Top RNC official in Florida calls vaccines the 'mark of the beast.'

No ignorant dumb ducks calling the vaccine the make of the beast.
As hot-n-bothered as the government is for everyone to get vaxxed, can you see why some folks would question their motives?

The vaxxers should just shut the fuck up. They would have better results. This is The United States. We don't cot to being told what to do. Anytime the government attempts to force it's will upon the people, there's a negative reaction.
As hot-n-bothered as the government is for everyone to get vaxxed, can you see why some folks would question their motives?

The vaxxers should just shut the fuck up. They would have better results. This is The United States. We don't cot to being told what to do. Anytime the government attempts to force it's will upon the people, there's a negative reaction.
I get it. You won't do it because it was recommended that you do for health and safety. Lol. Better run out do drugs and smoke under that logic.
Looks like the vaxx strategy is failing. How 'bout this: just STFU and let people get vaxxed when they get good-and-ready.

In a free society, one should look at it this way:
  • We have the vaccine, and many who want it have taken it.
  • This has dramatically lowered the risk and death rate. Why can't that be a good thing? Why isn't that enough?
  • The vaccinated are at LOW RISK now, so if some of the unvaccinated get sick, that's life.
    • Surely, hospitalizations will be way down.
    • Consumption of supplies and resources will be way down.
    • We continue to head towards herd immunity.
    • Those who still get sick and die will be unvaccinated, so eventually, we will run out of them. ITMT, there is no just cause to continue with the social horsecrap.
But no, instead, the Bidenistas want MANDATORY vaccination, continued shutdowns, distancing and masks! That is NOT the act of a free society. The unvaccinated are risking no one's lives but their own and have freely chosen to do so, so, if you are that risk adverse, just GET THE VACCINE and STFU.
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I think your misunderstanding his point,,

the efforts to exclude those without a vaccine from purchase or participation is equivalent to the mark of the beast

These morons are the ones choosing to isolate themselves. They are diseased people who want to freely circulate in society to spread their sickness. The rest of society has a right to defend themselves from this threat.

This "mark of the beast" stuff is halarious, but doesn't have a place in modern public policy. This is not 1460. If you're scared, throw salt over your shoulder, twirl around three times, and hang a bag of garlic around your neck.
With the "Superspreader" immigration policy now in force by the Biden Administration, intelligent people have to ask if the secret redistribution of illegal immigrants throughout the country are actually targeted at GOP governors in order to boost the number of "cases" so that the Feds can crack down on them?
Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

As opposed to statist pawns who relish sucking government cock?

"conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions"

I can guarantee that you have NEVER referred to conservatives this way. NEVER, you're full of shit if you say you have.

Yeah, some of em might be crazy...but guess what? You lettin .Gov beat them tonsils with their big red, white, and blue hog, is even worse.

Go get another shot, slave.
These morons are the ones choosing to isolate themselves. They are diseased people who want to freely circulate in society to spread their sickness. The rest of society has a right to defend themselves from this threat.

This "mark of the beast" stuff is halarious, but doesn't have a place in modern public policy. This is not 1460. If you're scared, throw salt over your shoulder, twirl around three times, and hang a bag of garlic around your neck.
not true,,
they are being forced into isolation by authoritarian dictators with no proof they have any illness or that it would effect anyone else,,
In a free society, one should look at it this way:
  • We have the vaccine, and many who want it have taken it.
  • This has dramatically lowered the risk and death rate. Why can't that be a good thing? Why isn't that enough?
  • The vaccinated are at LOW RISK now, so if some of the unvaccinated get sick, that's life.
    • Surely, hospitalizations will be way down.
    • Consumption of supplies and resources will be way down.
    • We continue to head towards herd immunity.
    • Those who still get sick and die will be unvaccinated, so eventually, we will run out of them. ITMT, there is no just cause to continue with the social horsecrap.
But no, instead, the Bidenistas want MANDATORY vaccination, continued shutdowns, distancing and masks! That is NOT the act of a free society. The unvaccinated are risking no one's lives but their own and have freely chosen to do so, so, if you are that risk adverse, just GET THE VACCINE and STFU.
It's all about control.
These morons are the ones choosing to isolate themselves. They are diseased people who want to freely circulate in society to spread their sickness. The rest of society has a right to defend themselves from this threat.

This "mark of the beast" stuff is halarious, but doesn't have a place in modern public policy. This is not 1460. If you're scared, throw salt over your shoulder, twirl around three times, and hang a bag of garlic around your neck.
Do you carry a gun in public, so you can protect your fellow citizens?
It won't be until Xiden commands you have your "vaccination passport" number tattoes on your forehead that the Mark of The Beast will be upon us.

That clarified, anybody know why Hunter has sent the purchase order for 15-million units of tattoo ink to Whuan?

Could it simply be speculative?
Face it, folks! The GOP is now the national conservative political party which embraces widespread ignorance, rampant stupidity, and just plain craziness and lunacy.

If it wasn't so rampant and widespread, we could all have a good laugh about it. But this lunatic is not just some average citizen with a loose screw and a megaphone. He just so happens to be one of the chief Republican Committee members in a state with one of the highest, if not THE highest, rate of Covid cases which is spreading like wildfire.

Yeah, let's just face it. The so-called days of conservative common sense and the dispassionate review of the facts in order to reach realistic and workable solutions is nothing more than a footnote in the history books. The GOP is now beset by conspiracy theories and the kooks who promote them. If this madness doesn't doom the GOP, then perhaps we are all doomed as a result.

I was a Republican when it was the party of Ronald Reagan. I don't recognize it anymore. I doubt Ronald Reagan would recognize it.

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