Top House conservatives would vote against draft Obamacare repeal bill

I think the plan advanced by Ryan tells Americans who are working hard to make ends meet to drop dead. It bases the credits on age rather than income. We should help Americans who are working hard and can't afford insurance. It's a shame that doesn't t meet with some conservatives' approval. When these people go to the emergency room and can't pay everyone who has health insurance pays in higher premiums.
That travesty as you call it, insures 20 million people. Why did he tell us he had a replacement ready, which was another lie
That travesty is eating itself, has put people out of work, has increased costs for the middle class.

But, keep kissing Pelosi's wrinkled butt, and sucking Obamas dick.

And keep screaming no-no-no to making needed changes, and we won't have any
Who has it put out of work?
20 million people can't be wrong
really do have you head up your ass, don't you?

Employers couldn't afford the ACA, so employees were cut back to part time.

Working part time, they couldn't afford ACA.
Yes that happened in a small number of instances, but why do 20 million people choose to be insured by the ACA?
but why do 20 million people choose to be insured by the ACA?

They weren't given a choice.

Remember, sign up or pay a penalty?
In many cases people weren't earning enough to even pay a penalty, so you need a better excuse than that. remember the days with limits to coverage, writing off 40% of premiums as overhead, pre existing conditions. I am sure you want that all back
That travesty is eating itself, has put people out of work, has increased costs for the middle class.

But, keep kissing Pelosi's wrinkled butt, and sucking Obamas dick.

And keep screaming no-no-no to making needed changes, and we won't have any
Who has it put out of work?
20 million people can't be wrong
really do have you head up your ass, don't you?

Employers couldn't afford the ACA, so employees were cut back to part time.

Working part time, they couldn't afford ACA.
Yes that happened in a small number of instances, but why do 20 million people choose to be insured by the ACA?
but why do 20 million people choose to be insured by the ACA?

They weren't given a choice.

Remember, sign up or pay a penalty?
In many cases people weren't earning enough to even pay a penalty, so you need a better excuse than that. remember the days with limits to coverage, writing off 40% of premiums as overhead, pre existing conditions. I am sure you want that all back
Go away little boy.

You've proven time and time again you have no idea what you're talking about.

In many cases people weren't earning enough to even pay a penalty,

Which is why it was put to the IRS to collect the fines.
Washington (CNN)A slew of House conservatives are beginning to publicly oppose a draft of the Republican Obamacare repeal bill that was leaked last week, presenting a serious roadblock to the GOP's increasingly complicated efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

Trump: 'Nobody knew health care could be so complicated'

Republican Rep. Mark Meadows, the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, told CNN on Monday that he cannot support a draft of the GOP Obamacare repeal bill unless substantial changes are made.
Hours later, Rep. Mark Walker, the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, announced that he, too, could not support the leaked version of the legislation.
This should be fun.
I'm interested to see what happens to ACA's enrollment with the IRS ignoring the fee...
Well, what would it mean if young single dropped out and families with subsidies and Medicaid wanted to stay in? I think the IRS change is meaningless, beyond illustrating that the mandate was unpopular... but we knew that.
Well it's not like anything is going to save ACA, it's failed and frankly it's only going to get worse.

The opinion being tossed around is that folks love ACA, but I don't think that is the case. I think a lot of folks were kind of forced to have it, in so much as for an extra few bucks over the mandate they could get insurance - which is the number I'm curious to see. How many of these 20mil actually /wanted/ said insurance enough to keep it even when there is no mandate.
Well it's not like anything is going to save ACA, it's failed and frankly it's only going to get worse.

The opinion being tossed around is that folks love ACA, but I don't think that is the case. I think a lot of folks were kind of forced to have it, in so much as for an extra few bucks over the mandate they could get insurance - which is the number I'm curious to see. How many of these 20mil actually /wanted/ said insurance enough to keep it even when there is no mandate.
Well the polls say more like it than not, and among the nay sayers the biggest complaint is cost.

So, I think it's suicidal for the gop to try and repeal it without a substitute. But, the irony is that they'd have to raise even more taxes to replace it.
Well it's not like anything is going to save ACA, it's failed and frankly it's only going to get worse.

The opinion being tossed around is that folks love ACA, but I don't think that is the case. I think a lot of folks were kind of forced to have it, in so much as for an extra few bucks over the mandate they could get insurance - which is the number I'm curious to see. How many of these 20mil actually /wanted/ said insurance enough to keep it even when there is no mandate.
Well the polls say more like it than not, and among the nay sayers the biggest complaint is cost.

So, I think it's suicidal for the gop to try and repeal it without a substitute. But, the irony is that they'd have to raise even more taxes to replace it.

Personally I'd like to see him dump the entire pile shit because frankly the only people I think benefit are the welfare leaches. I'm no fan of socialism.

Alas, President Trump is a softy and won't do it. He's going to hand out health care to these dead weights somehow. No idea how he's going to manage it, but I suspect he will.
Well it's not like anything is going to save ACA, it's failed and frankly it's only going to get worse.

The opinion being tossed around is that folks love ACA, but I don't think that is the case. I think a lot of folks were kind of forced to have it, in so much as for an extra few bucks over the mandate they could get insurance - which is the number I'm curious to see. How many of these 20mil actually /wanted/ said insurance enough to keep it even when there is no mandate.

Agreed. Commie Care was the main issue that landed the Republicans leadership of Congress and Senate, and was one of Trump's top issues which helped lead him to victory.

Question: If only 20 million people are on Commie Care, how is it more than half of the country (150 million people) are for keeping it???
ACA, the border wall, deporting 15-20 million people, and so on will get stonewalled by Congress, then walked back to nothing by Trump.

then the Trumpbots will blame Clinton and Obama, hump each others leg for four years yammering "we won" ...
I think we have reached a point where even republicans are beginning to worry about re election if they continue to support Trump

enter the establishment Republicans in Congress who are more than willing to fuck Trump so they can keep their $172K a year job doing nothing ..

the same Republicans he pissed ON then OFF during his entire campaign.

I'm curious as to how these establishment Republicans believe they are going to keep their jobs by going against Trump ? The very same people who gave Trump the primaries and the WH are the ones who will be voting for their reelection, If Trump continues to do what he promised then the establishment better get on board.

Personally I hope they don't and just double down just like Liberals are doing. All we need is some good opposition candidates and the establishment is done.
Well it's not like anything is going to save ACA, it's failed and frankly it's only going to get worse.

The opinion being tossed around is that folks love ACA, but I don't think that is the case. I think a lot of folks were kind of forced to have it, in so much as for an extra few bucks over the mandate they could get insurance - which is the number I'm curious to see. How many of these 20mil actually /wanted/ said insurance enough to keep it even when there is no mandate.

Agreed. Commie Care was the main issue that landed the Republicans leadership of Congress and Senate, and was one of Trump's top issues which helped lead him to victory.

Question: If only 20 million people are on Commie Care, how is it more than half of the country (150 million people) are for keeping it???

"Questionable polling tactics"

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