Top Kill has failed according to BP

Where is the GLOMAR Explorer?

Probably had it's budget defunded by a bunch of science hating Conservatives.:razz:
BP's Latest Update on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill - 29 May

The Government, together with BP, have therefore decided to move to the next step in the subsea operations, the deployment of the Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) Cap Containment System.

The operational plan first involves cutting and then removing the damaged riser from the top of the failed Blow-Out Preventer (BOP) to leave a cleanly-cut pipe at the top of the BOP’s LMRP. The cap is designed to be connected to a riser from the Discoverer Enterprise drillship and placed over the LMRP with the intention of capturing most of the oil and gas flowing from the well. The LMRP cap is already on site and it is currently anticipated that it will be connected in about four days.

This operation has not been previously carried out in 5,000 feet of water and the successful deployment of the containment system cannot be assured.

Drilling of the first relief well continues and is currently at 12,090 feet. Drilling of the second relief well is temporarily suspended and is expected to recommence shortly from 8,576 feet.


Let's hope this works.
Yeah, this is obviously bad and it looks like it's going to get much worse, too.

I cannot even begin to imagine what a mess this is going to make of the Gulf wetlands and shoreline.

Those fragile ecosystems are going to become a wasteland.

And since they're the spawning ground for so many species both of fish and fowl, this disaster is going to radically alter the entire ecosystem in the Gulf.

I have no idea what value mankind puts on such things, nor do I much care, either.

BP just ruined a significant part of the globe because they were too fucking cheap to take every precaution they could.

So much for the theirory of the intelligence of the invisible hand of the market, folks.

Events like this inform us why having regulations (and governments that enforce them) are absolutely necessary to maintaining one's civilization.

BP ought to be put down like the a rabid dog

Sorry...not buying te anti-corporate rant....there were regulations in place but the regulatory body chose the meth pipe and porn over their responsibility. There's enough blame to go around to everyone...this shouldn't be used as an excuse for the government to take over another industry.
Bullshit. That's US oil on US territory and belongs to the US citizens. When are you dumb fucking brainwashed crapitalists going to figure that out.
BP makes billions. The tootheless fuckwads working the rigs make chump change and you pay these corporations out the ass for your fuels.
A gallon of gas in Venezuela is under 15 cents.

If it's our oil, on our territory and belongs to us..... how come a foreign company was drilling? Answer, because the US Government consented. That means it ain't our oil. Idiot. You don't get to have oil for free - you want it - you fucking pay for it.
Duck, it wasn't hindsight. As more information comes out about the period just before the explosion, we are learning that shortcuts were taken that were known to be dangerous.

The first point is that a blowout valve, costing half a million, that is requiered by just about every other nation on earth, other than ours, wasn't used. Second, the blowout valve that is down there was known to be defective, and the crew on the drilling platform had prints for an earlier version, but not that one. Third, in order to speed up the operation, they withdrew the drilling mud before the concrete was set.

Those are know chances that they knowingly took. After working in maintenance for over 40 years on industrial machinery, I can tell you that if you take enough small chances, a large disaster becomes a certainty.

I agree with all this except adding the half a million acoustic switch. There are already 5 BOPs in the stack. Adding one more BOP that the crew will not maintain correctly is not the answer. These people did not follow safe drilling procedures. Government regulators did not regulate. Workers did not follow regulations. They had a dead battery on the BOP dead-man circuit. Leaking hydraulics on the BOPs. Test parts installed into the BOPs. They faked tests & withdrew drill mud from a well that other test revealed had issues.

The blame goes first & foremost on the Union Workers who performed & signed off on every test, check & procedure. I have family who work jet airliners. The boss is always trying to get them to pencil whip the planes through inspections in order to keep on schedule, make passengers happy & make more money. Bottom line is you say no way & the boss says your fired & the union says no he is not. You may have to clean the blue water from aircraft toilets for a while but you still have a job & did not sign off on a death sentence on a plane load of people.

I have also heard that these Union Workers got bonus for speed. Is their greed any less evil than their bosses greed. I say no. Their boss may get fired & loose everything for lack of profit but these Union Workers will not get fired.
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i think a company that ignores safety regs...and allows this to happen all in the name of getting money faster...should be put down like a rabid dog....cause that is what it is....look at the coastlands...marshes and the are letting them be put down like a rabid dog but defending the source...damn i guess and paul are in syn
Why do you hate capitalism?
It won't work. If they thought it would work, they would have done it already. They know only the relief well will work and they're just looking busy. The fucking sombrero and the mud didn't work the last time they fucked up the gulf and they know none of it will work this time.

We are waiting on the relief well that should have been drilled along with the original well.
poor old obie wan, the worst environmental disaster in history and he's gone to watch Paul.. poor old Louisiana.
Thanks. I'll correct that right [I knew it..just didn't type it for some reason.]
It won't work. If they thought it would work, they would have done it already. They know only the relief well will work and they're just looking busy. The fucking sombrero and the mud didn't work the last time they fucked up the gulf and they know none of it will work this time.

We are waiting on the relief well that should have been drilled along with the original well.
Good post...and true.
the drilling on relief wells should have started immediately....

the coast lines are lost. obama aint done mal and aint gonna do mal
It started May 2...
Which puts us on target for end of July, early August?
It would be interesting to see a projection of the size of the oil spill at the end of July. This is what BP and the government should be planning on. The relief well may not be 100% successful but it has go to reduce the flow considerable.
It won't work. If they thought it would work, they would have done it already. They know only the relief well will work and they're just looking busy. The fucking sombrero and the mud didn't work the last time they fucked up the gulf and they know none of it will work this time.

We are waiting on the relief well that should have been drilled along with the original well.
Good post...and true.

Were the oil and drilling companies aware of the volatile nature of this type of oil field? If so then yes...but what I don't understand is...we have a Naval asset that can be on scene in a couple weeks and begin drilling ops....why don't we recall it from would beat waiting for another 6 months!!!!!
It won't work. If they thought it would work, they would have done it already. They know only the relief well will work and they're just looking busy. The fucking sombrero and the mud didn't work the last time they fucked up the gulf and they know none of it will work this time.

We are waiting on the relief well that should have been drilled along with the original well.
Good post...and true.

Were the oil and drilling companies aware of the volatile nature of this type of oil field? If so then yes...but what I don't understand is...we have a Naval asset that can be on scene in a couple weeks and begin drilling ops....why don't we recall it from would beat waiting for another 6 months!!!!!
They started drilling the relief well weeks ago. Why do you think this ship would be faster at it? Last thing we need right now is to over hurry things and have more fuck ups.
Drilling of the first relief well, which began on May 2 continues as does drilling of a second relief well, begun on May 16. Each of these wells is estimated to take some three months to complete from the commencement of drilling.

Update on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response | Press release | BP

So unless someone comes up with something we're looking at a spill about 3 times the size of the Exxon Valdez? I'd say we should be moving everything we've got to absorb oil with towards the gulf like 3 weeks ago. From straw to skimmers.

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