Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

What do you think insurance does? If you're against the concept of a collective, pay for your own heart surgery or cancer treatments out of your own pocket instead of expecting someone else to pay for it when you put in a claim.
WRONG....The concept is "to pool the many of the many to cover the losses of the few".
Unlike marxism, each consumer has a CHOICE as to his or her participation.
ACA is a captive system. That is collectivism.

obamacare is a classic example of fascist system - favoritism of the big companies on the expense of the everyday citizen and the government prosecution of the citizen if he/she want to disobey.

It is still collectivist and marxist based, but with a fascist twist - a symbiosis of government capitalism with socialist prosecution.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Don't believe any of these stories of woe coming out of the Right.

As was proven below, the lie campaign is in full swing:

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -
stop sloganeering.

Medicare is dragging us into abyss. If it is not reformed, there won't be any leftovers after 2022.

Yes, but Republican Seniors want it. The GOP cannot win Florida without promising to protect it. Many of your Republican seniors are more concerned with Medicare and SS than Iraqi oil fields.

Given how important it is, the nation must shift priorities to preserve it. Repeal some of the military adventures. Fighting terrorism needs to be more effectively separated from expanding/protecting the oil fields of private companies - as it stands the taxpayer is subsidizing Exxon while bridges, roads, energy grids and schools crumble. We need to take Washington back from the large private sector corporations that have turned it into an ATM. Stop the Ayn Rand garbage about the persecuted businessman - it's not longer the 1930s. The persecuted businessmen are the Koch brothers and they own an entire political party. Shine a light on this shit so voters know what they're voting for. Stop trusting your politicians so much. Cut programs that are not nearly as popular as Medicare (or be honest to your Florida seniors about your real plans). There is a lot of waste to be cleaned up... stop subsidizing companies that ship production to Asia. Dismantle the current health insurance & drug monopolies which built trillion dollar Lobbying Empires to rig US Markets. This would mean getting the GOP out of the pockets of Big Pharma. As it stands, the most likely post-Senate job for a current Republican Senator is to become a drug lobbyist - meaning: of course you don't want people tinkering with health care.

We have to end the collusion between big business and big government on both sides of the aisle. Study the 2003 GOP Medicare Drug Bill, which was the most irresponsible corrupt no-bid contract ever awarded to a private company. [We didn't hear a peep from your side when Bush made the largest entitlement expansion since LBJ. Meaning: help us educate your republican brothers and sisters so they are more critical of their own leaders] The Bush government and Republican Congress gave Eli Lilly a contract which forbid the taxpayer from seeking volume discounts for the government's Medicare drug purchases. This locked the taxpayer into artificially rigged, above market costs. It was pure Republican interventionism in the market - and it never gets reported by your side. But I agree with you: of course we need to clean up all of the corrupt bullshit that has been built into every single large U.S. market, including government contracts awarded to the private sector, which constitute forms of welfare that make food stamps and welfare-queens look like microbes on the tits of a baboon. We also have to take a knife to ObamaCare and convert it into something that will actually lower costs, like reviving the public option so big insurance actually has to compete for customers, which will make it harder for them to constantly raise premiums and decrease coverage. But yes, to preserve Medicare would mean to clean up the entire Health Care market, which has been deeply distorted by decades of concentrated lobbying. Meaning: we can't take step one until we free people from FOX News. We need to liberate your party so we can work on this stuff.

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -
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Man, by 2016 Republicans choice to "hold the country hostage" to end Obamacare might be getting them elected as people feel Obamacare is holding the country hostage permanently. lol.
Don't get me wrong. I knew ObamaCare would not cause health care costs to go down. It was obvious.

But let's not pretend they haven't been rising for decades.

The GOP decided inaction was the best course.

So you were fucked no matter what, folks. Don't be angry at just one of them. Be angry at both.

Yeah stupid, "inaction" is the best course as it's not the business of the federal government.

Christ Almighty, when are you fucking idiots going to realize the federal government exists for 18 specific functions and not to make everything so cheap for you that your salary allows you to live like Bill fucking Gates?!? :bang3:

The ONLY one to blame here is the Dumbocrats. The Republicans did exactly what they were supposed to do and stayed the fuck out of my personal business and my personal healthcare.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Don't believe any of these stories of woe coming out of the Right.

As was proven below, the lie campaign is in full swing:

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

Even by the standard I've come to expect from you Dumbocrats, it is astounding that you swallow this left-wing bullshit as fast as they can spew it down your throat [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION].

Why don't you check out this article about the Cleveland Clinic. The massive healthcare institution which initially supported Obamacare and which hosted Obama on his circle-jerk campaign circuit to push marxism on the American people.

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Real people are losing their jobs you buffoon. Real people are having their hours cut. Real people are losing their health insurance. And real people are being taxed to death.

But hey, you keep being a useful idiot for the party. You're like the good little Nazi supporters in Germany who refused to accept the facts and instead preferred Hitler's propaganda. The same one's who were walking around all wide-eyed and scratching their heads while asking "how could this have happened" when it was all over. Yep, you are definitely one of the prized little useful idiots of the party... :eusa_doh:
Yeah stupid, "inaction" is the best course as it's not the business of the federal government.

