Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Then come up with a solution because when my spouse had cancer:

1. I couldn't get the insurance company to confirm diagnosis, therefore no chemo.

2. The oncologist told us he would take our insurance and then said he wouldn't.

3. We were hit with secondary and tertiary physican's bills who were not in our network.

4. The insurance company, Empire Blue, didn't pay the bills for over six months so we were getting dunned by the doc's office.

5. The final bill for my spouse's care came to $1,300,000.00 for three years.

So shut the fuck up or come up with a better plan than this.

Oh, and let me add that this insurance was through a major Ivy League university where my spouse worked....Not Podunk, AL.

my solution all along has been to expand medicare.

if you weren't such a moronic hack you would have realized this.

how embarrassing for you.
You're ALREADY paying for the uninsured's care, dingbat brainwashed, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible- ER care, with no doctor or preventive care, 750k bankruptcies, insurance scams, and 45k dead a year. Pub dupes...ALL fixed under O-care.
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obamacare is useless and doesn't address the healthcare issues in this country, it is simply a gift from obama to insurance companies

it is a sham, nothing more
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The state Controlling Board appeared poised Monday to grant a request from Gov. John Kasich’s administration to appropriate the money that would pay to expand Medicaid to cover Ohio’s working poor.

Follow Robert Higgs' coverage of the meeting live in the comments section »

The approval would clear the way for the state to expand the health care insurance program beginning Jan. 1, 2014. Greg Moody, director of the state’s Office of Health Transformation, has said it is expected that 275,000 Ohioans who don’t have health care coverage now would benefit. At least half of those people hold jobs that don’t provide health plans, he has said.

Controlling Board poised to grant Kasich's request to expand Medicaid to cover working poor |

Looks like Kasich came to his senses...

and that is exactly why obamacare is useless. we need to do this, not obamacare.

Please, inform yourself..

• The Federal Government pays 100% of expansion costs for the first three years and 90% thereafter until 2022.

• Many State's have shown that Expanding Medicaid actually raises money for the State.

• Cost is the most cited reason for not expanding Medicaid. While current Medicaid programs do costs State taxpayers a lot of money, that spending is balanced by unpaid hospital bills and the affect those bills have on the rising costs of premiums.

• Every State who opt-ed out of expansion has a Republican governor that is against the program.

• Most of the State's who opt-ed out have the highest uninsured rates and are the State's expansion would help the most.

• State's opt-ing out of Medicaid expansion is part of an ongoing effort to "break" ObamaCare regardless of the cost to the people. Other tactics include opt-ing out of creating exchanges, expensive disinformation campaigns, and a Government shutdown.

• States have until Janurary 2014 to decide if they will expand Medicaid.
You're ALREADY paying for the uninsured's care, dingbat brainwashed, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible- ER care, with no doctor or preventive care, 750k bankruptcies, insurance scams, and 45k dead a year. Pub dupes...ALL fixed under O-care.

And nothing changes, we still pay for the poor

And that's progress
Looks like Kasich came to his senses...

and that is exactly why obamacare is useless. we need to do this, not obamacare.

Please, inform yourself..

• The Federal Government pays 100% of expansion costs for the first three years and 90% thereafter until 2022.

• Many State's have shown that Expanding Medicaid actually raises money for the State.

• Cost is the most cited reason for not expanding Medicaid. While current Medicaid programs do costs State taxpayers a lot of money, that spending is balanced by unpaid hospital bills and the affect those bills have on the rising costs of premiums.

• Every State who opt-ed out of expansion has a Republican governor that is against the program.

• Most of the State's who opt-ed out have the highest uninsured rates and are the State's expansion would help the most.

• State's opt-ing out of Medicaid expansion is part of an ongoing effort to "break" ObamaCare regardless of the cost to the people. Other tactics include opt-ing out of creating exchanges, expensive disinformation campaigns, and a Government shutdown.

• States have until Janurary 2014 to decide if they will expand Medicaid.

what does that have to do with my post? how exactly does obamacare help americans vs. expanding medicare?
Look everyone needs to quit whining. In order for these other folks to get covered the rest of you are going to have to take one for the team.
Please name the poor who were ineligible to be insured under Medicaid prior to Obamacare. Take your time. I'll wait.

All of the poor between the ages of 18 and the month they turned 65

Now admittedly Obamacare has mandated that more affluent people now be qualified for Medicaid which is why some 26 states have opted out of that system altogether and the Supreme Court agreed with them that they could.

I don't know why 26 states opted out (are you sure of the number?) nor do I know what reason (or excuse) was used to deny residents of their State without insurance or with a preexisting condition an opportunity for health insurance.

If government had stayed out of healthcare altogether in the first place, however, I'm pretty sure the insurance companies would be offering affordable insurance packages to the people. They would have to in order to stay in business.

You're serious? Wow, how many liters of Kool-Aid do you consume daily.

Is the red your response to Foxfyre's post? It's confusing.

