Top Democrat Admits They Let Illegals Vote In NY

No, you silly twit, you've already forgotten the talking point in the short time it took to read my message. Democracy died in America when the election was stolen from Trump.
That never happened.

You filed sixty-plus court challenges and every one of them was thrown out of court for lack of substance, or lack of standing, or both - entirely without merit.

With many of those cases appearing before Republican -appointed (and even Trump -appointed) judges and justices, who ruled according to the Law.

You fell for and propagate Trump's Big Lie... the general election of November 3, 2020, was not stolen... your Orange Scumbag was unfit... so he lost... Bigly.
And yes, it did fail when Trump didn't show up to lead. Imagine what would have happened to Cuba's revolution of Comrad Fidel and Comrad Che didn't show up.
Cowards gonna coward... and your Cadet Bone Spurs lacked the balls to keep his promise and lead from the front. No surprise, though.

But even had he shown up... and led from the front... he would have been interfering with the Peaceful Transfer of Power and the Rule of Law.

That's not democracy, old sod... that's mob-rule in order to achieve autocracy.
We've read stories on this happening....but now they're on record admitting to it.

Your OP is a lie.

Illegals are not being allowed to vote. Just green card holders and others authorized to work in the country
I understand the law. A green card isn't the same thing as being a naturalized US citizen.
But considering the fact that Democrats are sending these people all over the country....anyone with half a brain would realize they aren't doing it as a offer of goodwill. They're doing it to increase their electoral count in their states. CA has roughly 13-20 million illegals living in the state that are counted in the them a tremendous advantage when it comes to electoral votes. They only need to carry 13-16 states to win the White House.

But the fact remains....I read last year that CA has had the first illegal to win a city council seat.
Their big push is to push for amnesty so they don't have to lie about their status anymore.
Very true. Naturalized US citizens can vote in presidential elections. Are you confused? Municipal elections don't elect the president.
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We've read stories on this happening....but now they're on record admitting to it.

Everyone knows this. Democrats just don't care. They believe the gravy train will continue forever. They are more concerned with their pronoun than the future of our country. One would think that the more "normal" Democrats would wake up and realize they are being taken for a ride by extremists, but I am not so sure they will wake up in time.
You must be opposed to people voting. If they live in the cities in question they probably have some opinions on crime, the courts, Mayors etc.

Curious as to how many other countries would allow me to vote in their elections if I was an American working there.
Curious as to how many other countries would allow me to vote in their elections if I was an American working there.
You mean in municipal elections? I don't know. Some countries accept dual citizenship. Some Israelis vote in US presidential elections.. Dr Oz evidently votes in Turkey.
You mean in municipal elections? I don't know. Some countries accept dual citizenship. Some Israelis vote in US presidential elections.. Dr Oz evidently votes in Turkey.

Any election. BTW, we all know what Democrats are attempting to do. They will use non-citizens voting in municipal elections as precedent for pushing for county elections, state elections and ultimately federal elections. If your argument is simply that they live there so they should have a say, that argument could be applied at every level of government.

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