Big Pharma and Big Insurance pour trillions of dollars a year into Washington. They fund elections and apply massive lobbying pressure. Meaning: the government already has its hands all over the market because of private sector financial pressure.

Consider the Patent System?

This is where the nanny state builds a monopoly-fence around the products of the private sector, so they can charge 1,000X production costs for drugs without being disciplined by market competition.

Washington is where big corporations go for subsidies, bailouts, regulatory favors and virtual monopolies in the form of a corrupt patent system based on pure Big Government intervention. Whenever someone wants to repeal some of the ill-begotten gains of Lobbying Industrial Complex we hear cries of socialism. Drug industry sales are inflated by 290 billion a year because the private sector benefits from government intervention in the market . The last thing on earth the private sector wants is a free market; this is why they fund elections and flock to Washington.

Our political system and news sources are owned by a private sector which has distorted markets more than FDR could have ever dreamed. Please turn off talk radio and try to study some of this stuff. Don't take my word for it. Research why corporations fund elections and create lobbying empires. They're paying for the right to fleece the taxpayer . . . as they quietly funnel money into FOX and Limbaugh so as to distract uneducated morons with horror stories about gays, illegals, welfare queens and food stamps.

We all agree that competitive markets are better at allocating resources and setting prices than any government bureaucrat, but then we started 4th grade and realized that the people talking most about free markets were the ones who had distorted it the most.
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Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance
"The costs are too high"

I guess being charged $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, is reasonable to you?

That's one bed, 4 blood pressure checks, one x-ray and 2 shots of dylotted = $37,000.

People against the ACA, must think that is okay?

People who support that, are traitors to this country!
Good news yurt

Starting January 1, the government has declared that only they will be allowed to determine what a nightmare is.

That's gotta ease your mind!

All we had to do was use Canada's system as a model. Try taking their health care away from them. Pry it out of their cold, dead hands. Not going to happen.

So supposedly we used Romney's system from Massachusetts. Except somewhere along the way it got driven into a ditch by the fucking Republicans.

And oh yeah, ask your average resident of Massachusetts if THEY want to get rid of their health care system....Just try.
Yeah right.
Hey genius....Any time government provides an entitlement it becomes sacrosanct.
This is how non productive societies are created. BY creating entitlements and hand outs, those in office get to keep their jobs.
That is the ONLY purpose of social entitlements.
The Canadian system is a typical government run system that does not work for the people who pay for it.
I think a system that rations medical care and the cost is the doctors have to be imported because under the system doctors are paid so little that no Canadian would make the investment in education for medical school is garbage.
I think a system where a 6 month wait for a specialist is garbage.
I think a system that causes the average wage earner to lose nearly half their weekly pay to taxes is garbage.
If you want single payer so badly, move to Canada.

Yeah, Canada is awesome, my mother in-law(in Ontario), got an appt just last week scheduled for mid April for her hip. This is after waiting nearly 3 months to even see the specialist. :clap2:
As I have posted elsewhere, my family plan as a result of Obamacare has increased 76% for $168.00 a month, $2016 a year. Co-payment for hospital and doctor office visits increased as well.

So much for a $2500 a year cost savings the Liar in Chief promised

I digress

Don't get me wrong. I knew ObamaCare would not cause health care costs to go down. It was obvious.

But let's not pretend they haven't been rising for decades.

The GOP decided inaction was the best course.

So you were fucked no matter what, folks. Don't be angry at just one of them. Be angry at both.

They haven't.
Make an attempt to know what you're talking about.

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

Every year you show an increase.

And he was lying when he said they've always increased?

You are daft.
The failure is getting too big for the MSM to cover up

Poll: Majority believe health-care Web site problems indicate broader issue with law

Fifty-six percent of Americans say the Web site problems are part of a broader problem with the law’s implementation

You idiot, you think you can call failure in less than a month after the rollout? Obamacare is here to stay just like SS, Medicare and now Medicaid as the R governors are falling in line and applying for the Medicaid expansion.

Get a grip, Rome wasn't built in a day.
The failure is getting too big for the MSM to cover up

Poll: Majority believe health-care Web site problems indicate broader issue with law

Fifty-six percent of Americans say the Web site problems are part of a broader problem with the law’s implementation
Get a grip, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But Obama has brought it to rubble in 5 years


If the Gipper and two Bushes didn't bring America to rubble, doubtful a brilliant and caring president like Obama could.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance
"The costs are too high"

I guess being charged $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, is reasonable to you?

That's one bed, 4 blood pressure checks, one x-ray and 2 shots of dylotted = $37,000.

People against the ACA, must think that is okay?

People who support that, are traitors to this country!
Oh, is that so? What about people who freely chose to chain-smoke themselves into an early grave, and their families were so incensed, they sued doctors, nurses, hospitals, insurance companies, on down the line, for billions of dollars?

People can still get cigarettes, rinse and repeat history with more and more frivolous lawsuits against everybody else except the person that pointed the cancer gun at themselves and squeezed the trigger 90 times a day, each and every time they lit up, until they were dead. People still sue the helpers and those who comforted these suicide stick victims, all the way to the bank.

Cigarettes are a mecca for lawyers and opportunists against health care workers. Why help them compound the wrongs done by the alleged "victims" who brought hell on the cells of their lungs and bodies with smoking themselves to death.

/Lectio Divinia :eusa_angel:

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