
Like most monkeys you are always. Late to talk. Late to civilization and doomed to fail.
Not late, just reminding people they job isn't done yet, we need to finish the job and totally disgrace her and force her into hiding.
I made a comment about that as well. Now all the monkeys are socially ostracizing her for her egregious breach of protocol and rejection of white culture. They even lied and said she wasnt really a professor even though they have a webpage calling her a professor up on their servers.
Wow, now she even lied about being a professor of a worthless garbage major. Lies don't end with this mentally ill freak. Glad her life is over.

“Dolezal was listed as a professor but she was never a professor,” Meany explained. “Either she or one of her staffers listed her inaccurately as a professor.” Meany told Breitbart News, Dolezal was an “adjunct instructor hired on a quarterly basis.” He added that she has been hired on a quarterly basis since 2010 and that her profile was taken down from the school’s website to “avoid confusion.”
The monkey attack continues. Now theyre denying she was a professor and have a cover story for it. They know she is not going to fight this.
Don't call blacks monkeys, they have a right to be mad about this fraud.
I was talking about you white boys when I said monkeys. You know how mad you get when your women start playing with their hair around us more virile Black men.
Here's the little liar. And the NAACP has become NOTHING more than a joke. Anyone takes what they have to say as the truth, is a damn fool. they are nothing more than a Political arm of THE DNC. which is filled with nothing BUT LIARS. how you can support this group and the Democrat party is shameful really

That's how we got someone like Obama as our President. lies lies and more lies


She lied about being black on a signed application to be a ‘police oversight’ ombudsman. So she’s now in trouble with the city of Spokane.

Dolezal’s application for appointment to Spokane’s new police ombudsman commission was signed by Dolezal and submitted in May 2014. The application was acquired by The Press through a public record request.

According to Spokane City spokesman Brian Coddington, Dolezal was appointed to the Police Oversight Committee by the mayor himself. In April 2014, the city held two public workshops to consider how the oversight committee should be formed, Coddington said.

And yes, she is a Black Lives Matter supporter.

all of it here:
Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers

Liar and fraud. She's a huckster. She has now been discovered to have falsified official documents.
She should be made to repay any ill gotten gains. That would include Howard University rescinding her degree. That was a fraud as well

You monkeys are going in for the kill. This bold rejection of your failed culture will not be tolerated. It will be met with lies and speculation in the absence of proof eh?

How can you in good conscience take up for this woman. She perpetrated a FRAUD.....And that fraud was on Black people...
Why are you in blind support of this woman?.....She STOLE a seat from a deserving black person when she falsified her application for acceptance to Howard U....She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

OMFG he just dug hisself into the same hole three times in a row. :disbelief:

Hard to believe, Harry....

When did she do what you claimed? Do you have any links at all? I hope you didnt think I was going to accept your word that falsified her application to Howard do you?

I asked him that same question twice; he just figures he didn't look stupid enough the last round and goes right back to the same well. :rofl:

Theater of the Absurd in here.

This part is interesting though:
She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

He actually reacts with anger over what somebody else is doing with her own identity.
Weird, but he's not the first:

There is nothing more slimy than an Uncle Tom, and since I'm white this particular case disgusts me to the bone....
I hope she not only is fired but I hope she is shamed night and day. Fucking bitch.

Bizzarro.... :cuckoo:

Why are you evading the questions?.....Is your liberalism so ingrained in your very being that you cannot bring yourself to NOT excuse a fellow liberal for ANY act?

YOU are evading the question, motherfucker. It's been sitting there three hours.
Again, fourth time now -- WHERE does Howard University --- or the NAACP --- have a "race" box on an app form that they use to keep white people out?

That IS what you asserted, three times.

Fucking dishonest hack.
I'm an American hip hop recording artist, actor, and poet from Chicago?
Are you looking for confirmation? i doubt you are a hip hop anything monkey. PH what is it?

Just as I thought ... no sense of humor.

Go pest someone else, chimp boy. You're boring me now.
I have a sense of humor. I'm laughing at you monkey. Like I said before if you want me to go elsewhere...make me. :cool-45:

No you don't, chimp.

So very weird.
Youre the one with fur, thin lips, and small genitalia you troglodyte/simian hybrid

Says the ape. :lol:
How do you know they are her parents? Because they said so?

Because in subsequent interviews she has acknowledged they are her bio parents. But then she says she doesn't consider them her parents.

