Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.
Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
dipshit cons/lolibertarians don't realize that they are stooping to the enemies level. Surprised?

NO, it is the left that is giving America the virtual finger. Those countries don't care and I am quite sure they are laughing their asses off the pretend outrage by the left. The left could give a shit less if Obama puts a drone onto children or criminal and now you are going to tell me you care if the government uses enhanced interrogation techniques? Hypocrites all the left that is why you got you asses handed to you last election.
Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
Who gives a crap? The Constitution dictates what the federal government can and cannot do. You may think it's ok to listen to 50,000 boring phone calls but it takes baby steps to GET TO A DICTATOR.
Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
what exactly did snowden do?
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.
Torture is an absolute. You do not do it at any time, on anyone, for any reason. You cannot authorize it. You cannot re-define its meaning. And that is one pig, you can't put lipstick on.

Anyone who does it, tries to defend it, or not speak out against it, is a worthless scumbag human, who will go straight to hell when they die.

You, Redfish, are pure evil.
Jihadists should be appointed a lawyer from the ACLU, a UN human rights rep, a progressive caucus supporter, a Amnesty International defender and a roomful of liberals to kiss their asses rather then be questioned to harshly. To be safe.....
Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
what exactly did snowden do?

Nothing much, just treason.

Edward Snowden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an Americancomputer professional who leakedclassified information from the National Security Agency (NSA), starting in June 2013. A former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), he later worked for the private intelligence contractor Dell inside an NSA outpost in Japan. In March 2013, he joined the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton inside the NSA center in Hawaii.[4] In June 2013, he came to international attention after disclosing to several media outlets thousands of classified documents that he acquired while working as an NSA contractor[5] for Dell[6]and Booz Allen Hamilton.[7] Snowden's leaked documents revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many of them run by the NSA and the Five Eyes with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments. A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero,[8][9][10] a whistleblower,[11][12][13][14] a dissident,[15] apatriot,[16][17][18] and a traitor.[19][20][21][22] His disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy. Two court rulings since the initial leaks have split on the constitutionality of the NSA's bulk collection of telephone metadata.[23]
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...

A test. So...

People rose from single cell organism to crawling reptile to walking ape to risk taking explorers to industrial giants to technological achievers to lazy sloths who vote to steal from others to pay their bills.

Which step is wrong in that sequence?
I think that when you run into people who believe they descended from crap flinging apes it's best to stay away from them....or at least out of throwing distance.
Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
Revealing secrets that the government was spying on American citizens? We need more Snowdens.

First of all you assume a motive that is nefarious. Just like those who say that the CIA tortured for no good reason other then they liked to do it. That's just plain BS.

Second, Snowden betrayed a trust, no on can be rewarded for doing so.

Thirdly, who gives a crap if they listen to our conversations? They probably would fall asleep in 2 minutes. No, I am not quite ready to think my self so important that someone, CIA, gives a shit what I have to say.
Who gives a crap? The Constitution dictates what the federal government can and cannot do. You may think it's ok to listen to 50,000 boring phone calls but it takes baby steps to GET TO A DICTATOR.
Yes. You're responding to one of millions of fools who think giving up their 4th Amendment protections is fine if they "have nothing to hide." This is how tyranny takes over, one sheep at a time.

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