Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists

See, here's the problem, Conservatives deny the existence of racism or bigotry within in their ranks, then a story like this breaks. This isn't some loon carrying a hand-made sign at a Tea rally. These are money men who have positioned themselves among mainstream conservatives.

Any Conservative or Republican leader who wants to be taken seriously needs to denounce this.

DO NOT start screaming about Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, or the intolerant atheists. Be better then that.

DO NOT dismiss these guys as irrelevant or small-time. The masses get their attitudes and opinions from men like this who work behind the scenes to fund and shape a message.

Two prominent conservative movement officials who hold leadership positions for several right-wing groups—Ron Robinson and James B. Taylor—run a political action committee that donated thousands of dollars to a white nationalist organization, according to public records. And for several years Taylor was vice president of another white nationalist organization.

Robinson and Taylor are each board members of Young America's Foundation (YAF), which cofounded the annual Conservative Political Action Conference and runs the conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. (YAF owns and manages the Ronald Reagan Ranch, trains conservative journalists, and calls itself "the principle outreach organization of the Conservative Movement.") And Robinson, YAF's president, is on the board of two other conservative groups: Citizens United, which brought the landmark Supreme Court case of the same name, and the American Conservative Union, which operates CPAC.

You can mock the notion of 'code words' and 'dog calls' but specific language in policy papers and memos is not accidental. And when that language finds its way into mainstream conservative media, then people start to think it's okay.

However, if you ask a Conservative to give money to a PAC that supports White Supremacists and White Pride, they'd be taken aback. No way would good Christians support something as evil and hateful as that. Right? Keep in mind it was White Pride racists and Neo-Nazis who rebranded themselves as "Christian Identity". This was in the early 80's. There is nothing Christian about them, but they've been hiding behind those twisted reading of scripture for centuries.

Taylor once led another white nationalist outfit. He was vice president of the National Policy Institute, also started by Regnery. The group was "basically was founded to be kind of a white supremacist think tank," says Marilyn Mayo, the codirector of Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism. Started in Augusta, Georgia, in 2005 and now based in Montana, NPI has published reports on "Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity" and "The State of White America 2007." It warns on its website that "the dispossession of White Americans will have catastrophic effects for the entire world, not just for our people."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

My point with this thread is that's vitally important for mainstream conservatives and conservative media to check the credentials of those who write their policy papers and frame their message.
Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists

See, here's the problem, Conservatives deny the existence of racism or bigotry within in their ranks, then a story like this breaks. This isn't some loon carrying a hand-made sign at a Tea rally. These are money men who have positioned themselves among mainstream conservatives.

Any Conservative or Republican leader who wants to be taken seriously needs to denounce this.

DO NOT start screaming about Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, or the intolerant atheists. Be better then that.

DO NOT dismiss these guys as irrelevant or small-time. The masses get their attitudes and opinions from men like this who work behind the scenes to fund and shape a message.

Two prominent conservative movement officials who hold leadership positions for several right-wing groups—Ron Robinson and James B. Taylor—run a political action committee that donated thousands of dollars to a white nationalist organization, according to public records. And for several years Taylor was vice president of another white nationalist organization.

Robinson and Taylor are each board members of Young America's Foundation (YAF), which cofounded the annual Conservative Political Action Conference and runs the conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. (YAF owns and manages the Ronald Reagan Ranch, trains conservative journalists, and calls itself "the principle outreach organization of the Conservative Movement.") And Robinson, YAF's president, is on the board of two other conservative groups: Citizens United, which brought the landmark Supreme Court case of the same name, and the American Conservative Union, which operates CPAC.

You can mock the notion of 'code words' and 'dog calls' but specific language in policy papers and memos is not accidental. And when that language finds its way into mainstream conservative media, then people start to think it's okay.

However, if you ask a Conservative to give money to a PAC that supports White Supremacists and White Pride, they'd be taken aback. No way would good Christians support something as evil and hateful as that. Right? Keep in mind it was White Pride racists and Neo-Nazis who rebranded themselves as "Christian Identity". This was in the early 80's. There is nothing Christian about them, but they've been hiding behind those twisted reading of scripture for centuries.

