Too much extremism on both sides.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.
Seems to me a fundamental problem here is that we no longer look at ourselves as being on the same team, so living in the same country is meaningless.

It's now my tribe vs. your tribe, and my goal is to beat you. So, party over country.

And the wings regularly conflate "compromise" with capitulation. We have COMPLETELY forgotten that COLLABORATION leads to INNOVATION.

Like, say, our Constitution.
Every law against guns is an extremist law.
We have over 20k gun laws in this country. Talk about EXTREME

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.

The time for compromise is long past, I'm afraid. Ideologically (yes, that matters), the Democrats have moved to a philosophy diametrically opposed to foundational American thought; one that murdered 100,000,000 people worldwide in the 20th Century, and one that this country and most of the West battled for nearly half that century to defeat.

Winning by increment born of compromise would eventually give the Democrats all they want, and yes, given the power to do so, the Democrats would indeed disarm citizens as a matter of course.
Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!"
When the left threatens to take our guns away they don't mean it??

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.
It’s perfectly appropriate and lawful for states and local jurisdictions to not use their limited law enforcement resources to arrest and detain those suspected of being undocumented, it is in no manner in violation of Federal law.

Indeed, it is un-Constitutional for the Federal government to force states and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws; states and local jurisdictions are not obligated to enforce Federal laws.

Democrats do not engage in protests marked with violence or the destruction of public and private property; nor do they exhibit a willful disregard for the rights of other people – the notion is a lie.

In fact, liberals and Democrats have fought for decades in the courts and through the political process to defend the rights of all Americans.

To infer that the tiny minority of individuals who clash with rightwing protesters are ‘Democrats’ or ‘liberals’ is baseless sophistry.

The thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.
It’s perfectly appropriate and lawful for states and local jurisdictions to not use their limited law enforcement resources to arrest and detain those suspected of being undocumented, it is in no manner in violation of Federal law.


Indeed, it is un-Constitutional for the Federal government to force states and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws; states and local jurisdictions are not obligated to enforce Federal laws.

Correct, however they are obligated not to interfere with the enforcement of federal immigration law, nor to provide assistance to those breaking the law to further break the law.

Democrats do not engage in protests marked with violence or the destruction of public and private property; nor do they exhibit a willful disregard for the rights of other people – the notion is a lie.

That is indeed a humorous statement.

In fact, liberals and Democrats have fought for decades in the courts and through the political process to defend the rights of all Americans.

No longer. Now they shit on Americans and favor the foreign invader for their own political purposes.

To infer that the tiny minority of individuals who clash with rightwing protesters are ‘Democrats’ or ‘liberals’ is baseless sophistry.

By their words they condemn themselves to the title.

The thread premise fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Your near-constant application of that term to every statement with which you disagree indicates a limited intellectual scope. It appears you are unable or unwilling to make the simplest of connections.

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.
There is nothing extreme about enforcing laws on the books and asking Journalists to have some kind of integrity and standards which they do neither.

All the gun control in the world isn't going to stop any shootings. America has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world per capita for the amount of guns it has, and mass shootings we rank even better.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.
Children, the mentally ill, and criminals don't take background checks, DUUUUUH!....A number of leftist politicians have been caught saying that they do want to take all guns away.

95% of the media is biased against them...It's about time the lamer media got some pushback for it...Deal l with it....BTW, The Weakly Standard is dead because those on the right have rightly come to detest neocons, and they have turned the channel to the point that CNN can't get more viewers than shopping channels.

And you are no independent, no matter how many times you disingenuously proclaim to be.
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Democrats do not engage in protests marked with violence or the destruction of public and private property; nor do they exhibit a willful disregard for the rights of other people – the notion is a lie.

Did you have to practice at being a bald-faced liar or does it just come natural to you?
The VAST MAJORITY of firearm purchases already go through a background check and create an illegal de facto Registration data base. The Dems want a complete Registration Data Base. That's why they want Universal Background Checks. It is a precursor to GUN BANS, and CONFISCATION. They are even admitting that now.

So take your independent thoughts and shove them.
Our two parties are benefiting from our polarized nation. This US against Them is lining their pockets. Compromise has become an anathema, because caterwauling over the issues makes for greater campaign donations. The moderates and centrists from each party are being drowned out by the loudest tribalists.

Too much extremism out there folks. Please consider the following:

Democrats: Your insane idea of "sanctuary cities" is a direct violation of Federal Law. You may not like the laws handed down from Washington DC regarding immigrants, but this does not give you the right to ignore those laws, this must stop now. Your protests are marked with violence, destruction of public and private property, and a willful disregard for the rights of the people around you. If you want to make your voices heard, then do so in a civil manner. Your childish and destructive behavior is not going to help you at election time or make anyone like you more.

Republicans: Please stop your persistent lying about guns, when a lawmaker introduces legislation on background checks to keep guns out of the hands of children, the mentally retarded, or criminals, you unfailingly start ranting that "them damn Liberals wants to take all our guns away!" This is nonsense and you know it. In addition, please stop bitching about "the media" I assure you Liberals don't enjoy FOX News or the Weekly Standard, anymore than you enjoy CNN or MSNBC, but without the media, we're little better than North Korea, or a banana republic. If you don't like what you hear, turn the TV channel.

Like it or not, Conservatives and Liberals have to live here in the same country. Compromise is not a sign of weakness, listening to each other is not a crime, and I would add that unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you really don't know the whole story.
Keeping my rights from being trashed by traitor lib scum is not extremism. All forms of so-called gun control do little if anything to stop crime. Do you want extremism? Stop releasing violent offenders over and over.

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