Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

Do you actually have a case of someone suing their health care provider for their smoking and prevailing in a court of law?

The real reason that hospital room costs $37,000 a night is because they are covering all the ER patients without insurance and paying their executives eight figure salaries.
Get a grip, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But Obama has brought it to rubble in 5 years


If the Gipper and two Bushes didn't bring America to rubble, doubtful a brilliant and caring president like Obama could.

Brilliant and caring?? If you call a lefty loon agenda briliant and caring I guess he fills your bill.

Of course he could care less about anyone who isn't on his wagon train. We're just here to supply the dinaro for his lefty looney agenda.

WOW. You've been drinking that Kool-aid by the gallon.

Brillian and caring?? Not fucking hardly.
an example of how the middle class is being destroyed by Obama and his marxist redistribution program....:mad:

Do tell.

What about the ACA is "marxist".

Include some proof as the form of links.

Thanks in advance.

1. Here's your big chance to prove that your teachers were liars, and you are actually capable of learning:

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist:
"He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Does he sound just like a certain President??

"Include some proof as the form of links."

[ame=]BaZing! - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, no.....

Poor Sally got a cream pie smooshed in his kisser and he had to run and hide.

Come back, Sally.....
politicalchic can prove her teachers were liars.....

And tells us how a decrease in the percentage INCREASE, is not an increase.

Then, perhaps she'd apologize to g5000 for being a dunce and calling him a liar based on her faulty mathematics.
Yeah stupid, "inaction" is the best course as it's not the business of the federal government.

Big Pharma and Big Insurance pour trillions of dollars a year into Washington. They fund elections and apply massive lobbying pressure. Meaning: the government already has its hands all over the market because of private sector financial pressure.

Consider the Patent System?

This is where the nanny state builds a monopoly-fence around the products of the private sector, so they can charge 1,000X production costs for drugs without being disciplined by market competition.

Seriously, this comment is unbelievable. Someone has been studying hard at the Chris Matthews school of communism. It's not a "monopoly" to protect intellectual property. Every advancement we've ever experienced (from healthcare to technology to science, etc.) is the direct result of significant R&D costs. Costs that people would never accept and incur if their subsequent results could be ripped off by lazy parasites. :bang3:

Washington is where big corporations go for subsidies, bailouts, regulatory favors and virtual monopolies in the form of a corrupt patent system based on pure Big Government intervention.

Wow. I mean, seriously, wow. My 4 year old is even laughing at the absurdity of this post. You are definitely the good little soldier of the liberal propaganda. There is nothing "corrupt" about the patent system as we have already covered. As for the rest of your absurd insanity, we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If "big corporations" yield sooooo much power, influence, and control over Washington, then they are some of the dumbest mother fuckers in world history - because they are being fleeced blind by the federal government.

Whenever someone wants to repeal some of the ill-begotten gains of Lobbying Industrial Complex we hear cries of socialism. Drug industry sales are inflated by 290 billion a year because the private sector benefits from government intervention in the market . The last thing on earth the private sector wants is a free market; this is why they fund elections and flock to Washington.

You think any business wants to piss away their profits on representatives and lobbyists? Really? You're really that fuck'n stupid as to believe that idiot liberal bullshit? They do that out of the pure necessity to survive. Even with dumping hundreds of billions into Washington we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world and some of the most stifling, suffocating regulations in the world. Can you imagine how bad it would be without spending a fortune on people to protect their interests? :cuckoo:

Our political system and news sources are owned by a private sector which has distorted markets more than FDR could have ever dreamed.

Jospeh Stalin, is that you? Now you're complaining that our news sources are privately owned?!? :bang3: Who should control them, the government? God Almighty are you a weak-minded simpleton. Bow to government, they love you - right?

Please turn off talk radio and try to study some of this stuff.

Please turn on talk radio you simple-minded surf and use it as a guide to start studying some of this stuff :eusa_doh:

Don't take my word for it.

Believe me, I wouldn't. Nor would anyone with an ounce of common sense. You're a pure, unaldulterated communist (and yet you will deny that simple fact - which I find fascinating).

