Top 10 "Christian" Fails

Despite assurances of the Bald Eagle's well-being, viewers of the recorded accident have expressed outrage and made charges of animal abuse.

"Pretty much par for the course. Brainwashed Christians who are supposed to be stewards of the Earth, who by and large couldn't care less or believe in our destruction of the planet, abusing a bird for entertainment and then laughing when it flies into a window," read one comment on a video of the accident uploaded by Lucas Cherry.

Cherry, a Masters of Business student at Oral Roberts University, defended his school against criticism.

"Oral Roberts University is an excellent university and I am proud to be a part of it. This video was of no disrespect to ORU. The eagle was completely fine and was trained to fly in auditoriums," Cherry wrote. "He flew at the Cardinals stadium last night. He was rescued after an injury to his leg and would have died had it not been for the bird refuge who took him in and trained him."

Read more at Bald Eagle Crashes Into Window at Oral Roberts University s Christ Chapel Cheers Turn to Screams Amid Startling Accident

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