Top Trump Advisor Resigns on Eve of Testimony

This would be a very disappointing end to Trump. It isn't good for the Presidency, above all.
If it all possibly does result in someone emerging with a renewal of genuine American spirit, we will be very lucky.

America will never again accept a sitting President from either party
Another neocon Bushbot swamper....Been saying from the get-go that Trump has been getting seriously bad advice for staffing choices.
He's had to choose from the second best. This guy has a good rep....might be trouble..his resigning and choosing to testify despite Trump's wishes--does not look good.
Yeah, Comey and Mueller had "good reps" too....How'd that shake out?

Well the way it always works out- anyone who Trump feels threatened by has their reputations trashed by Trump's propaganda machine.
Another neocon Bushbot swamper....Been saying from the get-go that Trump has been getting seriously bad advice for staffing choices.

No he's not.

That's your excuse for a person who tells the truth about trump's lies?

It's pathetic. Tim Morrison has nothing to do with the bush boy. He was a republican staffer as senior director for countering WMDs.

He was brought into the White House by trump in 2018. Before that, he had nothing to do with the White House or the bush boy.

You know nothing about this man. Or nothing that is actually true facts.

Tim Morrison (arms control expert) - Wikipedia

Timothy Aaron Morrison (born c. 1978) is the top U.S. presidential adviser on Russia and Europe, in which position he succeeded Fiona Hill in August 2019.[1] Before that, he served as senior director for countering weapons of mass destruction on the US National Security Council, a position he assumed on July 9, 2018.[2] Until then, he was policy director for the Republican staff on the Housedefense panel.[2] Morrison entered politics as a professional staff member to Rep. Mark Kennedy, from 2000 to 2007.[3]

From the story...

Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton....Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas.

Another career swamper....Deal with it dumbass.
Trump hires only the best people! How dare you call one of his hirees a swamper! Trump came to DRAIN the swamp!
President Trump is playing "Chicken" with you idiots, and you keep running off into the ditch.


You do realize he is mentally impaired....don't you?

Of course he's crazy. That's why you crazy fuckers can't beat him, no matter what you try.

President Trump at his worst is like a deranged school bus driver careening all over the road and along a cliff.

And you liberals are like the screaming kids in the bus. I've never been so entertained by a President, in all my life.


Thank you for your comment ...Vladimir....

Any time, comrade. Now don't be late for your re-education class, otherwise it's the gulag for you.
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?
If you read their opening statements, you'd know the answer to that question.

But since their testimonies are longer than a tweet, I am not the least surprised you have not read them and just parrot what you are told to parrot by your lying propagandists.
Another neocon Bushbot swamper....Been saying from the get-go that Trump has been getting seriously bad advice for staffing choices.

No he's not.

That's your excuse for a person who tells the truth about trump's lies?

It's pathetic. Tim Morrison has nothing to do with the bush boy. He was a republican staffer as senior director for countering WMDs.

He was brought into the White House by trump in 2018. Before that, he had nothing to do with the White House or the bush boy.

You know nothing about this man. Or nothing that is actually true facts.

Tim Morrison (arms control expert) - Wikipedia

Timothy Aaron Morrison (born c. 1978) is the top U.S. presidential adviser on Russia and Europe, in which position he succeeded Fiona Hill in August 2019.[1] Before that, he served as senior director for countering weapons of mass destruction on the US National Security Council, a position he assumed on July 9, 2018.[2] Until then, he was policy director for the Republican staff on the Housedefense panel.[2] Morrison entered politics as a professional staff member to Rep. Mark Kennedy, from 2000 to 2007.[3]

From the story...

Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton....Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas.

Another career swamper....Deal with it dumbass.
Trump hires only the best people! How dare you call one of his hirees a swamper! Trump came to DRAIN the swamp!

It's Washington. You pretty much take what you can get and if they don't perform, you fire their ass.
Another neocon Bushbot swamper....Been saying from the get-go that Trump has been getting seriously bad advice for staffing choices.

No he's not.

That's your excuse for a person who tells the truth about trump's lies?