What this woman has is issues.
and more knowledge about Black history than a lot of Black people.
Well, that isnt THAT uncommon. I mean about white people knowing more. Take you for example. Your head is full of incorrect historical knowledge. Almost everything you "know" is wrong. Most people know more about true black history than you do.
She has demonstrated she knows all the stuff I know. She doesnt believe in all that fantastical shit you white boys made up.
She made up enough fanastical shit all on her own. I love the one about the baboon whip! Priceless!! She sure had you dummies fooled. All it took was a wacky perm and some tanning lotion. Sheesh. talk about gullible. :laugh:
Are you looking for confirmation? i doubt you are a hip hop anything monkey. PH what is it?

Just as I thought ... no sense of humor.

Go pest someone else, chimp boy. You're boring me now.
I have a sense of humor. I'm laughing at you monkey. Like I said before if you want me to go elsewhere...make me. :cool-45:

No you don't, chimp.

So very weird.
Youre the one with fur, thin lips, and small genitalia you troglodyte/simian hybrid

Says the ape. :lol:
Who taught you to talk ape?
Because in subsequent interviews she has acknowledged they are her bio parents. But then she says she doesn't consider them her parents.

What this woman has is issues.
and more knowledge about Black history than a lot of Black people.
Well, that isnt THAT uncommon. I mean about white people knowing more. Take you for example. Your head is full of incorrect historical knowledge. Almost everything you "know" is wrong. Most people know more about true black history than you do.
She has demonstrated she knows all the stuff I know. She doesnt believe in all that fantastical shit you white boys made up.
She made up enough fanastical shit all on her own. I love the one about the baboon whip! Priceless!! She sure had you dummies fooled. All it took was a wacky perm and some tanning lotion. Sheesh. talk about gullible. :laugh:
I watched her video and she would have fooled me. Her mannerisms are very Black. Couple that with her knowledge of Black history and you have the best acting job I've ever seen. You white people are stupid. There are probably millions of Black people living among you whites fooling your dumb asses.
Not late, just reminding people they job isn't done yet, we need to finish the job and totally disgrace her and force her into hiding.
I made a comment about that as well. Now all the monkeys are socially ostracizing her for her egregious breach of protocol and rejection of white culture. They even lied and said she wasnt really a professor even though they have a webpage calling her a professor up on their servers.
Wow, now she even lied about being a professor of a worthless garbage major. Lies don't end with this mentally ill freak. Glad her life is over.

“Dolezal was listed as a professor but she was never a professor,” Meany explained. “Either she or one of her staffers listed her inaccurately as a professor.” Meany told Breitbart News, Dolezal was an “adjunct instructor hired on a quarterly basis.” He added that she has been hired on a quarterly basis since 2010 and that her profile was taken down from the school’s website to “avoid confusion.”
The monkey attack continues. Now theyre denying she was a professor and have a cover story for it. They know she is not going to fight this.
Don't call blacks monkeys, they have a right to be mad about this fraud.
I was talking about you white boys when I said monkeys. You know how mad you get when your women start playing with their hair around us more virile Black men.
That doesnt make any sense. Everyone knows blacks are closer to monkeys in their genes. But that doesn't mean they don't have the right to be mad about this fraud. White people aren't mad at her. It is funny what happened to her. You need to lighten up.
Just as I thought ... no sense of humor.

Go pest someone else, chimp boy. You're boring me now.
I have a sense of humor. I'm laughing at you monkey. Like I said before if you want me to go elsewhere...make me. :cool-45:

No you don't, chimp.

So very weird.
Youre the one with fur, thin lips, and small genitalia you troglodyte/simian hybrid

Says the ape. :lol:
Who taught you to talk ape?

I see you're aping me. Comes naturally to you.
I made a comment about that as well. Now all the monkeys are socially ostracizing her for her egregious breach of protocol and rejection of white culture. They even lied and said she wasnt really a professor even though they have a webpage calling her a professor up on their servers.
Wow, now she even lied about being a professor of a worthless garbage major. Lies don't end with this mentally ill freak. Glad her life is over.

