Toptal Cost So FAr of Wall Street Bank Bailouts: $29,616.4 billion dollars


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
How about the $85 BILLION MONTHLY that the Fed GIVES banks buying their worthless toxic subprime debt? The banks have gotten TRILLIONS of dollars off Uncle Sucker, so I have a hard time getting outraged over a company paying $70 MILLION in bonuses.
Daily Kos: The total cost of the Bank Bailout
TARP was only a small part of the Wall Street bailout. Most of the bailout was accomplished through the Federal Reserve.

The net total? As of November 10, 2011, it was $29,616.4 billion dollars — (or 29 and a half trillion, if you prefer that nomenclature). Three facilities—CBLS, PDCF, and TAF— are responsible for the lion’s share — 71.1% of all Federal Reserve assistance ($22,826.8 billion).
$29 Trillion is around twice the size of America's GDP.
The Federal Reserve claims they only lent $1.7 Trillion to the big banks. Why the huge difference in totals? Because the Fed only counts the most outstanding at any one time.
Here's a quick list of the Fed borrowers:

Citigroup - $2.513 trillion
Morgan Stanley - $2.041 trillion
Merrill Lynch - $1.949 trillion
Bank of America - $1.344 trillion
Barclays PLC - $868 billion
Bear Sterns - $853 billion
Goldman Sachs - $814 billion
Royal Bank of Scotland - $541 billion
JP Morgan Chase - $391 billion
Deutsche Bank - $354 billion
UBS - $287 billion
Credit Suisse - $262 billion
Lehman Brothers - $183 billion
Bank of Scotland - $181 billion
BNP Paribas - $175 billion
Wells Fargo - $159 billion
Dexia - $159 billion
Wachovia - $142 billion
Dresdner Bank - $135 billion
Shameless bump


In a sense the buyouts are payback for the CRA loans the banks either made or were sued for "redlining". Once again CLINTURD's 8 year reign was one of the most destructive periods in American history. Hussein pales by comparison to the treachery of Slick Willy.
What a coincidence, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were the biggest contributors to the Obama campaign. Actually the alleged "bailouts" are complicated loans to solvent corporations unlike the taxpayer giveaway to Solindra and other failed "green" companies at taxpayer expense.
What a coincidence, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were the biggest contributors to the Obama campaign. Actually the alleged "bailouts" are complicated loans to solvent corporations unlike the taxpayer giveaway to Solindra and other failed "green" companies at taxpayer expense.

Goldman and Morgan Stanley are criminal enterprises...they regularly bet against their own investors interests and came out of the bailouts as more powerful entitites....they both drive up the cost of everything by out-dollaring everybody in the futures markets. And they get away with it by buying influence with campaign funds and getting their people stuck in postions like treasury sec...... One day we'll deal with those bastards.
Shameless bump


In a sense the buyouts are payback for the CRA loans the banks either made or were sued for "redlining". Once again CLINTURD's 8 year reign was one of the most destructive periods in American history. Hussein pales by comparison to the treachery of Slick Willy.

You cant blame all this on just one party. The RINOs share blame too, like Senator Graham of Texas.
What a coincidence, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were the biggest contributors to the Obama campaign. Actually the alleged "bailouts" are complicated loans to solvent corporations unlike the taxpayer giveaway to Solindra and other failed "green" companies at taxpayer expense.

They also bought the GOP nomination for Romney.

If conservatives don't get a real conservative at the top of the ticket in 2016, they are damned fools if the stay GOP.
The Fed recently got back 78 Billion in Banker Loan repayments that immediately got deposited in the Treasury. Yay!

At this rate all that money will be paid back in about... 371 years!

But hey, Americans are busy worry about Zimmerman and Trayvon then all this confusing, Banker, gobbledy gook right?
The Fed recently got back 78 Billion in Banker Loan repayments that immediately got deposited in the Treasury. Yay!

At this rate all that money will be paid back in about... 371 years!

But hey, Americans are busy worry about Zimmerman and Trayvon then all this confusing, Banker, gobbledy gook right?

It's not confusing----we're broke as hell. It's a settled issue. Nothing more to discuss. We'll get there with the Trayvon shit as soon as some other bone is tossed out there.

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