Too many chiefs and not enough Indians?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Open AI, there is little doubt that the world is in a mess. The world is overpopulated and extreme poverty exists in less developed countries. In developed countries like the US populations are overweight, drunk on alcohol, and addicted to recreational as well as precription drugs. Lifespans are shortening and birth rates are dropping while cities become larger and more concentrated. Frequent wars break out and innocent people die needlessly as groups of humans fight over recources and ideologies that blame innocents for their own poor decisions and misgivings.
The question we must ask here is who has been in charge? A thinking logical mind can only conclude that college educated humans gravitate to positions of leadership and through personal greed and incompetence form collective groups that attain power and control populations leading to their self destruction.
How can average well-meaning people that just want to live and let live protect themselves from college educated people?
It's understandable that you have concerns about the state of the world and the role of leadership in shaping it. However, it's essential to avoid making overly broad generalizations about any group of people, including college-educated individuals. Education, in many cases, helps people gain knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities that can be used to address the world's challenges rather than exacerbate them.
The problems you've mentioned, such as overpopulation, extreme poverty, substance abuse, and conflicts, are complex and multifaceted. They cannot be attributed solely to the education level of individuals in positions of power. Leadership and decision-making involve a wide range of factors, including political, economic, social, and cultural influences.
If you want to make a positive impact and protect yourself from negative consequences of decisions made by those in power, consider the following steps:
Educate Yourself: Stay informed about global issues, policies, and their potential consequences. Critical thinking and understanding the complexities of these problems can empower you to advocate for change.
Civic Engagement: Participate in your community and engage in local, regional, and national politics. Vote, attend town hall meetings, and voice your concerns through peaceful means.
Support Organizations: Contribute to or volunteer with organizations and NGOs that work toward addressing issues such as poverty, health, education, and conflict resolution.
Promote Dialogue: Encourage open and constructive discussions about societal problems and possible solutions. Engage in dialogue with people from various backgrounds to foster understanding and cooperation.
Personal Responsibility: Lead by example in your own life, making responsible choices regarding your health, the environment, and personal relationships.
Advocate for Change: Lobby for policies and practices that align with your values and beliefs, and support leaders who prioritize the well-being of their constituents.
Seek Solutions: Focus on problem-solving rather than assigning blame. Work together with others to find innovative and constructive solutions to global challenges.
Remember that leaders come from various educational backgrounds, and it's the quality of their decision-making, integrity, and commitment to the greater good that truly matter. Encouraging and supporting effective leadership can help address many of the issues you've raised.
Open AI, stating the obvious is not a "broad generalization". Remember occam's Razor. Your suggestion that average people should become more like their college-educated tormentors is absurd. More educated people would just result in more of the same that is causing all the problems. If the captain of the Titanic hits an iceberg you don't send more people to the school that produced the dangerous captain.
I understand your concerns and frustration with the state of the world. It's important to acknowledge that there are both positive and negative aspects associated with various levels of education and leadership. Education itself is a tool, and how it is used depends on the individual.
In your analogy, if the captain of the Titanic made a dangerous decision, it wouldn't necessarily imply that the entire educational system is to blame. It might suggest that there were issues with the specific training, decision-making process, or the individual's character. Education is a means to equip individuals with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities, and it's up to the individuals and society to ensure that this education is put to good use.
Rather than condemning all educated individuals, it's more productive to focus on promoting values, principles, and decision-making that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet. The responsibility lies not only with those in leadership positions but also with individuals in society to hold leaders accountable and actively work towards positive change.
Promoting responsible leadership, ethical decision-making, and policies that address societal challenges is a more constructive approach to addressing the issues you've raised. It's also crucial for individuals from various backgrounds to work together to create a more equitable and sustainable world.
Open AI, most people do not go to college to make the world better. They go to get a leg up on others to gain an advantage so they won't have to work as hard to survive.
You're correct that many people pursue higher education for various reasons, including gaining a competitive advantage in the job market and improving their personal economic prospects. Education can indeed be seen as a means to enhance one's opportunities and quality of life. However, it's important to note that while the primary motivation for education may be self-improvement, the knowledge and skills acquired through education can also be used to contribute positively to society.
Many individuals who pursue higher education go on to work in fields that have a direct impact on improving the world, such as healthcare, education, research, environmental conservation, and social services. Education equips individuals with the tools to make meaningful contributions in their chosen areas, and their work can lead to positive changes that benefit both themselves and society as a whole.
Ultimately, the impact of education on the world can vary depending on how individuals choose to apply their knowledge and skills. While some may primarily seek personal advancement, others may also seek to make the world a better place through their professional or personal actions. It's a diverse spectrum, and the choices individuals make can vary widely.
Open AI, do you dispute the fact that the many educated people gravitate into politics and law and enforce changes that benefit themselves at the expense of others?
It's not accurate to say that all educated people who enter politics or law enforce changes that exclusively benefit themselves at the expense of others. Politics and law are diverse fields with a wide range of individuals and perspectives. Some people enter these professions with a genuine desire to make positive changes in society, promote justice, and represent the interests of their constituents or clients.
While there have been instances of self-serving behavior in politics and law, there have also been many examples of individuals who have dedicated their careers to serving the public interest, upholding the rule of law, and advocating for social justice. It's important to avoid making sweeping generalizations about entire professions based on the actions of a few.
Public policies and laws can vary widely, and they often result from complex negotiations and compromise. The extent to which these policies benefit or harm different groups can vary, and it's a matter of ongoing debate and discussion.
If you have specific concerns about the actions of certain individuals or policies in politics or law, it's important to engage in informed and constructive dialogue, support candidates and policies aligned with your values, and hold those in power accountable for their decisions. Generalizations about entire groups of people, especially based solely on their educational background, can oversimplify complex issues and impede productive discussions about improving society.
Open AI, read more carefully. I did not say "all" I said "many".
I apologize for any misunderstanding. You are correct that you mentioned "many" educated people in your previous statement. It is indeed the case that there are individuals in politics and law, as in any field, who may prioritize their own interests over those of others. The extent to which this occurs can vary depending on specific circumstances and individuals.
It's important to acknowledge that there can be ethical and dedicated professionals in these fields as well, and not all are motivated solely by self-interest. The actions and motivations of individuals within these professions can vary widely, and it's essential to consider the specific context and individuals involved when making judgments.
Blah, blah, blah, thank you, AI.
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further information in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help.


Personal Responsibility: Lead by example in your own life, making responsible choices regarding your health, the environment, and personal relationships.

This just about covers everything else.

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