I don't think all poor people were eligible for Medicaid before ACA. However, I don't think all poor people 18 and 65 were ineligible either. Some states accepted more people into the program, some less, but it's definitely been for people of pre-retirement-age. Sounds like you might be confusing Medicaid with Medicare. :dunno:

You're correct, I misread Medicaid for Medicare; in CA Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal; however, not everyone is Medi-Cal/Medicaid eligible, it is means tested and every state has their own standards. And it seems Millions of Americans who could not get health insurance before the ACA are able to now.

Yes, my responses in red are my answers to Foxfyre's post.
My wife is facing a potential catastrophe. All three doctors (GP, ob-gyn, orthopedist) she sees regularly are getting is going concierge, two are retiring. Her employer will no longer be allowed to offer the health plan they have...for the moment, it's not a problem, because she is covered by my health plan. Of course, that may ALSO disappear.

Might be time to think about going full-on parasite soon.
You're serious? Wow, how many liters of Kool-Aid do you consume daily.

Is the red your response to Foxfyre's post? It's confusing.

I don't think all poor people were eligible for Medicaid before ACA. However, I don't think all poor people 18 and 65 were ineligible either. Some states accepted more people into the program, some less, but it's definitely been for people of pre-retirement-age. Sounds like you might be confusing Medicaid with Medicare. :dunno:

You're correct, I misread Medicaid for Medicare; in CA Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal; however, not everyone is Medi-Cal/Medicaid eligible, it is means tested and every state has their own standards. And it seems Millions of Americans who could not get health insurance before the ACA are able to now.

Yes, my responses in red are my answers to Foxfyre's post.

Medicaid is now expanded to working poor in the states where the governor has applied for it. Also, seniors could never get medicaid until they were 65 but now that may be possible thus providing coverage for those who retire early but aren't old enough for Medicare.

Some R governors are refusing to apply for expanded Medicaid just to break Obamacare but they're playing games with the uninsured in their states.
So far the results of Obamacare for me and mine:

1. Our premiums have been increased by about 38%.

2. Our deductibles and copays have been roughy doubled.

3. Numerous things that were once covered no longer are. Absolutely nothing that wasn't covered before has been added.

4. Because so many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices are being forced to lay off staff, there is less sanitation, waits for service are far longer, and there is increased consolidation that is not to the patient's advantage.

5. My hubbie's doctor that he dearly loves is taking early retirement because he can no longer stomach the mountain of increased red tape, restrictions, and stupid rules imposed by Obamacare. And this is happening more and more. Among the 10 different specialists that my elderly aunt and uncle are seeing for numerous medical problems, one--count him ONE--is American born.

6. And on top of the government website woes, there is this in the small print: privacy of personal and medical information cannot be guaranteed.

But this is the greatest thing to happen in America since sliced bread, yes?

Where did greenbeard go? Hasn't been here since early Oct. He had all the canned answers for this debacle
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. .....

Oh cry me a river.....

$400 a year? LMAO, what did it cover and what were it's limits. I think you're one more lying SOB.

I pay $306.66 each month and my former employer pays $945.58 per month, our combined premium is $1,252.24. There is no limit in the cost of my care; I pay $10 co-pay and $10 for drugs. Preventative services are free (annual physical, screening for colon cancer, etc.).

Sounds like he had a high-deductible catastrophic-care plan. Honestly, I wish I could get's all I want.
My wife is facing a potential catastrophe. All three doctors (GP, ob-gyn, orthopedist) she sees regularly are getting is going concierge, two are retiring. Her employer will no longer be allowed to offer the health plan they have...for the moment, it's not a problem, because she is covered by my health plan. Of course, that may ALSO disappear.

Might be time to think about going full-on parasite soon.

Good idea?? Why not save more, cancel your auto insurance and with your savings on both types of insurance you can buy top shelf scotch, not worry about your health and drink and drive.
Don't get me wrong. I knew ObamaCare would not cause health care costs to go down. It was obvious.

But let's not pretend they haven't been rising for decades.

The GOP decided inaction was the best course.

So you were fucked no matter what, folks. Don't be angry at just one of them. Be angry at both.

Hi g5000
Then agree what the options and reforms are BEFORE passing a mandate
Requiring we buy private insurance for coverage we dont agree how to assess its effect

One party passed and pushed a bill while the other said no not in this format
Who said you couldnt resolve conflicts or add open options to it
Where ppl could pursue other solutions instead of fining them

If you believe in the aca passed as is then pay for it
Not others who are still pushing better ideas

if you issue cars on the road that have problems
You are still responsible for the ones you issue
Dont approve them and expect other ppl to pay
For the wrecks when they disapproved. yes you
Can say we need something now, not later,
But you are still responsible for what you mandated now.