Research why corporations fund elections and create lobbying empires.

We covered this above genius. It's because the federal government has impeded on the free market so severely, corporations are forced to spend ungodly sums of money out of desperation to survive. Money they would much rather keep as profit and use to reinvest in their company.

The fact that you think corporations enjoy dumping their money into lobbyists and elections is comical. Clearly you have never run a business. Hell, clearly you never graduated high school to believe such nonsense.

They're paying for the right to fleece the taxpayer

Someone's mommy & daddy put them to sleep every night by reading them the Communist Manifesto. How can a corporation "fleece a taxpayer"?!? They don't set the tax rates in America - as we've already discussed based on the fact (something you seem terribly adverse to) that we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

. . as they quietly funnel money into FOX and Limbaugh so as to distract uneducated morons with horror stories about gays, illegals, welfare queens and food stamps.

Says the uneducated moron who is telling people to turn off the flow of information (like a good little communist) while complaining that our news sources are not controlled by the federal government (like a really good little communist)... :eusa_doh:

We all agree that competitive markets are better at allocating resources and setting prices than any government bureaucrat,

My God, you finally said something intelligent. Man, it was painful reading all of your nonsense waiting for anything which wasn't completely absurd.

but then we started 4th grade and realized that the people talking most about free markets were the ones who had distorted it the most.

Sadly though, it only takes one reaching the 2nd grade [MENTION=24221]Londoner[/MENTION] to realize everything you are spewing is 100% brainwashed bullshit. How can you "distort" the free market? The whole point of a free market is that you can't effect me because I am FREE from you impacting me. It only gets "distorted" once government over steps their Constitutional authority you buffoon.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Don't believe any of these stories of woe coming out of the Right.

As was proven below, the lie campaign is in full swing:

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

Even by the standard I've come to expect from you Dumbocrats, it is astounding that you swallow this left-wing bullshit as fast as they can spew it down your throat [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION].

Why don't you check out this article about the Cleveland Clinic. The massive healthcare institution which initially supported Obamacare and which hosted Obama on his circle-jerk campaign circuit to push marxism on the American people.

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Real people are losing their jobs you buffoon. Real people are having their hours cut. Real people are losing their health insurance. And real people are being taxed to death.

But hey, you keep being a useful idiot for the party. You're like the good little Nazi supporters in Germany who refused to accept the facts and instead preferred Hitler's propaganda. The same one's who were walking around all wide-eyed and scratching their heads while asking "how could this have happened" when it was all over. Yep, you are definitely one of the prized little useful idiots of the party... :eusa_doh:

Nothing you said has anything to do with Hannity's lies.
Get a grip, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But Obama has brought it to rubble in 5 years


If the Gipper and two Bushes didn't bring America to rubble, doubtful a brilliant and caring president like Obama could.


This really gives you insight into the ignorant mind of the Dumbocrat like Sarah G. Absolutely...fucking...hilarious. This ignorant twat actually believes that Obama cares about her. :lol:

Funny thing though, while preaching the philosophy of "being your brother's keeper" over and over and over, Obams sits on tens of millions of dollars while his own aunt wallows in poverty - living in government housing and off of government food stamps. He could life that burden off the American tax payer - not to mention practice what he preaches - by using his tens of millions of dollars to care for his own aunt, but instead he leaves her in poverty for the "system" to care for her. Right from radical left-wing Huffpo sweetie:

The Relentless Conservative: The Continuing Saga of Obama's Illegal Alien Aunt & Uncle

But wait - there's more! If you act now (by clicking the other links below), you can learn about how Obama actually left his nephew to die and how Obama's brother had to call a conservative (you know - those "evil" "greedy" conservatives) for the money he needed for his sons hospital bill.

How I became George Obama's 'brother'

I Have No One Else to Ask: Dinesh DSouza Says He Paid Hospital Bill for Obamas Half-Brother

D'Souza Sends Money to President Obama's Brother for Sick Child

How dumb does a person like [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION] have to be to be duped into believing that Obama "cares"?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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Don't believe any of these stories of woe coming out of the Right.