“Dolezal was listed as a professor but she was never a professor,” Meany explained. “Either she or one of her staffers listed her inaccurately as a professor.” Meany told Breitbart News, Dolezal was an “adjunct instructor hired on a quarterly basis.” He added that she has been hired on a quarterly basis since 2010 and that her profile was taken down from the school’s website to “avoid confusion.”
The monkey attack continues. Now theyre denying she was a professor and have a cover story for it. They know she is not going to fight this.
Don't call blacks monkeys, they have a right to be mad about this fraud.
I was talking about you white boys when I said monkeys. You know how mad you get when your women start playing with their hair around us more virile Black men.
That doesnt make any sense. Everyone knows blacks are closer to monkeys in their genes. But that doesn't mean they don't have the right to be mad about this fraud. White people aren't mad at her. It is funny what happened to her. You need to lighten up.
Lots of things dont make sense to monkeys like you so I'm not surprised. You white guys are hairy just like monkeys. You have small dicks like monkeys, small lips, and you attract lice. To top it all off you are part neanderthal which essentially makes you a simian/troglodyte hybrid. To make it worse your genes are recessive and suffer from the prolonged inbreeding you did in europe.. Anways it makes you angry when white women try to improve your gene pool so you chimp out like you admitted and cheered about. You shouldnt be that angry.
I have a sense of humor. I'm laughing at you monkey. Like I said before if you want me to go elsewhere...make me. :cool-45:

No you don't, chimp.

So very weird.
Youre the one with fur, thin lips, and small genitalia you troglodyte/simian hybrid

Says the ape. :lol:
Who taught you to talk ape?

I see you're aping me. Comes naturally to you.
I see you are monkey. DNA is strong in affecting behavior.
HER PARENTS said they were her parents, you moron.

She lied about the black guy because HE ISN"T HER FATHER, Larry Dolezal is.

I can't explain it any more to you, if you're too stupid to understand then you're too stupid.
How do you know they are her parents? Because they said so?

Because in subsequent interviews she has acknowledged they are her bio parents. But then she says she doesn't consider them her parents.
If she doesnt consider them her parents then they are not her parents. How do you know she wasnt adopted or her mom got busy with a Black guy behind her husbands back?

How do you know your real parents aren't white?

She doesn't dispute that they are her real biological parents. She doesn't ant them to be but you can't pick out your parents.

Maybe you need to ask your parents if your mom had an affair and maybe your dad is someone else.

You want to give her the benefit of the doubt go right ahead. I'm not that stupid.
Because I'm Black. White people cant make Black kids but Black people can make white kids.

I was going to report you for the family reference but youre pretty cool. Anyways I give her the benefit of the doubt because until she comes out and tells her story I dont believe in conjecture.

Fair enough.
No you don't, chimp.

So very weird.
Youre the one with fur, thin lips, and small genitalia you troglodyte/simian hybrid

Says the ape. :lol:
Who taught you to talk ape?

I see you're aping me. Comes naturally to you.
I see you are monkey. DNA is strong in affecting behavior.

Ironic ape is ironic (psst, that would be you).
Youre the one with fur, thin lips, and small genitalia you troglodyte/simian hybrid

Says the ape. :lol:
Who taught you to talk ape?

I see you're aping me. Comes naturally to you.
I see you are monkey. DNA is strong in affecting behavior.

Ironic ape is ironic (psst, that would be you).
Your monkey babble is indecipherable..
Wow, now she even lied about being a professor of a worthless garbage major. Lies don't end with this mentally ill freak. Glad her life is over.
The monkey attack continues. Now theyre denying she was a professor and have a cover story for it. They know she is not going to fight this.
Don't call blacks monkeys, they have a right to be mad about this fraud.
I was talking about you white boys when I said monkeys. You know how mad you get when your women start playing with their hair around us more virile Black men.
That doesnt make any sense. Everyone knows blacks are closer to monkeys in their genes. But that doesn't mean they don't have the right to be mad about this fraud. White people aren't mad at her. It is funny what happened to her. You need to lighten up.
Lots of things dont make sense to monkeys like you so I'm not surprised. You white guys are hairy just like monkeys. You have small dicks like monkeys, small lips, and you attract lice. To top it all off you are part neanderthal which essentially makes you a simian/troglodyte hybrid. To make it worse your genes are recessive and suffer from the prolonged inbreeding you did in europe.. Anways it makes you angry when white women try to improve your gene pool so you chimp out like you admitted and cheered about. You shouldnt be that angry.
:lol: This Is some classic n-igger.txt
So now the next question is. How do we stop her from getting hired again? She will probably have to change her whole identity again :lol:

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