Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Dick says Diane is full of crap. I agree.
Can't imagine Dick saying so a thing? Oh right, he approves of torture, like most of the immoral animals here. Never mind.
He approved of doing what was necessary at a particular time to protect the people of America. That was his fucking job. I for one am glad he did his job. I gave no confidence that Obabble would do his.
How much were the CIA contractors paid by you to torture &/or kill people (some of them innocent) shit stain?

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why are you worried about it?
:lol: Now you are also stupid?

OK, if you insist on showing your ass, tight cheeks.
You of all idiots don't deserve an answer. Just realize you self proclaiming RepubLIEcan't you're bashing republicans for something that happened also while obama is president.

McCain on Torture: A Stain on our National Honor, Produces Misleading Info Dec. 10, 2014

“As the Senate Intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report roiled Capitol Hill Tuesday, Sen. John McCain framed the argument as one of moral clarity, all the while bumping up against his party leaders.

“I rise in support of the release, the long-delayed release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s summarized, unclassified review of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques that were employed by the previous administration to extract information from captured terrorists,” the Arizona Republican said on the Senate floor. “I believe the American people have a right, indeed responsibility, to know what was done in their name, how these practices did or did not serve our interests, and how they comported with our most important values.”
McCain was is and always will be a liberal


you voted for him though ...
Dick says Diane is full of crap. I agree.
Can't imagine Dick saying so a thing? Oh right, he approves of torture, like most of the immoral animals here. Never mind.
He approved of doing what was necessary at a particular time to protect the people of America. That was his fucking job. I for one am glad he did his job. I gave no confidence that Obabble would do his.
That is not how I see it...they saw an opportunity to put forward an ideologically flawed Plan for a new American century with a vision obscured by hubris. Their doings killed lots of human beings , cost trillions and created incalculable and ongoing sufferings ....there needs to be consequences for such doings and lessons learned to prevent future catastrophes...

Torture jeopardizes national security.
why do we need national security if there are no threats? you just said there wasn't. You don't fear ISIS! I'd like for you to go and say that to the parents of those who have been beheaded. You, the tough guy!!!
I am not a tough guy. One does not have to be a tough guy to not be scared of ISIS... I see no threat...just Government trying to make me feel fear... I ain't feeling fear what am I suppose to fake being scared of ISIS... I ain't scared and was never scared about no "mushroom cloud being a smoking gun" none of that scares me...sorry that is just how it is be scared for me......
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Sounds like "you are some kind of wonderful"
he's some kind of short-bus spechul alright. He makes Bachmann (R) look like a Rhodes Scholar.
These gay folk do stick together...literally and figuratively.
You seem to focus laser like on sexual issues....share more of these concerns....but in another thread one designed for folks struggling with sexual identity...good need it..
When dealing with assholes, pricks, dickheads and pussies it becomes a challenge to avoid such descriptors.

Then stop hanging out with conservatives ...avoid the stress and mess ...know what I mean Vern ?
...... you fail when challenged of course you do ....
yawn :dev3:
Dick says Diane is full of crap. I agree.
Can't imagine Dick saying so a thing? Oh right, he approves of torture, like most of the immoral animals here. Never mind.
He approved of doing what was necessary at a particular time to protect the people of America. That was his fucking job. I for one am glad he did his job. I gave no confidence that Obabble would do his.
That is not how I see it...they saw an opportunity to put forward an ideologically flawed Plan for a new American century with a vision obscured by hubris. Their doings killed lots of human beings , cost trillions and created incalculable and ongoing sufferings ....there needs to be consequences for such doings and lessons learned to prevent future catastrophes...

Torture jeopardizes national security.
why do we need national security if there are no threats? you just said there wasn't. You don't fear ISIS! I'd like for you to go and say that to the parents of those who have been beheaded. You, the tough guy!!!
I am not a tough guy. One does not have to be a tough guy to not be scared of ISIS... I see no threat...just Government trying to make me feel fear... I ain't feeling fear what am I suppose to fake being scraed of ISIS... I ain't scared and was never scared about no "mushroom cloud being a smoking gun" none of that scares me...sorry that is just how it is be scared for me......
:lmao::lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: and :lmao::lmao:ohhhhhhhhh:lmao:
It truly saddens me to see the cowards trying to protect themselves by turning America into North Korea. You like North Korea so much - go there. Maybe you'll feel safe there.

The United States is for people who have the courage to defend ideals and principles. If that leaves you out, so be it.

It saddens me to know that fools like you think terrorists are deserving. That they should be handled with kid gloves and be treated like honorable enemies instead of what they are. Murdering scum.

Your are a indeed a fool.
they behead you, you freeze them to death.....peas in a pod really..
FL Prison Guards Boil Mentally Ill Inmate Alive,
APNewsBreak: NYC inmate 'baked to death' in cell
Prisoner: I cleaned up skin of inmate scalded in shower ...
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...
I know, I know.... you are ..:poop:yeah that's the ticket!!!!
waterboarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story.
In this episode we observe Fox reporting on ISIS and the effect it has on its viewership


cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...
nobody cares!
waterboarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story.
In this episode we observe Fox reporting on ISIS and the effect it has on its viewership


cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...
nobody cares!

You care enough for everyone else ..
waterboarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story.
In this episode we observe Fox reporting on ISIS and the effect it has on its viewership


cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...
nobody cares!

You care enough for everyone else ..
I care for my family and friends. I donate to those in need. I pay taxes so those less fortunate get thiers. You, you're just a piece of trash that uses his opinion for things other than progress. But that's the US. Just remember, People who have to post they are unafraid are the ones most at fear.
In this episode we observe Fox reporting on ISIS and the effect it has on its viewership


cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...
nobody cares!

You care enough for everyone else ..
I care for my family and friends. I donate to those in need. I pay taxes so those less fortunate get thiers. You, you're just a piece of trash that uses his opinion for things other than progress. But that's the US. Just remember, People who have to post they are unafraid are the ones most at fear.
You are just some kind of wonderful Bro...
Why is KSM still breathing ? Thats the question. That animal should have had a summary trial and been executed long ago. Publicly.
cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...
nobody cares!

You care enough for everyone else ..
I care for my family and friends. I donate to those in need. I pay taxes so those less fortunate get thiers. You, you're just a piece of trash that uses his opinion for things other than progress. But that's the US. Just remember, People who have to post they are unafraid are the ones most at fear.
You are just some kind of wonderful Bro...
I am ain't I!!

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