Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.
Actually you are willing to let others die for what you believe.
Yep, just like the Founders, who went to war. Do you oppose all war because others will die fighting for what you believe? I am willing to die for my convictions, and I am willing to see others die for the same. They are that good and I have no problems living with said thing.

Mighty white of you, although I KNOW you would be the first to bitch if the government didn't do all it could to protect you. You want government to enforce you morality on others, so I call you a FUCKING LIAR when it comes to this.

Deal with it, you pretentious twat.
I want the government to enforce our mutual morality, and you inability to deal with reality I cannot help. I'm lying about nothing at all. The government cannot protect you, they can only try. Shit will still happen, count on it.

And you don't "know" anything, which is what makes you so useless and immoral.

So basically you prefer a government that beats up on its own citizens. Fascist.
Beats up? No little drama queen, I want a government that enforces our mutual morality, the one that starts with don't lie (in transactions), steal, cheat, rape, murder, etc. I know, how radical of me...

No, you want to force YOUR morality on others. Government isn't supposed to be a force for petty crap like the shit you like.
"John The Baptist after torturing a thief, looks up at his hero the Commander in Chief, tell me great hero but please make it brief, is there a hole for me to get sick in ?"

Ask him after an ISIS goon chops your head off

I am not afraid of ISIS I am just not...

The Hungarians and the Chinese said the same of Genghis Khan too.
How you know this ?

It's simple history. ISIS is simply imitating what Khan did. He took out the greatest standing army in Europe with little more than a scouting party, and the largest , most advanced military in the world at that time (China), with a forces 1/4 of it's size.

His advantage was the terror he inflicted before invading.

He was brilliant and ISIS knows this.
No its not ISIS ain't jack they will never be jack....ISIS is a tool of US/Saudi and Israel...they were created to attackk Syria they are just a little out of control ..relax...its like Ebola you can relax on that other scarecrow...I ain't scared I just ain't be scared for me...
You cons are so transparent. If we had a democrat president during this time period you all would not stop crying about it but because it was a republican president you defend it because you're morons who trust republicans no matter what.
:lol: Now you are also stupid?

OK, if you insist on showing your ass, tight cheeks.
You of all idiots don't deserve an answer. Just realize you self proclaiming RepubLIEcan't you're bashing republicans for something that happened also while obama is president.

McCain on Torture: A Stain on our National Honor, Produces Misleading Info Dec. 10, 2014

“As the Senate Intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report roiled Capitol Hill Tuesday, Sen. John McCain framed the argument as one of moral clarity, all the while bumping up against his party leaders.

“I rise in support of the release, the long-delayed release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s summarized, unclassified review of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques that were employed by the previous administration to extract information from captured terrorists,” the Arizona Republican said on the Senate floor. “I believe the American people have a right, indeed responsibility, to know what was done in their name, how these practices did or did not serve our interests, and how they comported with our most important values.”
McCain was is and always will be a liberal


you voted for him though ...
You cons are so transparent. If we had a democrat president during this time period you all would not stop crying about it but because it was a republican president you defend it because you're morons who trust republicans no matter what.

Then why am I not lambasting him for keeping Guantanamo open? My criticism of it is his waffling on it, not the actual act of keeping the place open.
He approved of doing what was necessary at a particular time to protect the people of America. That was his fucking job. I for one am glad he did his job. I gave no confidence that Obabble would do his.
How much were the CIA contractors paid by you to torture &/or kill people (some of them innocent) shit stain?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
I was paid to lay 9 megatons on the Russian peasants if and as necessary. Not sure how much the CIA guys were paid...but I am sure it was not enough, GFY.
Sounds like "you are some kind of wonderful"
he's some kind of short-bus spechul alright. He makes Bachmann (R) look like a Rhodes Scholar.
These gay folk do stick together...literally and figuratively.
You seem to focus laser like on sexual issues....share more of these concerns....but in another thread one designed for folks struggling with sexual identity...good need it..
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?

We give them full Constitutional rights

The Constitution is a bitch isn't it?
in my OPINION.., this proves you are a traitor to America.., get the fuck out of my country !! ....................... NOW !!!!
Dude you are such a drama queen. I guarantee you the founding fathers wouldn't even have lunch with partisans like you.
How much were the CIA contractors paid by you to torture &/or kill people (some of them innocent) shit stain?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
I was paid to lay 9 megatons on the Russian peasants if and as necessary. Not sure how much the CIA guys were paid...but I am sure it was not enough, GFY.
Sounds like "you are some kind of wonderful"
he's some kind of short-bus spechul alright. He makes Bachmann (R) look like a Rhodes Scholar.
These gay folk do stick together...literally and figuratively.
You seem to focus laser like on sexual issues....share more of these concerns....but in another thread one designed for folks struggling with sexual identity...good need it..
When dealing with assholes, pricks, dickheads and pussies it becomes a challenge to avoid such descriptors.
I was paid to lay 9 megatons on the Russian peasants if and as necessary. Not sure how much the CIA guys were paid...but I am sure it was not enough, GFY.
Sounds like "you are some kind of wonderful"
he's some kind of short-bus spechul alright. He makes Bachmann (R) look like a Rhodes Scholar.
These gay folk do stick together...literally and figuratively.
You seem to focus laser like on sexual issues....share more of these concerns....but in another thread one designed for folks struggling with sexual identity...good need it..
When dealing with assholes, pricks, dickheads and pussies it becomes a challenge to avoid such descriptors.

Then stop hanging out with conservatives ...avoid the stress and mess ...know what I mean Vern ?
...... you fail when challenged of course you do ....
Let us pray then therefore....that America turns back from inequity ...that the American vulture morphs back into an Eagle...

Jake once again exposes that the truth and him are not friends. Claiming to be a Republican yet has nothing but vile BS to say about Republicans certainly proves him by his fruits.

Jake, Feinstein, Obama, Snowden and McCain in the least should be put on trial for treason against the USA. They are lying about the report and in the report.

I would imagine if the PIN number for one of Jake's bank accounts was wanted it wouldn't take a drop of water onto his face for him to give the number up.

Not that I agree with torture but to say nothing ever was gain is nothing but lying BS. I just wish McCain would run again so I could not vote for him.
Snowden? Leave that patriot alone.

Revealing secrets is treason no way around it. But compared to the other he is an honorable guy.
:lol: Now you are also stupid?

OK, if you insist on showing your ass, tight cheeks.
You of all idiots don't deserve an answer. Just realize you self proclaiming RepubLIEcan't you're bashing republicans for something that happened also while obama is president.

McCain on Torture: A Stain on our National Honor, Produces Misleading Info Dec. 10, 2014

“As the Senate Intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report roiled Capitol Hill Tuesday, Sen. John McCain framed the argument as one of moral clarity, all the while bumping up against his party leaders.

“I rise in support of the release, the long-delayed release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s summarized, unclassified review of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques that were employed by the previous administration to extract information from captured terrorists,” the Arizona Republican said on the Senate floor. “I believe the American people have a right, indeed responsibility, to know what was done in their name, how these practices did or did not serve our interests, and how they comported with our most important values.”
McCain was is and always will be a liberal


you voted for him though ...
Yep because McCain isnt a haye america commie fuck like obama


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