Toot Your Flute Day

put these handmade 'flutes' that were probably made for this occasion down . --- Officials: Teacher Might Have Given Flutes Tainted With Bodily Fluids To OC Schools ----
I didn't read the link, but just so ya know, flutes are always full of spit. So are any wind instruments. You take it apart and pour it out.
Excuse me now while I go gag awhile.
I played the cornet, if you didn't open the spit valve (actual term) it would 'gurgle'. Funny as all get out in grade school.
put these handmade 'flutes' that were probably made for this occasion down . --- Officials: Teacher Might Have Given Flutes Tainted With Bodily Fluids To OC Schools ----
I didn't read the link, but just so ya know, flutes are always full of spit. So are any wind instruments. You take it apart and pour it out.
Excuse me now while I go gag awhile.
I played the cornet, if you didn't open the spit valve (actual term) it would 'gurgle'. Funny as all get out in grade school.
I played the clarinet. I know.
i don't need a certified , credential TEACHER to tell me what Flutes are and how they work , but thankyou . --- Officials: Teacher Might Have Given Flutes Tainted With Bodily Fluids To OC Schools --- course there seems to be concern about this flute makers body fluids that may be contaminating his handmade flutes so i thought that i'd report it for the cuming 'flute' holiday. Heres the link again , check it out , looks like the cops are involved and the TEACHER Flute work is being investigated and reported on the tely OldLady !!
afterall , TEACHERS are involved and i know their reputation OldLady !!
By the time i am 36, i will be completely debt free. Unless something crazy happens and i have to borrow a large amount of money or something.
I cant wait. The bad thing is, i will probably go buy some expensive shit when that happens LOL
I will probably be a millionaire later in life. It wont be earned, but it will still be mine lol
I play the oboe ...

My OH plays the oboe too. It's a beautiful instrument.
Toot Your Flute Day

last night i let out a little squeaker by the soda fountain

by the time i got the check out

"it" had forced the cashier and a couple of other patrons to back off


i tooted alright


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