Taylor once led another white nationalist outfit. He was vice president of the National Policy Institute, also started by Regnery. The group was "basically was founded to be kind of a white supremacist think tank," says Marilyn Mayo, the codirector of Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism. Started in Augusta, Georgia, in 2005 and now based in Montana, NPI has published reports on "Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity" and "The State of White America 2007." It warns on its website that "the dispossession of White Americans will have catastrophic effects for the entire world, not just for our people."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

My point with this thread is that's vitally important for mainstream conservatives and conservative media to check the credentials of those who write their policy papers and frame their message.

My point with this thread is that's vitally important for mainstream conservatives and conservative media to check the credentials? Really? But it's OK for Democrats to solicit funds, and provide protections to degenerates like...
LINK: Democrats? cozy dealings with NAMBLA And a quote from the article: In the 2001 San Francisco “Gay Pride” parade, Nancy Pelosi walked along side of the NAMBLA advocate, Harry Hay, who has stated “ If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13-, 14-, and 15- year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.”
And then we have this...
LINK: Shocker: Abortion Doctor Who Kills ?Ugly Black Babies? Is A Democratic Donor? | Weasel Zippers
From the video: Ugly black babies... How charming.
Maybe you should point your moral compass at your own Democrat party, before professing to know what is in the best interests of the Republican party.
Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists

See, here's the problem, Conservatives deny the existence of racism or bigotry within in their ranks, then a story like this breaks. This isn't some loon carrying a hand-made sign at a Tea rally. These are money men who have positioned themselves among mainstream conservatives.

Any Conservative or Republican leader who wants to be taken seriously needs to denounce this.

DO NOT start screaming about Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, or the intolerant atheists. Be better then that.

DO NOT dismiss these guys as irrelevant or small-time. The masses get their attitudes and opinions from men like this who work behind the scenes to fund and shape a message.

Two prominent conservative movement officials who hold leadership positions for several right-wing groups—Ron Robinson and James B. Taylor—run a political action committee that donated thousands of dollars to a white nationalist organization, according to public records. And for several years Taylor was vice president of another white nationalist organization.

Robinson and Taylor are each board members of Young America's Foundation (YAF), which cofounded the annual Conservative Political Action Conference and runs the conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. (YAF owns and manages the Ronald Reagan Ranch, trains conservative journalists, and calls itself "the principle outreach organization of the Conservative Movement.") And Robinson, YAF's president, is on the board of two other conservative groups: Citizens United, which brought the landmark Supreme Court case of the same name, and the American Conservative Union, which operates CPAC.

You can mock the notion of 'code words' and 'dog calls' but specific language in policy papers and memos is not accidental. And when that language finds its way into mainstream conservative media, then people start to think it's okay.

However, if you ask a Conservative to give money to a PAC that supports White Supremacists and White Pride, they'd be taken aback. No way would good Christians support something as evil and hateful as that. Right? Keep in mind it was White Pride racists and Neo-Nazis who rebranded themselves as "Christian Identity". This was in the early 80's. There is nothing Christian about them, but they've been hiding behind those twisted reading of scripture for centuries.

Taylor once led another white nationalist outfit. He was vice president of the National Policy Institute, also started by Regnery. The group was "basically was founded to be kind of a white supremacist think tank," says Marilyn Mayo, the codirector of Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism. Started in Augusta, Georgia, in 2005 and now based in Montana, NPI has published reports on "Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity" and "The State of White America 2007." It warns on its website that "the dispossession of White Americans will have catastrophic effects for the entire world, not just for our people."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

My point with this thread is that's vitally important for mainstream conservatives and conservative media to check the credentials of those who write their policy papers and frame their message.

I am going to look into this. If the claims are true, then I will be mightily, mightily pissed. The very first political organization I ever joined was Young Americans for Freedom when I was 15. Bill Buckley was my idol.