It's pathetic. Tim Morrison has nothing to do with the bush boy. He was a republican staffer as senior director for countering WMDs.

He was brought into the White House by trump in 2018. Before that, he had nothing to do with the White House or the bush boy.

You know nothing about this man. Or nothing that is actually true facts.

Tim Morrison (arms control expert) - Wikipedia

Timothy Aaron Morrison (born c. 1978) is the top U.S. presidential adviser on Russia and Europe, in which position he succeeded Fiona Hill in August 2019.[1] Before that, he served as senior director for countering weapons of mass destruction on the US National Security Council, a position he assumed on July 9, 2018.[2] Until then, he was policy director for the Republican staff on the Housedefense panel.[2] Morrison entered politics as a professional staff member to Rep. Mark Kennedy, from 2000 to 2007.[3]

From the story...

Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton....Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas.

Another career swamper....Deal with it dumbass.
Trump hires only the best people! How dare you call one of his hirees a swamper! Trump came to DRAIN the swamp!

It's Washington. You pretty much take what you can get and if they don't perform, you fire their ass.
If you are a former game show host with no experience, you don't know what the fuck you are doing. And this is what happens. You end up impeached for being totally corrupt and stupid, chasing hoaxes like the birther you are. why would he do signal he is going his own way?

Top Trump adviser next in impeachment hearing hot seat

"UPDATE: Trump National Security Council aide Tim Morrison resigns on eve of congressional testimony in impeachment probe.
EARLIER: WASHINGTON (AP) — Tim Morrison owes his job at the National Security Council to President Donald Trump. But on Thursday, Morrison's testimony in the House impeachment inquiry might be central to a push to remove the president from office.
Morrison, tall and lean with an authoritative voice, will be asked to explain that "sinking feeling" he got when Trump demanded that Ukraine's president investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and meddling in the 2016 election.
Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton to address arms control matters and later shifted into his current role as a top Russia and Europe adviser. It was there that he stepped into the thick of an in-house squabble about the activities of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal attorney who had been conversing with Ukrainian leaders outside of traditional U.S. diplomatic circles.
Known as a "hawk" in national security circles, Morrison is set to be the first political appointee from the White House to testify before impeachment investigators. He'll be navigating between his allegiance to Trump and cooperation with a probe denounced by the president, who has directed his staff not to testify.
Regardless of what he says, GOP lawmakers will be hard-pressed to dismiss Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas."
He's a neocon Bolton ass surprise he resigned...can't be trusted just like Bolton couldn't be trusted.
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?

That is what we would like to hear. I am sure you are looking forward to his testimony also.
Nobody is hearing any "testimony"...It's all coached hearsay, with absolutely zero cross-examination or contrary evidence allowed to be shown.

The perfect kind of star chamber court for fascists.
Another neocon Bushbot swamper....Been saying from the get-go that Trump has been getting seriously bad advice for staffing choices.

No he's not.

That's your excuse for a person who tells the truth about trump's lies?

It's pathetic. Tim Morrison has nothing to do with the bush boy. He was a republican staffer as senior director for countering WMDs.

He was brought into the White House by trump in 2018. Before that, he had nothing to do with the White House or the bush boy.

You know nothing about this man. Or nothing that is actually true facts.

Tim Morrison (arms control expert) - Wikipedia

Timothy Aaron Morrison (born c. 1978) is the top U.S. presidential adviser on Russia and Europe, in which position he succeeded Fiona Hill in August 2019.[1] Before that, he served as senior director for countering weapons of mass destruction on the US National Security Council, a position he assumed on July 9, 2018.[2] Until then, he was policy director for the Republican staff on the Housedefense panel.[2] Morrison entered politics as a professional staff member to Rep. Mark Kennedy, from 2000 to 2007.[3]

From the story...

Morrison, who is in his 40s, is a political appointee in the Trump White House, brought on board by former national security adviser John Bolton....Morrison, formerly a longtime Republican staffer at the House Armed Services Committee. He's been bouncing around Washington in Republican positions for two decades, having worked for Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn., Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and as a GOP senior staffer on the House Armed Services Committee, including nearly four years when it was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas.

