Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

Tens of thousands of Americans are signing up for and benefiting from, or will benefit from, the provisions in Obamacare;

made up stories of woe by pathological liars on USMB notwithstanding.

And 8million Americans lost their jobs, millions more are loosing 10hrs a week of work, 100million + are getting huge increases in cost for their insurance premiums, and much higher deductibles. America is burning and jerks like you are pouring gas on the fire.

Yeah-huh....Just like in Canada where they have had universal health care since 1984.
Canada is burning. Yeah...

Your dumbass redneck ilk is not only pouring gas on the problem, but you've got a box of matches, too. And children shouldn't play with matches.

You mean the healthcare system that is soooo good, their own PM flees the country to the U.S. for life saving heart surgery? You mean that "universal health care system" asshat? :bang3:

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

By the way [MENTION=41423]NoTeaPartyPleez[/MENTION], Canada isn't $17 trillion in debt like we are you fuck'n moron.

Nobody wants to lower the United States standard of living and lower the world's #1 healthcare like the Dumbocrats.... :eusa_doh:
Kasich and a lot of other R governors were against the expansion and resisting it before they were for it. They have subsequently come to see the light.

The medicaid expansion will cover millions of working poor and Kasich is reluctantly applying for it. Ohio citizens are telling him what to do now. Thankfully though that means he'll be gone soon.

Since you are a Dumbocrat (which means an uneducated high school drop out who wants to live as a parasite mooching off of hard working people), please have someone read my post above which you responded too... :eusa_doh:

They were not "for it". They are still not "for it". They will never be "for it". But when unconstitutional federal government uses force, the best you can do is deal with the system within the parameters of how it was built.

This is exactly why they say:

"Liberalism - ideas so good they have to be forced on other people!"

These Republican governors need to do their jobs and stop messing around with what their citizens want and need. You should also stfu because you are by no means intelligent enough to explain anything to me or anyone else around here.

Sweetie - there's a reason Kasich is a REPUBLICAN. It's because that is exactly what the people of Ohio wanted. Someone to stop the collapse. Someone to bring back jobs.

Republicans are the ONLY adults in the room. They are the only one's doing their jobs. Meanwhile, Dumbocrat marxists like Obama eschew reality and facts (remember when Obama said "the economy is doing just fine"? :lmao:) for their childish ideological utopia.

And by the way sweetie, I just did explain it to you. Which is why your big grandma panties are in such a bunch. Because you hate it when facts prove your ideology is absurd.
"The costs are too high"

I guess being charged $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, is reasonable to you?

That's one bed, 4 blood pressure checks, one x-ray and 2 shots of dylotted = $37,000.

People against the ACA, must think that is okay?

People who support that, are traitors to this country!

It absolutely is "ok". Who the fuck are you to tell anyone else what they should charge for their labor [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?!?

You don't like the cost, get up off of your lazy ass and become a doctor. Then charge less. Of get up off of your lazy ass and build your own hospital. Then charge less.

See, that's the beauty of the free market you ignorant asshole. If you don't like something, you can change it yourself any time you want.

But lazy parasites like you would rather collapse the United States with the exact same ignorant policies which collapsed the U.S.S.R. than take personal responsibility for anything. Why but the can of beer down and leave your trailer park to build your own hospital when you can just complain all day, right?

This is absolutely positively the stupidest thing I've read on this board. Hands down.
I can't believe people like you are allowed to vote.

Exactly what is "stupid" about it? The fact that it ends the debate and exposes you for the lazy, useless piece of shit that you are? Yeah - I thought so!

These Republican governors need to do their jobs and stop messing around with what their citizens want and need

Um, by the way you ignorant high school dropout, it doesn't matter what citizens "need". The government does not exist to provide your "needs" sweetie. That's YOUR job. Just because you're too fuck'n lazy to do it, does not make it the problem of the government or your fellow citizens who - unlike you - actually labor and pay taxes.

Now tell us again how Obama "cares" about you....! :lmao:
This is fucking hilarious. The Obama Administration is such an incompetent bunch of ignorant buffoons that they can't even build a website in 4 years that functions properly.

I don't care if you are left or you are right - you will laugh until you have tears in your eyes when you watch this:

[ame=]Jon Stewart Delivers Blistering Takedown of Obamacare Rollout: Dems Can't 'Spin This Turd' - YouTube[/ame]
The free market has not worked re healthcare for a very long time now. Not since the government chose to take over a large portion of it via Medicare and Medicaid and started mandating that insurance companies do this and do that which has cost everybody much more than they otherwise would have to pay for health insurance.

In a free market system, insurance companies would have to tailor policies so that people could afford to buy them or the insurance company would go out of business. Medical providers would have to tailor services so that people could afford them or go out of business. The government has very deep pockets and very low credibility in discerning and controlling abuse of access to government services; therefore ANYTHING government gets involved in will almost always cost much more than it will cost if it is left to the private sector to do.

