Too much oil? Texas boom outpaces supply, transport networks

Nothing written in this thread is new. The US has had a glut of oil and gasoline for years, yet we still pay $2-$3 at the pump. Profiteering?
Refineries are dangerous and stink up the place even when they are non-poisonous.

Not with modern technology. These are there to produce products at the most efficient level. Poor construction and maintenance costs money.,

Years of ignoring the infrastructure is causing all sorts of problems. No new refineries for decades. Pipelines unable to carry the flow. Land and rail transport inadequate.

All that oil means pipelines from the shale patch are full, so producers are paying more to transport oil on trucks and rail cars. Shortages of labor, water and even the fuel used in fracking are driving up production costs.

Smaller producers without contracts to use pipelines are getting hurt most because they are forced to use trucks and railcars. Shipping oil by truck to Gulf Coast refinery and export hubs costs $15 to $25 a barrel, compared to $8 to $12 a barrel by rail and less than $4 a barrel by pipeline, according to market sources.

The shift is leading to traffic jams on highways and rail crossings in far-flung parts of the Permian shale fields. It also means fuel for supply vehicles and fracking equipment can be in short supply locally.

Truck traffic is unlike anything we’ve ever seen,” said James Walter, co-CEO of Colgate Energy, a Midland-Texas based oil producer, who adds his company has agreements to transport all of its crude and gas production via pipelines.

Much more @ Too much oil? Texas boom outpaces supply, transport networks - One America News Network

Where do you pull up this cockamamie crapola about "no new refineries in decades"? Here's one being built right now, it's in Texas, and its frickin' YUGE. May be finished by now.

Since 2014 five others have gone into service, four of them in Texas. Scores of others have been upgraded to increase their capacity, which is the same thing as building new ones. --- EIA

In any case building new refineries is up to the oil companies, just like drilling is. Isn't it.

Oh and your link goes to the always-informative "Page Not Found".
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Refining the filthy toxic crap coming from Canada is far more expensive than refining the nasty dirty crap from West Texas. It has a lot more junk chemicals in it. Probably can't use the same refining methods used for normal crude.

And, most of it will go through the free port down there, so the U.S. won't see a dime in revenue in return for all the Federal subsidies they oil industry gets, either;we'll just get to provide the toxic waste dumps for the Canadians benefit, and of course those will eventually be abandoned by the oil industry, like they abandon everything else and leave their messes for the Feds to pay for.
Tree huggers and regulatory agencies tie infrastructure improvements (new pipelines, refineries) up in legislative and bureaucratic red tape.
Greedy oil companies have been shutting down refineries to keep the price up.

You may have heard that a big part of our problem is that American refineries have shut down and that this has created a shortage in the availability of gasoline. There is some truth to this— particularly in the northeastern part of the United States.

You probably have also heard that these refineries have been forced off-line because of stringent EPA regulations that have made it too difficult for the refineries to operate according to government rules and still earn a profit.

I was referring more to the construction of NEW infrastructure. Not the upkeep and sustainment of existing.
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Tree huggers and regulatory agencies tie infrastructure improvements (new pipelines, refineries) up in legislative and bureaucratic red tape.
Greedy oil companies have been shutting down refineries to keep the price up.

You may have heard that a big part of our problem is that American refineries have shut down and that this has created a shortage in the availability of gasoline. There is some truth to this— particularly in the northeastern part of the United States.

You probably have also heard that these refineries have been forced off-line because of stringent EPA regulations that have made it too difficult for the refineries to operate according to government rules and still earn a profit.

Baloney..............Oil refineries shut down all the time to fix the place because it is old and needs repair..........And are always trying to expand it but at the old refineries.............You can't run 365 days a year without shutting it down for maintenance.....................The plants are old.......and need frequent repair..........

Problem is........we really need NEW OIL the old ones are worn the hell out.............

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