Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Sounds like "you are some kind of wonderful"
he's some kind of short-bus spechul alright. He makes Bachmann (R) look like a Rhodes Scholar.
These gay folk do stick together...literally and figuratively.
You seem to focus laser like on sexual issues....share more of these concerns....but in another thread one designed for folks struggling with sexual identity...good need it..
When dealing with assholes, pricks, dickheads and pussies it becomes a challenge to avoid such descriptors.

Then stop hanging out with conservatives ...avoid the stress and mess ...know what I mean Vern ?
...... you fail when challenged of course you do ....
Did you get your name from the shape of your head or your family gene pool?
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...
he's some kind of short-bus spechul alright. He makes Bachmann (R) look like a Rhodes Scholar.
These gay folk do stick together...literally and figuratively.
You seem to focus laser like on sexual issues....share more of these concerns....but in another thread one designed for folks struggling with sexual identity...good need it..
When dealing with assholes, pricks, dickheads and pussies it becomes a challenge to avoid such descriptors.

Then stop hanging out with conservatives ...avoid the stress and mess ...know what I mean Vern ?
...... you fail when challenged of course you do ....
Did you get your name from the shape of your head or your family gene pool?
It comes from the parabolic trajectory of raindrops turned to prisms in the sky ...its Ty in the sky stuff...
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...

A test. So...

People rose from single cell organism to crawling reptile to walking ape to risk taking explorers to industrial giants to technological achievers to lazy sloths who vote to steal from others to pay their bills.

Which step is wrong in that sequence?
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...

A test. So...

People rose from single cell organism to crawling reptile to walking ape to risk taking explorers to industrial giants to technological achievers to lazy sloths who vote to steal from others to pay their bills.

Which step is wrong in that sequence?
People are the fruit of the Universe like apples are the fruit of appe trees....OSOTU runs the deal and whatever OSOTU is it is good at running stuff..
waterboarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story.
In this episode we observe Fox reporting on ISIS and the effect it has on its viewership


cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...
waterboarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story.
In this episode we observe Fox reporting on ISIS and the effect it has on its viewership


cute, but stupid and off topic. Cats are afraid of big fake spiders-------------wow!
It is a graphic depiction of how you come to feel "water boarding and sleep deprivation are not torture, end of story." are scared and I ain't...

Scared? no, not scared. Just intelligent enough to recognize a threat and smart enough to want something done about it.

this thread is about claims of CIA "torture". KSM was waterboarded over 150 times. If it was torture would he have survived it? The man is now physically and mentally fine. What was done to him probably saved thousands of american lives-----------maybe YOURS.
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...

A test. So...

People rose from single cell organism to crawling reptile to walking ape to risk taking explorers to industrial giants to technological achievers to lazy sloths who vote to steal from others to pay their bills.

Which step is wrong in that sequence?
People are the fruit of the Universe like apples are the fruit of appe trees....OSOTU runs the deal and whatever OSOTU is it is good at running stuff..

Get back to me when the pot wears off.
Candy-assed bleeding-heart Liberal limp-wristed fool. :slap:
I second that.
You're so full of shit. If Obama was president instead of Bush at this time you would be bitching and moaning non stop.
You all fuckin' liquored up already this morning, or just still drunk from last night, you little flaming faggot?

Read what you wrote... it makes no sense at all... dick for brains.
It's been done time and again, even here. What history book did you read?

I read the History book of life which if you are arguing with an enemy who is sworn to your destruction then talking to them is completely pointless.

Check out the recent beheadings of Westerners using a small knife, by ISIS.

There was a lot of talk and pleadings from many, against this, but all the talk had no effect whatsoever!

The more you talk with them, the worst it gets.
The history of the world has shown that to be untrue, time and again.
now that is just stupid. Way to jump into the stupid bucket!!
You are incorrect. Talking ends wars, and keeps them from starting. Look it up.

STFU with your phony ass moral platitudes. You sound about as believable as Asslips.
funny how they preach no torture and then torture us daily on a message board. hypocrits.
Freedom isn't free. We ALL may be called upon to pay part of the price to uphold the ideals and principles that have made our country great.

Don't shit on the sacrifices that others have made to defend these ideals just because YOU are too much of a coward.

Your the one shitting on these folks. You seem to think terrorists are human and deserve to be treated as such.

Hell the victims would probably kick your fucking ass for suggesting that the terrorists who killed them deserve anything from America except death.

Your a fucking idiot.
you are no different.You dont even see it...its just sad.
It truly saddens me to see the cowards trying to protect themselves by turning America into North Korea. You like North Korea so much - go there. Maybe you'll feel safe there.

The United States is for people who have the courage to defend ideals and principles. If that leaves you out, so be it.

It saddens me to know that fools like you think terrorists are deserving. That they should be handled with kid gloves and be treated like honorable enemies instead of what they are. Murdering scum.

Your are a indeed a fool.
they behead you, you freeze them to death.....peas in a pod really..
Dick says Diane is full of crap. I agree.
Can't imagine Dick saying so a thing? Oh right, he approves of torture, like most of the immoral animals here. Never mind.
He approved of doing what was necessary at a particular time to protect the people of America. That was his fucking job. I for one am glad he did his job. I gave no confidence that Obabble would do his.
That is not how I see it...they saw an opportunity to put forward an ideologically flawed Plan for a new American century with a vision obscured by hubris. Their doings killed lots of human beings , cost trillions and created incalculable and ongoing sufferings ....there needs to be consequences for such doings and lessons learned to prevent future catastrophes...

Torture jeopardizes national security.
why do we need national security if there are no threats? you just said there wasn't. You don't fear ISIS! I'd like for you to go and say that to the parents of those who have been beheaded. You, the tough guy!!!

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