As was proven below, the lie campaign is in full swing:

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

Even by the standard I've come to expect from you Dumbocrats, it is astounding that you swallow this left-wing bullshit as fast as they can spew it down your throat [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION].

Why don't you check out this article about the Cleveland Clinic. The massive healthcare institution which initially supported Obamacare and which hosted Obama on his circle-jerk campaign circuit to push marxism on the American people.

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Real people are losing their jobs you buffoon. Real people are having their hours cut. Real people are losing their health insurance. And real people are being taxed to death.

But hey, you keep being a useful idiot for the party. You're like the good little Nazi supporters in Germany who refused to accept the facts and instead preferred Hitler's propaganda. The same one's who were walking around all wide-eyed and scratching their heads while asking "how could this have happened" when it was all over. Yep, you are definitely one of the prized little useful idiots of the party... :eusa_doh:

Nothing you said has anything to do with Hannity's lies.

Uh-oh, running from the facts [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]?!? Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to learn the truth about Obamcare. Don't want to be enlightened and face having the foundation of your socialism shaken by facts :eusa_doh:

Hannity never lied. Deep down, you know it too.
As I have posted elsewhere, my family plan as a result of Obamacare has increased 76% for $168.00 a month, $2016 a year. Co-payment for hospital and doctor office visits increased as well.

So much for a $2500 a year cost savings the Liar in Chief promised

I digress


Prove it.
The failure is getting too big for the MSM to cover up

Poll: Majority believe health-care Web site problems indicate broader issue with law

Fifty-six percent of Americans say the Web site problems are part of a broader problem with the law’s implementation

You idiot, you think you can call failure in less than a month after the rollout? Obamacare is here to stay just like SS, Medicare and now Medicaid as the R governors are falling in line and applying for the Medicaid expansion.

Get a grip, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But a website should be sweetie. The federal government is so incompetent, they can't build a functioning website after 4 years and with trillions of dollars at their disposal. And you want them to be in charge of your healthcare [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]?!? :lmao:
Even by the standard I've come to expect from you Dumbocrats, it is astounding that you swallow this left-wing bullshit as fast as they can spew it down your throat [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION].

Why don't you check out this article about the Cleveland Clinic. The massive healthcare institution which initially supported Obamacare and which hosted Obama on his circle-jerk campaign circuit to push marxism on the American people.

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Real people are losing their jobs you buffoon. Real people are having their hours cut. Real people are losing their health insurance. And real people are being taxed to death.

But hey, you keep being a useful idiot for the party. You're like the good little Nazi supporters in Germany who refused to accept the facts and instead preferred Hitler's propaganda. The same one's who were walking around all wide-eyed and scratching their heads while asking "how could this have happened" when it was all over. Yep, you are definitely one of the prized little useful idiots of the party... :eusa_doh:

Nothing you said has anything to do with Hannity's lies.

Uh-oh, running from the facts [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]?!? Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to learn the truth about Obamcare. Don't want to be enlightened and face having the foundation of your socialism shaken by facts :eusa_doh:

Hannity never lied. Deep down, you know it too.

I proved that Hannity lied; I don't need affirmation from you.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance
"The costs are too high"

I guess being charged $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, is reasonable to you?

That's one bed, 4 blood pressure checks, one x-ray and 2 shots of dylotted = $37,000.

People against the ACA, must think that is okay?

People who support that, are traitors to this country!

It absolutely is "ok". Who the fuck are you to tell anyone else what they should charge for their labor [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?!?

You don't like the cost, get up off of your lazy ass and become a doctor. Then charge less. Of get up off of your lazy ass and build your own hospital. Then charge less.

See, that's the beauty of the free market you ignorant asshole. If you don't like something, you can change it yourself any time you want.

But lazy parasites like you would rather collapse the United States with the exact same ignorant policies which collapsed the U.S.S.R. than take personal responsibility for anything. Why but the can of beer down and leave your trailer park to build your own hospital when you can just complain all day, right?
Isn't it fascinating that USMB appears to be experiencing a cluster phenomenon for Obamacare 'nightmares'?

lol, what a geographic oddity!!