Had the government focused on people who, for whatever reason, could not buy insurance through the free market system--that would be a very small percentage of the population, it would have done a good thing. Forcing everybody into the same system will cost us all most likely thousands every year and health care will suffer.

The statists can't see that because they will defend to their last breath a leftist government no matter what it does. But the rest are allowed to see the truth.
150,000 signed up in New York. 95,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
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95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:
95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

And that is the devil in the details isn't it. A blind man should be able to see that the purpose of Obamacare was NEVER to provide more affordable healthcare. The CBO and other experts had already confirmed that wasn't going to happen not all that long after this abominable legislation was passed. And we have not had an honest media to inform us so most of the Obama worshippers don't know that. Or they don't give a shit. If it exalts Obama it is all good and we'll just ignore all the negative consequences.

But the truth is Obamacare was designed to do one thing and one thing only--to destroy the private healthcare system in America and put government in charge of everything and thereby hold power over the people as never before.
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

How stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money and help your family because you hate the President?

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Wow, 200%! The numbers keep getting bigger. (Like fish stories) :lol:
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

How stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money and help your family because you hate the President?

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Wow, 200%! The numbers keep getting bigger. (Like fish stories) :lol:

That idiot is fucking nutz..
95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

And that is the devil in the details isn't it. A blind man should be able to see that the purpose of Obamacare was NEVER to provide more affordable healthcare. The CBO and other experts had already confirmed that wasn't going to happen not all that long after this abominable legislation was passed. And we have not had an honest media to inform us so most of the Obama worshippers don't know that. Or they don't give a shit. If it exalts Obama it is all good and we'll just ignore all the negative consequences.

But the truth is Obamacare was designed to do one thing and one thing only--to destroy the private healthcare system in America and put government in charge of everything and thereby hold power over the people as never before.

Private health insurance was destroying us. It was only after Obamacare became law that private insurance was forced to lower their rates. Not sure if you've ever worked but when you quit, lose your job, leave it for any reason, you're insured for an amount of time but then after that, you used to have to pay for private insurance on your own. $600 a month was commonplace.

Please tell me what we are supposed to return to if by some miracle you were successful in repealing Obamacare? Private insurance? Repubs certainly have no affordable alternatives.

Your party needs to get to work earning back that 24 billion they lost when they decided to shutdown government.
How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Wow, 200%! The numbers keep getting bigger. (Like fish stories) :lol:

That idiot is fucking nutz..

Oops! Looks like two trailer-park broads just got exposed (again) for their profound ignorance of what is going on in their nation and in their government... :eusa_whistle:

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates
Private health insurance was destroying us.

First of all, nothing could be further from the truth. I had the most amazing, affordable, and comprehensive healthcare plan known to man (cost me next to nothing). Thanks to Obamacare and the idiot Dumbocrats, that's now gone.

Second, and more importantly, even if that were true (and clearly it was not), it's not the place of you or the federal government to decide for other people or the private market what constitutes "affordable". Might I suggest picking up a copy of the Constitution some time and actually reading it?

Please tell me what we are supposed to return to if by some miracle you were successful in repealing Obamacare? Private insurance? Repubs certainly have no affordable alternatives.

I don't know, be a big girl for once in your life and solve the "problem" yourself? How about skipping on your $60 per month high speed internet so you can whine on the internet about how the U.S. needs socialism and instead put that towards your health insurance? Or skipping on your trendy little iPhone? Gasp! Skipping on frivolous items for necessities? Sacré Bleu! You are a spoiled, entitled American and you "deserve" every toy and creature comfort that the wealthy have, even if you don't put in the same effort, hours, or talents that they do! Right?

Or how about getting up off your ass and becoming a doctor yourself, then charge a lot less which will force your competitors to charge a lot less - causing the whole thing to come down significantly?

Or how about getting up off your ass and starting your own hospital, then charge a lot less which will force your competitors to charge a lot less - causing the whole thing to come down significantly?

There are endless solutions/options really, but all of them require you to be a big girl and take personal responsibility. So much easier to cry to power-hungry politicians like Obama to force someone else to labor for you for free, right? There is a term for that - it's called slavery. Sadly, it's something you Dumbocrats have refused to let go of - even since losing the Civil War.
Wow, 200%! The numbers keep getting bigger. (Like fish stories) :lol:

That idiot is fucking nutz..

Oops! Looks like two trailer-park broads just got exposed (again) for their profound ignorance of what is going on in their nation and in their government... :eusa_whistle:

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Wow - this one is a 300% increase. Why so quiet over ther [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Obamacare Increases Man's Premiums 300%, Supporters Call It a Success Story | Cato @ Liberty
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

How stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money and help your family because you hate the President?

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Wow, 200%! The numbers keep getting bigger. (Like fish stories) :lol:

Oh wytchey - you really are having your worst week on USMB ever...

Georgia seeks delay of Obamacare exchanges, cites 198 percent increase in rates - National Policy & Issues |


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