Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
Who gives a crap? The Constitution dictates what the federal government can and cannot do. You may think it's ok to listen to 50,000 boring phone calls but it takes baby steps to GET TO A DICTATOR.
Yes. You're responding to one of millions of fools who think giving up their 4th Amendment protections is fine if they "have nothing to hide." This is how tyranny takes over, one sheep at a time.

Listen to yourself. I expect you want the government to defend you as is their consitutional requirement. Of course I don't give a shit if they listen to me I have nothing to hide, but what is your paranoia saying about you? What is it that you are doing that you feel you need to hide?

Whose saying that privacy extends to the phones? The courts are divided on the issue. No more then 50 years ago there was a thing call a party line where neighbors shared a phone line, it was very easy to pick up and listen to conversations. Do you think those folks thought there was a guarantee of privacy?

My whole point is this, do I think they should be listening to everyone, no, do I care if they do, no.

As for Snowden, if I am going to condemn Feinstein, Obama and McCain for the release of the report on the CIA and call it BS then to be consistent I must say the same about Snowden. Snowden swore an oath and broke that oath, the ends do not always justify the means.
Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
Who gives a crap? The Constitution dictates what the federal government can and cannot do. You may think it's ok to listen to 50,000 boring phone calls but it takes baby steps to GET TO A DICTATOR.
Yes. You're responding to one of millions of fools who think giving up their 4th Amendment protections is fine if they "have nothing to hide." This is how tyranny takes over, one sheep at a time.

Listen to yourself. I expect you want the government to defend you as is their consitutional requirement. Of course I don't give a shit if they listen to me I have nothing to hide, but what is your paranoia saying about you? What is it that you are doing that you feel you need to hide?

Whose saying that privacy extends to the phones? The courts are divided on the issue. No more then 50 years ago there was a thing call a party line where neighbors shared a phone line, it was very easy to pick up and listen to conversations. Do you think those folks thought there was a guarantee of privacy?

My whole point is this, do I think they should be listening to everyone, no, do I care if they do, no.

As for Snowden, if I am going to condemn Feinstein, Obama and McCain for the release of the report on the CIA and call it BS then to be consistent I must say the same about Snowden. Snowden swore an oath and broke that oath, the ends do not always justify the means.
The ratifiers of the Bill of Rights believed that one's innocence alone was not enough to protect against government abuse. Were they "paranoid" too or is it far more likely they were wise and you a complete moron? (Hint: it's the second one)
There's nothing quite as depressing as watching fascist fucks defending their insanity.
Torture, hell yea its torture, its the torture of those who are mass murderers, the torture of barbarians, people who Obama has decided must die via a Drone strike, which is simple cowardice.

Obama and the Democrats are Cowards who kill from the sky.

Conservatives, the Righteous do the Courageous, we fight and capture the bad guys, the murderers. Obama and the Democrats lack the Fortitude as well as the Courage to do what is right, Obama simply orders them dead. Fair play? Rightous? Obama seems a bit more like the terrorists, not so much like an American.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

I couldn't agree more.

Waterboarding isn't torture as far as I'm concerned.

We need to do whatever it takes to save American lives if that includes waterboarding then waterboard away.

Freedom isn't free and I'm sure far worse occured during the revolutionary war and the civil war where prisoners were concerned.

WWI and WW II had their share of abuse and no one can tell me that the allies didn't do as bad or worse then the Natzi's in the pursuit of intelligence.

Waterboarding? A walk in the park compared to real torture.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.
he interrogations probably killed at least one person
ISIS leader: "If there was no American prison in Iraq, there would be no ISIS"

The single most interesting quote from the ISIS leader, whom Chulov refers to as Abu Ahmed, is quite disturbing: he credits the group's rise, in large part, to American prison camps during the Iraq war, which he says gave him and other jihadist leaders an invaluable forum to meet one another and to plan their later rise.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
Who gives a crap? The Constitution dictates what the federal government can and cannot do. You may think it's ok to listen to 50,000 boring phone calls but it takes baby steps to GET TO A DICTATOR.
Yes. You're responding to one of millions of fools who think giving up their 4th Amendment protections is fine if they "have nothing to hide." This is how tyranny takes over, one sheep at a time.

Listen to yourself. I expect you want the government to defend you as is their consitutional requirement. Of course I don't give a shit if they listen to me I have nothing to hide, but what is your paranoia saying about you? What is it that you are doing that you feel you need to hide?

Whose saying that privacy extends to the phones? The courts are divided on the issue. No more then 50 years ago there was a thing call a party line where neighbors shared a phone line, it was very easy to pick up and listen to conversations. Do you think those folks thought there was a guarantee of privacy?

My whole point is this, do I think they should be listening to everyone, no, do I care if they do, no.

As for Snowden, if I am going to condemn Feinstein, Obama and McCain for the release of the report on the CIA and call it BS then to be consistent I must say the same about Snowden. Snowden swore an oath and broke that oath, the ends do not always justify the means.
The ratifiers of the Bill of Rights believed that one's innocence alone was not enough to protect against government abuse. Were they "paranoid" too or is it far more likely they were wise and you a complete moron? (Hint: it's the second one)

What? Where are you going? I for one say that those Americans Obama killed with drones deserved due process. But I also don't expect the police to drive in their patrol cars with blinders on waiting for someone to tell them of a crime.

As I SAID, I don't like them going on fishing expeditions listening to every phone call. But I have absolutely no fear that any of my rights are violated if they did listen. I still have the right to say want I want, anti-government or not. Now if they listened then used that information against me that would be entirely different story.

All that said, Snowden, Feinstein, Obama, McCain all have been sworn to secrecy, they, in my opinion, violated that oath.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

At what point on the 'torture' scale do you say we must stop, even though THAT might save American lives?
Torture is as American as apple pie

There are many valuable sources that document this history. Some exemplary texts include: A.J. Langguth,Hidden Terrors: The Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America(New York: Pantheon Books, 1979); Gordon Thomas,Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse(New York: Bantam, 1989); Danner,Torture and Truth; Jennifer K. Harbury,Truth, Torture, and the American Way: The History and Consequences of U.S. Involvement in Torture(Boston: Beacon Press, 2005); Alfred McCoy,A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror(New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006); and Rejali,Torture and Democracy. See also Jane Mayer,The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals(New York: Doubleday, 2008); and Phillipe Sands,Torture Team(London: Penguin, 2009). On the torture of children, see Michael Haas,George W. Bush, War Criminal?: The Bush Administration’s Liability for 269 War Crimes(Westport: Praeger, 2009). Also, see Henry A. Giroux,Hearts of Darkness:Torturing Children in the War on Terror(Boulder: Paradigm, 2010).
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

At what point on the 'torture' scale do you say we must stop, even though THAT might save American lives?
and at what point should ISIS stop if it feels it can save its lives ?
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...
in other words, you are a traitorous liberscumbag with the morals of a feral fucking tom cat. :up:

:fu: .................... :asshole:

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