Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY

And non citizen RESIDENTS are NOT illegals
Yes....but they can still vote illegally.
Jerry (Poopy_Pants) Nadler at first lied about it....then admitted it was going on.

Eventually the Democrats will demand that illegals/non-citizens be allowed to vote....because they've been voting in elections for decades.
It’s a watershed moment for the most populous US city, where legally documented non-citizens comprise nearly one in nine of 7 million voting-age inhabitants. The movement to win voting rights for non-citizens prevailed after numerous setbacks.

The measure would allow non-citizens who have been lawful permanent residents of the city for at least 30 days, as well as those authorized to work in the US, including Dreamers, to help select the mayor, council members, borough presidents, comptroller and public advocate.
It’s a watershed moment for the most populous US city, where legally documented non-citizens comprise nearly one in nine of 7 million voting-age inhabitants. The movement to win voting rights for non-citizens prevailed after numerous setbacks.

The measure would allow non-citizens who have been lawful permanent residents of the city for at least 30 days, as well as those authorized to work in the US, including Dreamers, to help select the mayor, council members, borough presidents, comptroller and public advocate.
Thus you are admitting to supporting what amounts to Human-Trafficking.
Why else let in over a million illegals and fly them around the country at night for no reason at all?

They are stacking the deck in votes. Let them in illegaly, fly them around, give them food and shelter in exchange for votes in their favor.

No one in their right mind would let illegals invade their own country unless they can be used to serve a purpose.
Are you suffering from a brain disorder?
No, dickhead.
I'm simply pointing out a fact in the law.
You cannot recruit or transport large groups of people for any purpose, be it the sex trade or slave labor, including voting or padding your census numbers.

And that's what Democrats have been doing since 1977 in California and other states.
The only reason Biden's balls aren't in a sling is because he has full control of the DOJ and Congress.
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Why else let in over a million illegals and fly them around the country at night for no reason at all?

They are stacking the deck in votes. Let them in illegaly, fly them around, give them food and shelter in exchange for votes in their favor.

No one in their right mind would let illegals invade their own country unless they can be used to serve a purpose.
Illegals can't vote.

We've read stories on this happening....but now they're on record admitting to it.

What the guy failed to say is first it is just a few cities, then other cities say: "Hey, they are doing it, why not us?" Then the next step is to say: "Hey, why only municipal elections? Why not state elections? Then national elections?"

Death of a thousand cuts. All part of the big plan-- Far Left Dems are treasonous scum-sucking bastards selling out our country who deserve to be staked out, have their eyelids pinned back, honey dumped on their faces, then a jar of red ants thrown in.
Nice try but I, like most of the sane amongst us, HATE what aliens do. Which is invading our country ILLEGALLY!
OP is a horrible paranoid person that has never acted as if he has one reasonable bone in his body. What about you? Are you a hate-filled piece of shit too?
What the guy failed to say is first it is just a few cities, then other cities say: "Hey, they are doing it, why not us?" Then the next step is to say: "Hey, why only municipal elections? Why not state elections? Then national elections?"

Death of a thousand cuts. All part of the big plan-- Far Left Dems are treasonous scum-sucking bastards selling out our country who deserve to be staked out, have their eyelids pinned back, honey dumped on their faces, then a jar of red ants thrown in.
Non citizens can't vote for president.
OP is a horrible paranoid person that has never acted as if he has one reasonable bone in his body. What about you? Are you a hate-filled piece of shit too?
As your side lets illegals in by the millions ignoring our laws.

You are a cancer on this nation
What the guy failed to say is first it is just a few cities, then other cities say: "Hey, they are doing it, why not us?" Then the next step is to say: "Hey, why only municipal elections? Why not state elections? Then national elections?"

Death of a thousand cuts. All part of the big plan-- Far Left Dems are treasonous scum-sucking bastards selling out our country who deserve to be staked out, have their eyelids pinned back, honey dumped on their faces, then a jar of red ants thrown in.
So you understand it's not happening


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