Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

Looks like Kasich came to his senses...

and that is exactly why obamacare is useless. we need to do this, not obamacare.

Please, inform yourself..

• The Federal Government pays 100% of expansion costs for the first three years and 90% thereafter until 2022.

• Many State's have shown that Expanding Medicaid actually raises money for the State.

• Cost is the most cited reason for not expanding Medicaid. While current Medicaid programs do costs State taxpayers a lot of money, that spending is balanced by unpaid hospital bills and the affect those bills have on the rising costs of premiums.

• Every State who opt-ed out of expansion has a Republican governor that is against the program.

• Most of the State's who opt-ed out have the highest uninsured rates and are the State's expansion would help the most.

• State's opt-ing out of Medicaid expansion is part of an ongoing effort to "break" ObamaCare regardless of the cost to the people. Other tactics include opt-ing out of creating exchanges, expensive disinformation campaigns, and a Government shutdown.

• States have until Janurary 2014 to decide if they will expand Medicaid.

You got that crap from the Obamacare cheerleader website?
We were also told we'd all save $2500 per year. That ACA would cost less than $1 trillion. That we'd all be able to keep our current insurance. That we'd all be able to keep seeing our current doctors. That all 40 million uninsured would be covered.
I am allergic to bullshit.
No one has really addressed the 800 pound gorilla in the room. This isn't about healthcare nor is it about healthcare insurance. This is about the government taking over 6% of the GDP. It's a power play by the government to begin the change in direction of America.

Explain, if you can, how the Government is taking over 6% of the GDP.
Absolutely. The most galling insult to intelligence is his saying that Obamacare is to take care of the poor and needy. Bullshit. The poor and needy were already covered quite well with healthcare that most of the world can only envy. You are absolutely correct that the whole purpose of Obamacare is to put all of the people under the thumb of government. And the Obama worshippers are just cheering him on.

On my Decline of the American Empire thread, I held out hope that this generation still had some power to stop the loss of all our liberties to an ever more authoritarian, even totalitarian, government.

I may have just been engaged in a fool's errand, however.

Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.

It will be interesting to see how much that free preventive care will ultimately save everyone (both patients and insurance companies alike) if and when people seek out treatment before conditions become chronic and potentially very costly which is what usually happens when people don't have insurance.

Did you just type the word "free"?....Yer kidding, right?
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. .....

Oh cry me a river.....

Just goes to show all you fucking libs care about it "YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY WE WON!"
This Obamanation is going to wreck this country.
The cold war is over, dude.

Alas, it sometimes seems as if the bigger threat to America since the Soviet Union went belly up is a resurgence of fascism all over the word.

Including here in the good ol' boy USA.

communism/socialism is not a cold war's an idea.....and fascism is part of it....

leftism is an idea that the progressives have been slowly implementing over the decades.....Obamacare is simply the most recent manifestation of it.....

much more of this shit and the good ol' USA is going to disappear...

Let me know if you want to give up your 40 hour work week and your paid vactions and all those other progressive gains you likely take for granted.

If you want to work 12 hours a day six days a week, well just say so. No doubt, there are plenty of corporations who would willingly take you under those conditions. And the whole 'Bring Your Child to Work Day' would take on entirely new significance since they might just get hired on the spot. No need for skool and all that book lernin when you can all car pool to work together. Matter of fact, no doubt you could live right on the premises in a nice barracks the company could set up fer you. And you kin shop at the company store an' everythang.

Best not be caught readin' any Steinbeck, though.
Spare us the "unions are God" bullshit.
Progressives would all have us crammed into urban centers like sardines. No freedom of mobility. Under constant watch of the central planning ruling elite class..
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Good job comrade!

We must kill ObamaCare in the crib. We must propagandize the glitches and suppress the positives. Our hero, Vladimir Lenin, would do exactly the same.

Remember how we failed to kill Medicare? Remember how we spent years emphasizing and highlighting every problem? Remember how we exaggerated and distorted? Remember our Dear Leader, Ronald Reagan, who predicted that Medicare would lead to pure socialism by the end of LBJs term? Remember how hard we tried to kill it? We failed... and now our republican seniors love Medicare.

We must not fail this time. We must kill ObamaCare no matter what it takes. We must exaggerate, distort and lie until our moronic underlings are convinced that Obma is coming to take grandma away ... so she can be reconditioned in a FEMA concentration camp.

We must never under any circumstance report anything favorable. We must be strong comrade.