Another career swamper....Deal with it dumbass.
Trump hires only the best people! How dare you call one of his hirees a swamper! Trump came to DRAIN the swamp!

It's Washington. You pretty much take what you can get and if they don't perform, you fire their ass.
If you are a former game show host with no experience, you don't know what the fuck you are doing. And this is what happens. You end up impeached for being totally corrupt and stupid.

Only in your dreams, sweetheart. Your little "impeachment" is not going to happen, just watch.
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?

That is what we would like to hear. I am sure you are looking forward to his testimony also.
Nobody is hearing any "testimony"...It's all coached hearsay, with absolutely zero cross-examination or contrary evidence allowed to be shown.
Now see? I knew your propagandists were lying to you.

The Republicans on the committees are allowed to cross examine the witnesses for as long as they wish, dumbass.

Now that you know you have been lied to, I would bet my house you will go right back to your lying propagandists to eat more of their bullshit with relish.
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?

That is what we would like to hear. I am sure you are looking forward to his testimony also.
Nobody is hearing any "testimony"...It's all coached hearsay, with absolutely zero cross-examination or contrary evidence allowed to be shown.

The perfect kind of star chamber court for fascists.

Poor little do just regurgitate what your Dear Leader tells you.

41 Republicans are sitting in on that testimony and yes they have an opportunity to ask questions.

And you had no problem with a 'star chamber' when it came go Benghazi.......odd isn't it that you do now
Nobody is hearing any "testimony"...It's all coached hearsay, with absolutely zero cross-examination or contrary evidence allowed to be shown.

It is positively amazing how many of you parroting tards have made this claim. You are all obviously watching/listening to the same propagandists and blindly parrot what you are told to parrot.

Why do you dumb fucks keep going back to be lied to again and again and again?!? No wonder Trump is so easily able to hoax all of you. You are the most submissive lickspittles I have seen in my entire life.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

Then the questions begin to fly, largely from the expert staff hired by lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee and other panels participating in the probe. Each side gets an equal amount of questions, as dictated by long-standing House rules guiding these interviews.

“It starts one hour, one hour,” said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), explaining how the questioning moves beyond one-hour blocks for each side. “Then it goes 45, 45, 45, 45, with breaks, occasionally, and breaks for lunch.”

Meadows, one of Trump’s staunchest allies, said each side has been allowed an unlimited amount of questions they can ask of witnesses.
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?

That is what we would like to hear. I am sure you are looking forward to his testimony also.
Nobody is hearing any "testimony"...It's all coached hearsay, with absolutely zero cross-examination or contrary evidence allowed to be shown.

The perfect kind of star chamber court for fascists.

Poor little do just regurgitate what your Dear Leader tells you.

41 Republicans are sitting in on that testimony and yes they have an opportunity to ask questions.

And you had no problem with a 'star chamber' when it came go Benghazi.......odd isn't it that you do now
Yes, it is hilarious to watch the Republicans whining outside the closed doors they themselves locked from the inside a few short years ago.
Another neocon Bushbot swamper....Been saying from the get-go that Trump has been getting seriously bad advice for staffing choices.
I said that Trump needed to fire every single fucking person hired or promoted by Obama
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?

That is what we would like to hear. I am sure you are looking forward to his testimony also.
Nobody is hearing any "testimony"...It's all coached hearsay, with absolutely zero cross-examination or contrary evidence allowed to be shown.

The perfect kind of star chamber court for fascists.

Poor little do just regurgitate what your Dear Leader tells you.

41 Republicans are sitting in on that testimony and yes they have an opportunity to ask questions.

And you had no problem with a 'star chamber' when it came go Benghazi.......odd isn't it that you do now
It has also been widely reported that Schitt isn't allowing "witnesses" to answer certain questions....That's tampering, a fucking felony.
He figures he won't be very welcome when he says what he has to say, I reckon.
What the fuck can any of them say that isn't already in the released transcript?
Well..there is the fact that the transcript has been alleged to have several, 'edits', by the White House. So.....perhaps he can speak to that? Indeed, who knows...?

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