Top RNC official in Florida calls vaccines the 'mark of the beast.'


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

I think your misunderstanding his point,,

the efforts to exclude those without a vaccine from purchase or participation is equivalent to the mark of the beast
Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

Do you know that they're not--proof? What makes your beliefs and assertions any more relevant and believable than his? Oh, I know--if a democrat says it--it must be true. Take it down the road moron. Your shit stinks as bad as his.
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Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

No surprise that red states Texas and Florida account for over a third of all the new infection cases in the U.S now.
I think your misunderstanding his point,,

the efforts to exclude those without a vaccine from purchase or participation is equivalent to the mark of the beast
I don't buy it. For several decades, vaccines have been a requirement for children to attend public schools. I don't recall groups of people getting worked up about that.

Aside from that, conservatives are the biggest hypocrites in the world, and that's saying something considering that hypocrisy is pretty much the coin of the realm. I say that because conservatives claim to want to be free of mask mandates etc., but it's their own refusal (as well as the refusal of others) to get the vaccine that is perpetuating the need for mask mandates.

I remember when certain people got all bent out of shape about smoking restrictions in the early years of those restrictions after decades of people pretty much smoking anywhere they pleased. But aside from people with asthma or other respiratory ailments, it was unlikely that secondhand smoke was going to cause anyone immediate harm. This virus is different because some antivax nut case could spread the disease to countless people. Well, I would tell all of the wannabe Patrick Henrys in the world that their liberty does not come at the expense of others' lives.
Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

Poor baby. The Covid shots are NOT a vaccine and all the Left has done these past 17 months is CHANGE THEIR STORY every two weeks about the nature of the virus and our plan to deal with it!

There never has been any science much less reason behind 90% of what we have done. No science, the proof of it is that despite everything, so many people still got sick and died! And the infections go right on happening.

There has been no science, just wild guesses.

And the proof of it is that in a few years, it will be admitted and revealed that the shutdowns forced upon us by the Left out of FEAR did 10X more harm and damage to people and the country than the actual virus itself.
get the vaccine
The jab does not keep you from contracting, spreading or dying from covid. It is genetic modification, not a vaccine.
This virus is different because some antivax nut case could spread the disease to countless people
This virus is different, it was weaponized in a Chinese lab and some nutcase spread it throughout the world. Masks don't work, the jab doesn't work and the virus has been sensationalized to promote a narrative. There, I fixed it for you.
Poor baby. The Covid shots are NOT a vaccine and all the Left has done these past 17 months is CHANGE THEIR STORY every two weeks about the nature of the virus and our plan to deal with it!

There never has been any science much less reason behind 90% of what we have done. No science, the proof of it is that despite everything, so many people still got sick and died! And the infections go right on happening.

There has been no science, just wild guesses.

And the proof of it is that in a few years, it will be admitted and revealed that the shutdowns forced upon us by the Left out of FEAR did 10X more harm and damage to people and the country than the actual virus itself.
It's pretty hard to develop a vaccine without science, wouldn't you say?
Poor baby. The Covid shots are NOT a vaccine and all the Left has done these past 17 months is CHANGE THEIR STORY every two weeks about the nature of the virus and our plan to deal with it!

There never has been any science much less reason behind 90% of what we have done. No science, the proof of it is that despite everything, so many people still got sick and died! And the infections go right on happening.

There has been no science, just wild guesses.

And the proof of it is that in a few years, it will be admitted and revealed that the shutdowns forced upon us by the Left out of FEAR did 10X more harm and damage to people and the country than the actual virus itself.
Trump started the lockdowns but yet you blame the "left" insanity is not a breakfast menu option son get it together and stop playing obtuse catch-me phraseology.
It's pretty hard to develop a vaccine without science, wouldn't you say?

That is COMPLETELY apart from the "science" I was referring to asshole and you KNOW IT. I'm talking about all of the pseudoscience the left have been floating out there they always refer to but NEVER DEFINE because there is NO SCIENCE to using a dust mask or cotton fabric over the face as your CHIEF CONTROL over a virus half a micron in size.



I don't buy it. For several decades, vaccines have been a requirement for children to attend public schools. I don't recall groups of people getting worked up about that.

Aside from that, conservatives are the biggest hypocrites in the world, and that's saying something considering that hypocrisy is pretty much the coin of the realm. I say that because conservatives claim to want to be free of mask mandates etc., but it's their own refusal (as well as the refusal of others) to get the vaccine that is perpetuating the need for mask mandates.

I remember when certain people got all bent out of shape about smoking restrictions in the early years of those restrictions after decades of people pretty much smoking anywhere they pleased. But aside from people with asthma or other respiratory ailments, it was unlikely that secondhand smoke was going to cause anyone immediate harm. This virus is different because some antivax nut case could spread the disease to countless people. Well, I would tell all of the wannabe Patrick Henrys in the world that their liberty does not come at the expense of others' lives.
those had centuries of proof of illness with decades of testing,,

big diff than this non-vaccine vaccine that has no testing or approval or accountability for failure,,

and we arent taking about attending a public school, we are talking about existing in society
Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

Looks like the vaxx strategy is failing. How 'bout this: just STFU and let people get vaxxed when they get good-and-ready. The current intimidation tactics just...don'

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