Top leaders of Hezbollah killed on Lebanon

Big deal.
5 minutes later someone took his place.

Yep. We saw this over and over and over with Al-Queda and the Taliban.

The IDF is cutting the head off the snake by killing the top leadership of Hezbollah

This is amazing

Next comes a ground invasion to destroy the remnant of Shia terrorists along with their tunnels and rocket cache in southern Lebanon

jew ba da bing.jpg
The IDF has experienced a large number of casualties and destroyed equipment yet still hasn't defeated Hamas.
Hezbollah is Hamas times 10,000
Anyone who thinks the IDF is going to defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield is seriously deluded.
Potential for a ground incursion as Hezbollah are now in some disarray. Years of intercepting rockets has created strong support in Israel for this response. It didnt need to be this way but Oct 7th woke Israel up from their slumber. Iran might have a war in their hands in the future and they won't retaliate before the U.S elecrions as they (and China) desperately want Harris to win and dont want to hurt her chances. Israel knows this so they will take the offensive with impunity and witbout fear of immediate reprisals from Iran.
The IDF has experienced a large number of casualties and destroyed equipment yet still hasn't defeated Hamas.
Hezbollah is Hamas times 10,000
Anyone who thinks the IDF is going to defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield is seriously deluded.
Hizzbollocks will not fight on the battlefield. Lebanon has no desire to have their land area to become a war zone. Israel is not done with strikes to remove the Hizzbollocks leadership.

The IDF is cutting the head off the snake by killing the top leadership of Hezbollah

This is amazing

Next comes a ground invasion to destroy the remnant of Shia terrorists along with their tunnels and rocket cache in southern Lebanon

Glad he’s dead, but wow, why is it after every demafasict admin we have global chaos???
The IDF has experienced a large number of casualties and destroyed equipment yet still hasn't defeated Hamas.
Hezbollah is Hamas times 10,000
Anyone who thinks the IDF is going to defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield is seriously deluded.
Israel could destroy both in s blink of an eye if they wished
To become a stain on the pavement 5 minutes later.
Dream on Poindexter.
Nasrallah was on Israel's hit list for decades.
The guy that takes his place will be even harder to find and kill.

The IDF is cutting the head off the snake by killing the top leadership of Hezbollah

This is amazing

Next comes a ground invasion to destroy the remnant of Shia terrorists along with their tunnels and rocket cache in southern Lebanon

Well they just recruited more resistance fighters, as for invasion go for it and see what happens, some people seem to forget Hezbollah only came about after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and 18 year long occupation, so we have been here before.
Hizzbollocks will not fight on the battlefield. Lebanon has no desire to have their land area to become a war zone. Israel is not done with strikes to remove the Hizzbollocks leadership.
You are deluded Hezbollah ARE Lebanese you idiot why would they not fight an invasion? if not for Hezbollah half of Lebanon would still be occupied with Zionist settlers drinking beer on the sea front.
Potential for a ground incursion as Hezbollah are now in some disarray. Years of intercepting rockets has created strong support in Israel for this response. It didnt need to be this way but Oct 7th woke Israel up from their slumber. Iran might have a war in their hands in the future and they won't retaliate before the U.S elecrions as they (and China) desperately want Harris to win and dont want to hurt her chances. Israel knows this so they will take the offensive with impunity and witbout fear of immediate reprisals from Iran.
The Psycho Netanyahu and the Regime are treating the US and Biden with utter contempt, a Frankenstein Monster was created and fed for decades and is now out of control and even turning on it's master.
Big deal.
5 minutes later someone took his place.
Oh, you mean the nervous looking jihadi who keeps looking over his shoulder and communicates with the rest of Hezbollah through carrier pigeons

He’s not a very imposing figure
You are deluded Hezbollah ARE Lebanese you idiot why would they not fight an invasion? if not for Hezbollah half of Lebanon would still be occupied with Zionist settlers drinking beer on the sea front.
Hizzbollocks are a mercenary army controlled by Iranian mullocrats.

While the Shia Hizzbollocks mercenary army initiated a war with Israel back in 2006, the Iranian Mullocrats were giving each other Islamo-high fives as the Sunni portion of the Lebanese population were killed. The Lebanese population has no desire to have their nation trashed by actions of the Iranians.
The IDF has experienced a large number of casualties and destroyed equipment yet still hasn't defeated Hamas.
Hezbollah is Hamas times 10,000
Anyone who thinks the IDF is going to defeat Hezbollah on the battlefield is seriously deluded.
Just poped in for a second I see Sunni Man you still have not changed your toon.. You touted how great the warriors of Hezbullah are on other threads but we are being shown differently… Nasrallah was hiding under a densely populated area of civilians this is not how great warriors fight.. That is how Hamas fought and it didn’t help them either… It is time for you to come off your high horse as many in the Sunni world are happy to see this butcher gone.. Further regarding another taking his place… As I have stated before when tending a “ garden” Weeds grow among the good plants and if they are pulled out on a consistent basis daily then the garden is easy to maintain and look after and kept healthy.. Israel has been lax for years in pulling the weeds but like any gardener knows with a lot of hard work and maintenance eventually after removing the weeds the garden can return to optimum health.. The healthy plants will in the end be thankful for their return to optimal health after years of neglect and any future weeds will be treated accordingly and removed before they can grow to threaten the garden again… Further yours is wishful thinking the the gardener/ Israel was weakened in any way in their other battles to clean up the garden as they are able to get all the fertilizer they need to get the job done properly and efficiently you should keep that in mind… Wink Wink…

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