Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists



White Supremacist Alert!!

Here, see if this helps:

Five grand is chump change but it's easy to see why the the left wing Ma. Jones propaganda network carefully chose the words "white nationalists". The Charles Martel group is based in France but Jones is in the race bating business and the term is intentionally inflammatory rhetoric even if it doesn't apply. Apparently the Martel society is engaged in some sort of French colonial dispute with Algeria which coincidentally is involved with the kidnapping of American citizens and seizing oil refineries.
It was not an accident. The Society cannot be mistaken for an animal shelter. It cannot be mistaken for anything but a pack of Nazis.

Two top conservatives gave money to Nazis.


I know you aren't used to those. Facts. But this is not the piss they give you to drink. This is truth.

Two top conservatives gave money to Nazis.

First nobody is interested in your pee fetish

Second, a Foundation that gave $5K back in 2004...and that makes them Nazis?
Obama went to a racist church for 20+ years. Fuck Dems and fuck Reps, you're all a bunch of racist bigot hypocrites.

Ah. The tu quoque brigade arrives at last.

Also, I was literally a card carrying member of YAF. You?
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It was not an accident. The Society cannot be mistaken for an animal shelter. It cannot be mistaken for anything but a pack of Nazis.

Two top conservatives gave money to Nazis.


I know you aren't used to those. Facts. But this is not the piss they give you to drink. This is truth.

Two top conservatives gave money to Nazis.

First nobody is interested in your pee fetish

Second, a Foundation that gave $5K back in 2004...and that makes them Nazis?

Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists

See, here's the problem, Conservatives deny the existence of racism or bigotry within in their ranks, then a story like this breaks. This isn't some loon carrying a hand-made sign at a Tea rally. These are money men who have positioned themselves among mainstream conservatives.

Any Conservative or Republican leader who wants to be taken seriously needs to denounce this.

DO NOT start screaming about Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, or the intolerant atheists. Be better then that.

DO NOT dismiss these guys as irrelevant or small-time. The masses get their attitudes and opinions from men like this who work behind the scenes to fund and shape a message.

Two prominent conservative movement officials who hold leadership positions for several right-wing groups—Ron Robinson and James B. Taylor—run a political action committee that donated thousands of dollars to a white nationalist organization, according to public records. And for several years Taylor was vice president of another white nationalist organization.

Robinson and Taylor are each board members of Young America's Foundation (YAF), which cofounded the annual Conservative Political Action Conference and runs the conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. (YAF owns and manages the Ronald Reagan Ranch, trains conservative journalists, and calls itself "the principle outreach organization of the Conservative Movement.") And Robinson, YAF's president, is on the board of two other conservative groups: Citizens United, which brought the landmark Supreme Court case of the same name, and the American Conservative Union, which operates CPAC.

You can mock the notion of 'code words' and 'dog calls' but specific language in policy papers and memos is not accidental. And when that language finds its way into mainstream conservative media, then people start to think it's okay.

However, if you ask a Conservative to give money to a PAC that supports White Supremacists and White Pride, they'd be taken aback. No way would good Christians support something as evil and hateful as that. Right? Keep in mind it was White Pride racists and Neo-Nazis who rebranded themselves as "Christian Identity". This was in the early 80's. There is nothing Christian about them, but they've been hiding behind those twisted reading of scripture for centuries.

Taylor once led another white nationalist outfit. He was vice president of the National Policy Institute, also started by Regnery. The group was "basically was founded to be kind of a white supremacist think tank," says Marilyn Mayo, the codirector of Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism. Started in Augusta, Georgia, in 2005 and now based in Montana, NPI has published reports on "Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity" and "The State of White America 2007." It warns on its website that "the dispossession of White Americans will have catastrophic effects for the entire world, not just for our people."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

My point with this thread is that's vitally important for mainstream conservatives and conservative media to check the credentials of those who write their policy papers and frame their message.

I am going to look into this. If the claims are true, then I will be mightily, mightily pissed. The very first political organization I ever joined was Young Americans for Freedom when I was 15. Bill Buckley was my idol.

If there are white nationalists on the board of YAF, that would be completely unacceptable.

I have never read, "Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity" and "The State of White America 2007.", are they racist? :eusa_eh:
I have never read, "Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity" and "The State of White America 2007.", are they racist? :eusa_eh:

I provided plenty of links to the literature of the organization in question. Decide for yourself.
So Mother Jones is correct. The evidence is incontrovertible.

Two Board members of a very prominent conservative organization channeled $5000 to a White Nationalist organization through a PAC.

I. Am. Fucking. Pissed.

This is exactly the kind of trash I have been talking about that we need to remove from our house. We need to clean up our party. I am sick and fucking tired of these assholes who have hijacked my party destroying the conservative movement and the GOP.

Nice empirical approach!
When discussing "questionable" donations from one political organization to another, it's safe to say that neither side has clean hands.

HYPOCRISY is rampant on both sides of the corrupt political duopoly that we call America. The only saving grace is that we don't have a political monopoly.... and because we are so well armed - we likely never will. :thup:

I really do not give one, stinky, runny, beer fart about this issue. ....:lol:

P.PS- G5000's "concern troll" schtick is running a little long in the tooth....:lol:
I gotta give g5000 the Big Bad Muhfuggah award. Way to do your homework my man. Most people would never have the tenacity to track down the facts like you did. Even with the evidence you have provided, you are still being challenged by idiots who have done zero homework and provided zero facts of their own to refute what you have provided. That asshole CocksuckerFrank will fight you to the death on this one and all he has in his arsenal is "No it's not" LMBAO!!! He is like a kid with a wiffle ball bat fighting seal team 6. But he is the poster boy for the GOP these days. He didn't hear it on Rush of Fox so it can't be true. Buy any how Thank You.
They stand for white people...and that makes the Nazis?

Exactly what and why is this "stance" for, Frankie? I mean, there is NO record in the United States of "white" people being brought over on slave ships, or NOT being counted as full human beings, or having to have additional legislation passed to recognize them as human beings, then citizens and then to have their Constitutional rights as citizens reaffirmed a century or so after the fact.

So please, enligthen us all as to why it is necessary for an organization to "stand for white people" in America? I'll wait. :eusa_whistle:

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