If there are white nationalists on the board of YAF, that would be completely unacceptable.
Here is the Staff and Board page for Young America's Foundation: Young America's Foundation - Staff & Board

Ron Robinson is listed twice. President of the National HQ, and President of the Board of Directors.

James B. Taylor is listed as a member of the Board.

This is Robinson's YAF page: Young America's Foundation - Ron Robinson, President, Young America's Foundation


Ron Robinson has served as Young America’s Foundation's president for more than three decades. Time magazine wrote that Young America’s “[F]oundation—run by a former Reagan Administration advisor, Ron Robinson—is now the nation’s largest advocacy group devoted to student politics.” Time referred to Robinson as one of the “seasoned generals of the right” who is leading the “diverse and well funded” generation of conservatives who are “winning battles on campus.”

This is Taylor's: Young America's Foundation - James B. Taylor


James B. Taylor is chairman of World Youth Crusade and former executive director and chief of staff of Young America's Foundation.

Mr. Taylor was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Swarthmore College. As an Air Force intelligence specialist, he was assigned to study Mandarin language and culture at Yale University's Institute of Far Eastern Languages. He saw duty in the Far East in Okinawa and Vietnam.

With that background, I would not be surprised if he was a personal friend of Buckley.
Mother Jones:

With these positions, Robinson and Taylor are at the center of mainstream conservative infrastructure. But each also sits on the three-person board of America's PAC, a far-right outfit that in 2004 gave $5,000 to the Charles Martel Society, a white nationalist group, according to the PAC's filing with the Federal Election Commission. Taylor, YAF's former executive director and a current board member, founded America's PAC in 1983. Both his and Robinson's names appear on America's PAC letterhead before and after the donation to the Martel Society. Since 2004, America's PAC has raised and spent over $5 million, giving donations to dozens of Republican candidates.

All right. Let's see...

America's PAC Officers and Directors: America's PAC - Electing Conservatives and Defeating Liberals Since 1983

Herndon, VA

Ron Robinson has served as Young America’s Foundation's president for more than three decades. Time magazine wrote that Young America’s “[F]oundation—run by a former Reagan Administration advisor, Ron Robinson—is now the nation’s largest advocacy group devoted to student politics.” Time referred to Robinson as one of the “seasoned generals of the right” who is leading the “diverse and well funded” generation of conservatives who are “winning battles on campus.”

James B. Taylor is chairman of America's Political Committee and former executive director and chief of staff of Young America's Foundation, currently serving on its board of directors.

Mr. Taylor was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Swarthmore College. As an Air Force intelligence specialist, he was assigned to study Mandarin language and culture at Yale University's Institute of Far Eastern Languages. He saw duty in the Far East in Okinawa and Vietnam.

Before coming to Young America's Foundation, Mr. Taylor was eastern director of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, public relations director for the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, and assistant to the president of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge.

Okay. Same guys.
I have never heard of the Charles Martel Society, so we now need to ascertain if they are a White Nationalist group.
Mother Jones:

The Martel Society is named for Charles Martel, who stymied a Muslim invasion of Europe by winning the Battle of Tours in 734. It was founded in 2001 by William Regnery II, an heir to a conservative publishing fortune and a "prime mover and shaker in white nationalism publishing," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks racist extremism. The Martel Society is best known for publishing The Occidental Quarterly, which is sort of the Nature of academic racism, and its sister online publication, The Occidental Observer. The Anti-Defamation League has characterized the Quarterly as "racist" and the Observer as "anti-Semitic." The Observer maintains an archive of stories on the topic of "Jews and the financial collapse," and the Quarterly once awarded a $10,000 prize for books on the "group evolutionary strategies" of Jewish people. According to records America's PAC filed with the FEC, its donation to the Martel Society was a "grant." The Charles Martel Society did not respond to a request for comment.