Social Security and Medicare had twice as many glitches when they were launched, but we had no FOX News and no Rush Limbaugh to cultivate those failures into a revolution. We have the necessary tools this time. We can succeed comrade.

Keep fighting!
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I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. I wonder how much more i'll be forced to pay when i get signed up for Boondogglecare (if i can ever access the fucked-up website).

I'm sorry.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Good news yurt

Starting January 1, the government has declared that only they will be allowed to determine what a nightmare is.

That's gotta ease your mind!

All we had to do was use Canada's system as a model. Try taking their health care away from them. Pry it out of their cold, dead hands. Not going to happen.

So supposedly we used Romney's system from Massachusetts. Except somewhere along the way it got driven into a ditch by the fucking Republicans.

And oh yeah, ask your average resident of Massachusetts if THEY want to get rid of their health care system....Just try.
Yeah right.
Hey genius....Any time government provides an entitlement it becomes sacrosanct.
This is how non productive societies are created. BY creating entitlements and hand outs, those in office get to keep their jobs.
That is the ONLY purpose of social entitlements.
The Canadian system is a typical government run system that does not work for the people who pay for it.
I think a system that rations medical care and the cost is the doctors have to be imported because under the system doctors are paid so little that no Canadian would make the investment in education for medical school is garbage.
I think a system where a 6 month wait for a specialist is garbage.
I think a system that causes the average wage earner to lose nearly half their weekly pay to taxes is garbage.
If you want single payer so badly, move to Canada.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Just curious - Why is everyone posting ObamaCare threads everywhere EXCEPT the ObamaCare forum?

Read the Obamacare forum guidelines.

Imagine that. USMB is a more useful resource for Obamacare than the entire Department of Health and Human Services.
No one has really addressed the 800 pound gorilla in the room. This isn't about healthcare nor is it about healthcare insurance. This is about the government taking over 6% of the GDP. It's a power play by the government to begin the change in direction of America.

And I thought it was just an expensive way to register more Democrats to vote.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Good job comrade!

We must kill ObamaCare in the crib. We must propagandize the glitches and suppress the positives. Our hero, Vladimir Lenin, would do exactly the same.

Remember how we failed to kill Medicare? Remember how we spent years emphasizing and highlighting every problem? Remember how we exaggerated and distorted? Remember our Dear Leader, Ronald Reagan, who predicted that Medicare would lead to pure socialism by the end of LBJs term? Remember how hard we tried to kill it? We failed... and now our republican seniors love Medicare.

We must not fail this time. We must kill ObamaCare no matter what it takes. We must exaggerate, distort and lie until our moronic underlings are convinced that Obma is coming to take grandma away ... so she can be reconditioned in a FEMA concentration camp.

We must never under any circumstance report anything favorable. We must be strong comrade.

Social Security and Medicare had twice as many glitches when they were launched, but we had no FOX News and no Rush Limbaugh to cultivate those failures into a revolution. We have the necessary tools this time. We can succeed comrade.

Keep fighting!

stop sloganeering.

Medicare is dragging us into abyss. If it is not reformed, there won't be any leftovers after 2022.
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. I wonder how much more i'll be forced to pay when i get signed up for Boondogglecare (if i can ever access the fucked-up website).

If nothing else in the world could persuade Obama worshippers of the folly of this boondoggle, that 'fucked up' website should. The government has had four years and has spent hundreds and hundreds of our tax dollars (or passed the bill on to our grandchildren) to create a website that would allow Obamacare to work. And it has been a total disaster.

Four years. Hundreds of millions of dollars. And they couldn't produce a product that would work. But you same people want the same government to have whatever control over our healthcare that it chooses to have. And believes every P.R. lie they put out there for the gullible to gobble up despite:
Obama said
-- it would save tax dollars. (Fact: it will cost mega billions if not trillions more.)

-- If we like our current healthcare plan we can keep it. (Fact: millions are losing their healthcare coverage and are being forced to go without or use the government exchange.)

-- If we like our doctor we can keep him. (Fact: my husband and I have both lost our primary physicians purely due to Obamacare.)

--- Premiums for the young and healthy will go up a bit - will go down for most Americans. (Fact: that is true for some living in California or New York State. Almost everywhere else a lot of people, including those of us on fixed incomes, are seeing huge increase in our premiums.)

We have been lied to again and again and again, and yet the Obama worshippers keep waving their flags and dutifully chirping the assigned talking points.