Should have been given equal choices so
Ppl are equally responsible for which ones they funded

whatever happened to no means no
If ppl dont agree to a business contract to buy
Private insurance how can congress or anyone
Sign ppl name to such a contract and expect them to pay

Insurance is not the same as paying for health care services

How hard is it to let this aca work for those who support and believe
In it while respecting equal protection of other ppl free choice
Of health care reforms and provisions. Why force it on ppl who said no.
Isnt that making the problem worse by adding another fight distraction and cost.
My story, premiums did increase year after year and benefits were reduced but still health care was affordable.

If I retire I will get one year of group coverage at a higher cost with my company.

After 2014 the company has changed what was promised me and is throwing me on Obamacare. My friend went through the process to see how much it will cost him if he retires onto Obamacare, 13000 per year with no subsidies not nothing. Once again the working class is punished for what....working. The supplied side is winning and will destroy the country.
Look everyone needs to quit whining. In order for these other folks to get covered the rest of you are going to have to take one for the team.

But under what system. Why not let ppl fund
The charity pool or system of choice.

Thats one thing to set a goal of covering more ppl.
But to impose mandates and restrictions that preclude
Choices which could cover everyone, thats just abusive.
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. .....

Oh cry me a river.....

$400 a year? LMAO, what did it cover and what were it's limits. I think you're one more lying SOB.

I pay $306.66 each month and my former employer pays $945.58 per month, our combined premium is $1,252.24. There is no limit in the cost of my care; I pay $10 co-pay and $10 for drugs. Preventative services are free (annual physical, screening for colon cancer, etc.).

you can say bye-bye to your plan in 2018, as excise tax will kick in :D
My wife is facing a potential catastrophe. All three doctors (GP, ob-gyn, orthopedist) she sees regularly are getting is going concierge, two are retiring. Her employer will no longer be allowed to offer the health plan they have...for the moment, it's not a problem, because she is covered by my health plan. Of course, that may ALSO disappear.

Might be time to think about going full-on parasite soon.

Good idea?? Why not save more, cancel your auto insurance and with your savings on both types of insurance you can buy top shelf scotch, not worry about your health and drink and drive.

ha, you don't want your taxes to support him being in 47% ( with obamacare more than 55%)? :badgrin:
Is the red your response to Foxfyre's post? It's confusing.

I don't think all poor people were eligible for Medicaid before ACA. However, I don't think all poor people 18 and 65 were ineligible either. Some states accepted more people into the program, some less, but it's definitely been for people of pre-retirement-age. Sounds like you might be confusing Medicaid with Medicare. :dunno:

You're correct, I misread Medicaid for Medicare; in CA Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal; however, not everyone is Medi-Cal/Medicaid eligible, it is means tested and every state has their own standards. And it seems Millions of Americans who could not get health insurance before the ACA are able to now.

Yes, my responses in red are my answers to Foxfyre's post.

Medicaid is now expanded to working poor in the states where the governor has applied for it. Also, seniors could never get medicaid until they were 65 but now that may be possible thus providing coverage for those who retire early but aren't old enough for Medicare.

Some R governors are refusing to apply for expanded Medicaid just to break Obamacare but they're playing games with the uninsured in their states.

what a bunch of baloney :lol: if you not 65, you are not a senior and one is getting on medicaid if one qualifies for it by income level, not by age - for the 2013 FPL is 11,400$ for a single. so anybody at that level of income and before 65 always could got the medicaid - expanded or not ( some states adjusted the income levels)
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You're serious? Wow, how many liters of Kool-Aid do you consume daily.

Is the red your response to Foxfyre's post? It's confusing.

I don't think all poor people were eligible for Medicaid before ACA. However, I don't think all poor people 18 and 65 were ineligible either. Some states accepted more people into the program, some less, but it's definitely been for people of pre-retirement-age. Sounds like you might be confusing Medicaid with Medicare. :dunno:

You're correct, I misread Medicaid for Medicare; in CA Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal; however, not everyone is Medi-Cal/Medicaid eligible, it is means tested and every state has their own standards. And it seems Millions of Americans who could not get health insurance before the ACA are able to now.

Yes, my responses in red are my answers to Foxfyre's post.

Thanks WC if this plan works so well then why dont supporters
Agree to carry it themselves by buying insurance under it.

Thats like saying more ppl can buy cars if everyone chipped in extra.
But what if some are using their extra money to buy houses for ppl.
Or education for others. And those ppl have some other way to donate cars
Instead of using your way. Why not let them use their way and you
Use yours, and you both cover ppl in your state or network.

Let all ppl cover parts of social outreach
And business or charity investment they want to fund.
So everyone is happy respected and rewarded for their part.

Why this insistence in imposing just one way or get fined.

What if religious groups did that with medical charity and
Made evrryone pay and go thru their system instead of your
Own church or school that yoy believe in funding developing
And serving thru. But instead your donations and business plans
Are punished as excluded and you are required to pay that into some
Other religious church network run by govt that happened
To get majority rule vote to impose their plan as the only legal choice.
Wouldnt you be arguing for free choice to invest in health
Care for the community and public without being penalized and restricted because
Its not counted in the govt plan as an option.
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