So here is what the SPLC has to say about The Martel Society:

Charles Martel Society/The Occidental Quarterly
Founded in 2001 by Chicago millionaire publishing scion William H. Regnery, the Charles Martel Society puts out The Occidental Quarterly, a journal devoted to the idea that "race informs culture" that is edited by a Who's Who of the radical right. Its chief editor is Kevin Lamb; its managing editor is Louis R. Andrews and its associate editor is Wayne Lutton, who also works at The Social Contract Press, another hate group. The board of the society includes Andrews, Lamb, American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson, a white supremacist lawyer and luminary of the Council of Conservative Citizens. The Occidental Quarterly publishes an array of extremists including Robert S. Griffin, a University of Vermont professor who has been a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, and Marian Kester Coombs, wife of the managing editor of The Washington Times and a well-known racist writer. In 2004, the society went beyond publishing for the first time, holding a black-tie dinner in a fancy Washington, D.C., hotel, where it awarded Kevin MacDonald $10,000 and its Jack London Literary Prize for books describing the alleged "group evolutionary strategies" of the Jews. The Charles Martel Society and its journal have been very well received among so-called "academic racists" in America -- so much so that when Florida race scientist Glayde Whitney died in 2002, his family asked that in lieu of flowers, mourners send donations to the society.

The Groups | Southern Poverty Law Center
Um...yeah. This is without a doubt a WN site:

Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, is unapologetically selfish. Rand proclaimed “greed is good” well before Gordon Gekko. Family, religion, nation, and race were all collectivist “mysticism” that a free man must ruthlessly wipe aside. Objectivists heaped scorn upon the very concept of race, declaring that the individual holds no allegiance to anything except those loyalties that are freely chosen. Background is an accident; heritage an irrelevance. The Russian Jewess Ayn Rand (real name Alisa Rosenbaum) seems a bizarro version of Emma Goldman designed to wean the American Right away from White racial nationalism. Objectivism, in theory, is a mortal threat to White racial identity — another rabbit hole for White Americans to fall down in their never ending quest to pursue every ideology, party, or platform except the ones that might allow them to take their own side. In fact, Objectivism denies that they have a side at all, or even that there is a “they.”
So Mother Jones is correct. The evidence is incontrovertible.

Two Board members of a very prominent conservative organization channeled $5000 to a White Nationalist organization through a PAC.

I. Am. Fucking. Pissed.

This is exactly the kind of trash I have been talking about that we need to remove from our house. We need to clean up our party. I am sick and fucking tired of these assholes who have hijacked my party destroying the conservative movement and the GOP.
I gotta tell you. That there are two WNs, or at the very least WN symps, sitting on the board that runs YAF, an organization I revered as a youth, sickens me to the bottom of my soul.

It reminds of the day I was attending a YAF meeting in the town next to mine, and the charismatic chairman of that group, a person I envied and admired, made a reference to "kikes".

I was so stunned I had to ask him to repeat himself. And when he did, that was the last I ever had to do with him and pretty much with YAF.

So this topic has brought a lot of shit back for me.
Um...yeah. This is without a doubt a WN site:

Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, is unapologetically selfish. Rand proclaimed “greed is good” well before Gordon Gekko. Family, religion, nation, and race were all collectivist “mysticism” that a free man must ruthlessly wipe aside. Objectivists heaped scorn upon the very concept of race, declaring that the individual holds no allegiance to anything except those loyalties that are freely chosen. Background is an accident; heritage an irrelevance. The Russian Jewess Ayn Rand (real name Alisa Rosenbaum) seems a bizarro version of Emma Goldman designed to wean the American Right away from White racial nationalism. Objectivism, in theory, is a mortal threat to White racial identity — another rabbit hole for White Americans to fall down in their never ending quest to pursue every ideology, party, or platform except the ones that might allow them to take their own side. In fact, Objectivism denies that they have a side at all, or even that there is a “they.”

They reprinted an article on Ann Rynd and that makes them a WN site.

The group that reprinted an article got $5K, that .1% of what the "white Supremacists" gave and that instantly qualifies them as members of the Aryan Nation.

Yeah, makes perfect sense
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