It is mind boggling.

October 21, 2013 2:14 pm

NBC’s Chuck Todd bluntly asked White House spokesman Jay Carney Monday who “misled” President Obama by letting him make promises about the Obamacare website that it has been simply unable to meet.

Carney said Obama was frustrated and focused on making improvements, but Todd kept asking who “let him down” and continued to pound away at the administration’s inability to explain what has gone so wrong with the website:

CHUCK TODD: Five days before the launch, the president said it’s a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health care plans, the same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak. Who misled him? Who misled the president on this? Are you telling me five days before that somebody let the president go out to the American public to give this speech and say this and make this promise? In fact, the next line is: I promise you, this is a lot easier, it’s like booking a hotel or plane ticket. Who let him down?

JAY CARNEY: The president’s frustrated. He made that clear in his remarks today, and we’re focused on making improvements so that the millions of Americans who want affordable health insurance are getting the best consumer experience possible, as opposed to Monday morning quarterbacking.

TODD: Is he let down? Did somebody –

CARNEY: Again, what I’ll tell you as I mentioned earlier, I think, is that there’s no question that the volumes exceeded substantially expectations and that the testing that was done was based on –

TODD: Adding a server would have fixed it in a heartbeat. That isn’t the issue, right?

CARNEY: I”m pretty confident you’re not a –

TODD: I am not a computer science guy.

CARNEY: – you haven’t written code in your day.

TODD: I understand that but if this were simply a traffic issue, that’s fixable fast, isn’t it?

CARNEY: What I would tell you is, as I said earlier, is that the volume far exceeded expectation and the volume both created problems because of how large it was and exposed other problems and glitches and kinks with the system that are being addressed. You’re not going to get an argument from here that this has not been frustrating. The president himself made that clear, but what he’s focused on is making the consumer experience better for Americans, because even through this process, nearly 20 million folks — there have been nearly 20 million visits to That demonstrates a sustained interest in the array of affordable health care options available to the millions of Americans who haven’t had these options available to them in the past.

TODD: Why should we assume, when HHS puts out in this blog post last night, that they brought in this tech surge, brought in people on the outside? That seems to send the message they don’t know what the problem is. Is that fair? Shouldn’t you assume — you do know what the problem is?

CARNEY: I think you should assume that they’ve identified problems and glitches that need to be fixed and that they brought in this team to continue the effort and put in place the tools and processes to monitor and identify parts of the website where individuals are examining –

TODD: If you knew the problems, would you not be screaming up and down, ‘We have found the problem, we’re working on a solution.’

CARNEY: I think we are finding problems and we’re working on solutions. I can’t — When you have tech experts at any major tech operation, you’re constantly monitoring your operations, finding glitches and problems and fixing them, and that’s what they’re doing here.
Todd Takes Carney to Task Over Obamacare Flop: 'Who Misled the President on This? | Washington Free Beacon

Carney is a well trained member of the flock.
" The president is frustrated. He is focused on fixing the problems"...
If I were in Todd's shoes my follow up would have been: Mr Carney, would you provide specifics as to what the President is doing in the course of the focus you state he is placing on the problems?"..
Carney's head would explode.
The problem with most of our media is they allow the WH Press Sec'y to get away with these cheesy non responsive answers. They refuse to pursue the secretary for specifics. In effect, Carney is campaigning for Obama.....
Do tell.

What about the ACA is "marxist".

Include some proof as the form of links.

Thanks in advance.

It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

What do you think insurance does? If you're against the concept of a collective, pay for your own heart surgery or cancer treatments out of your own pocket instead of expecting someone else to pay for it when you put in a claim.
WRONG....The concept is "to pool the resources of the many to cover the losses of the few".
Unlike marxism, each consumer has a CHOICE as to his or her participation.
ACA is a captive system. That is collectivism.
Last edited: says that a fetus is a person, and a family member. Bet that does not last long when the software is updated.


The Corner | National Review Online
No one has really addressed the 800 pound gorilla in the room. This isn't about healthcare nor is it about healthcare insurance. This is about the government taking over 6% of the GDP. It's a power play by the government to begin the change in direction of America.

Explain, if you can, how the Government is taking over 6% of the GDP.

Simple. Through the mandates on all health insurance coverage types. Through the government mandated limits on reimbursements to medical professionals. Through the medical device tax.
Those are just three examples of a government takeover of the health insurance and medical care industries.

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