No, it's not fascinating. The entire USA is hardly a geographic oddity.

Tens of thousands of Americans are signing up for and benefiting from, or will benefit from, the provisions in Obamacare;

made up stories of woe by pathological liars on USMB notwithstanding.
Nothing you said has anything to do with Hannity's lies.

Uh-oh, running from the facts [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]?!? Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to learn the truth about Obamcare. Don't want to be enlightened and face having the foundation of your socialism shaken by facts :eusa_doh:

Hannity never lied. Deep down, you know it too.

I proved that Hannity lied; I don't need affirmation from you.

Uh, no you didn't you delusional buffoon. You didn't prove one lie.

First of all you ignorant buffoon, your propagana story (that only moron's like you believe) never talked to Hannity. They talked to his guests. So at best you have that the people he interviewed lied (and how is he supposed to control what other people he interviews say?!). But sadly you don't even have that.

Meanwhile, I have a left-wing institution which supported Obama admitting they have to cut $300 million per year from their budget and cut working people for, the private sector (who will end up on the government teat) because of Obamacare.

Want to try again [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]? Because so far, this is not going well for you. :lol:
REPUBLICAN governor John Kasich of Ohio just signed onto the Medicaid expansion for the people of his state.

Would you like a list of all the Republican governors who have recognized the benefit of that policy for their states? Republican governors who are actually governing

as opposed to pissing moaning and posturing like the GOP crowd in Congress?
Isn't it fascinating that USMB appears to be experiencing a cluster phenomenon for Obamacare 'nightmares'?

lol, what a geographic oddity!!

No, it's not fascinating. The entire USA is hardly a geographic oddity.

Tens of thousands of Americans are signing up for and benefiting from, or will benefit from, the provisions in Obamacare;

made up stories of woe by pathological liars on USMB notwithstanding.

330 million Americans and your excited about "tens of thousands"?!? :lmao:

Oh my God are you a buffoon. Do some basic math there sweetie - that's less than 0.001%.

So we had to put millions out of work, crush hundreds of millions with taxes they can't afford, and cause businesses to go out of business, all so you can celebrate less than 0.001% benefitting? :lmao:
Uh-oh, running from the facts [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]?!? Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to learn the truth about Obamcare. Don't want to be enlightened and face having the foundation of your socialism shaken by facts :eusa_doh:

Hannity never lied. Deep down, you know it too.

I proved that Hannity lied; I don't need affirmation from you.

Uh, no you didn't you delusional buffoon. You didn't prove one lie.

First of all you ignorant buffoon, your propagana story (that only moron's like you believe) never talked to Hannity. They talked to his guests. So at best you have that the people he interviewed lied (and how is he supposed to control what other people he interviews say?!). But sadly you don't even have that.

Meanwhile, I have a left-wing institution which supported Obama admitting they have to cut $300 million per year from their budget and cut working people for, the private sector (who will end up on the government teat) because of Obamacare.

Want to try again [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]? Because so far, this is not going well for you. :lol:

Hannity actually repeated the $600million number for the cost of building the website, which has been proven to be a lie by glenn beck's own "the blaze."

the number is actually $95million

still a gross number

Hannity still lied though
Uh-oh, running from the facts [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]?!? Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to learn the truth about Obamcare. Don't want to be enlightened and face having the foundation of your socialism shaken by facts :eusa_doh:

Hannity never lied. Deep down, you know it too.

I proved that Hannity lied; I don't need affirmation from you.

Uh, no you didn't you delusional buffoon. You didn't prove one lie.

First of all you ignorant buffoon, your propagana story (that only moron's like you believe) never talked to Hannity. They talked to his guests. So at best you have that the people he interviewed lied (and how is he supposed to control what other people he interviews say?!). But sadly you don't even have that.

Meanwhile, I have a left-wing institution which supported Obama admitting they have to cut $300 million per year from their budget and cut working people for, the private sector (who will end up on the government teat) because of Obamacare.

Want to try again [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]? Because so far, this is not going well for you. :lol:

We can always tell when you've lost the argument when you start sputtering.

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