Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.
Torture is an absolute. You do not do it at any time, on anyone, for any reason. You cannot authorize it. You cannot re-define its meaning. And that is one pig, you can't put lipstick on.

Anyone who does it, tries to defend it, or not speak out against it, is a worthless scumbag human, who will go straight to hell when they die.

You, Redfish, are pure evil.
you don't care about american lives.

No, he doesn't. He's fighting to make sure as many of us die by terrorists as possible. Then it's not just him, it's his party.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.
he interrogations probably killed at least one person
so suicide? All he had to do was give up the information from the interrogation. So that individual choose the path of his death. Oh well.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

At what point on the 'torture' scale do you say we must stop, even though THAT might save American lives?
when they stop taking innocent lives and go back to their religion and respect life!! Why is that so difficult for you dragnuts?
Torture is as American as apple pie

There are many valuable sources that document this history. Some exemplary texts include: A.J. Langguth,Hidden Terrors: The Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America(New York: Pantheon Books, 1979); Gordon Thomas,Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse(New York: Bantam, 1989); Danner,Torture and Truth; Jennifer K. Harbury,Truth, Torture, and the American Way: The History and Consequences of U.S. Involvement in Torture(Boston: Beacon Press, 2005); Alfred McCoy,A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror(New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006); and Rejali,Torture and Democracy. See also Jane Mayer,The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals(New York: Doubleday, 2008); and Phillipe Sands,Torture Team(London: Penguin, 2009). On the torture of children, see Michael Haas,George W. Bush, War Criminal?: The Bush Administration’s Liability for 269 War Crimes(Westport: Praeger, 2009). Also, see Henry A. Giroux,Hearts of Darkness:Torturing Children in the War on Terror(Boulder: Paradigm, 2010).
What would you call the Hiroshima bombing? Did the Japenes surrender? how does that make you feel as an amercan?
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

At what point on the 'torture' scale do you say we must stop, even though THAT might save American lives?
and at what point should ISIS stop if it feels it can save its lives ?
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...
in other words, you are a traitorous liberscumbag with the morals of a feral fucking tom cat. :up:

:fu: .................... :asshole:

You have been awarded the "fickle finger of fate"

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
ah using my fickel finger, how nice!!!
I couldn't agree more.

Waterboarding isn't torture as far as I'm concerned.

We need to do whatever it takes to save American lives if that includes waterboarding then waterboard away.

Freedom isn't free and I'm sure far worse occured during the revolutionary war and the civil war where prisoners were concerned.

WWI and WW II had their share of abuse and no one can tell me that the allies didn't do as bad or worse then the Natzi's in the pursuit of intelligence.

Waterboarding? A walk in the park compared to real torture.
If nothing else, you and your fucked up, dumbass, butt-buddy's, can serve as perfect examples of bad American's.
In your opinion. In mine you are a tool a useless parrott, Polly want a cracker? hahahahahahahahhahaha.........
I do not understand we were OK with ISIS when they executed Gaddafi on film apparently we did not think that was barbarous....
When they are no longer useful to us, they get discarded like a used tampon. Just ask Saddam Hussein, General Noriega, Augusto Pinochet and yes, one day we will be discarding the Israeli's to.
Another hit by the stupid stick. I love it. You and your peers are so predictable. You never ask the question do you, you just parrott the left do gooders. Polly want a cracker?
Torture is wrong no matter who it is performed by o for what reason.
Now the tough part is "How do you define torture?"
Does torture have to be physically painful? or can mind games also be defined as torture?
anyone captured is automatically tortured!! are you that stupid too? Wow, just Wow!!!!
When America actually starts torturing people you might actually sound intelligent. Until then, you sound like a raging ass.
The very fact that you have politicized torture and are attempting to debate its definition, shows just how far this society has fallen. You obviously don't embrace American values.
Calling something torture over and over does not make it so. All you leftards have is repetition and you're stupid enough to think that's an argument.
Torture is wrong no matter who it is performed by o for what reason.
Now the tough part is "How do you define torture?"
Does torture have to be physically painful? or can mind games also be defined as torture?
anyone captured is automatically tortured!! are you that stupid too? Wow, just Wow!!!!
where the fuck did I say that? You need to return to school for a reading comprehension course
Torture is wrong no matter who it is performed by o for what reason.
Now the tough part is "How do you define torture?"
Does torture have to be physically painful? or can mind games also be defined as torture?
anyone captured is automatically tortured!! are you that stupid too? Wow, just Wow!!!!
where the fuck did I say that? You need to return to school for a reading comprehension course
you asked a question desperate, I answered it. what is your problem? You didn't like your own question?
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.
Torture is an absolute. You do not do it at any time, on anyone, for any reason. You cannot authorize it. You cannot re-define its meaning. And that is one pig, you can't put lipstick on.

Anyone who does it, tries to defend it, or not speak out against it, is a worthless scumbag human, who will go straight to hell when they die.

You, Redfish, are pure evil.

and you, billo are a fricken idiot. Those assholes killed 3000 innocent americans and you want to treat them like visiting dignitaries? Fuck that.
If waterboarding is torture, as you cliam, then how did KSM survive it over 100 times?

Torture is being a relative of one of the 3000 killed on 9/11 or a relative of an american beheaded by muslim scum.
Snowmen committed treason? No, treason is what occurred when the Grand High Witch Feinstein released highly sensitive and top secret intelligence gathering methods for political capital; to punish the GOP and the American people for the last election and to resuscitate past animosity against Bush so Democrats can seem less undesirable by comparison. Her likeness should be hung and burned in effigy in every city and she should be arrested and tried for treason against her own country.
Snowmen committed treason? No, treason is what occurred when the Grand High Witch Feinstein released highly sensitive and top secret intelligence gathering methods for political capital; to punish the GOP and the American people for the last election and to resuscitate past animosity against Bush so Democrats can seem less undesirable by comparison. Her likeness should be hung and burned in effigy in every city and she should be arrested and tried for treason against her own country.

yes, this was nothing but political posturing to deflect from the dems getting their asses kicked in the election, Gruber's testimony, Benghazi, the IRS, the VA, and all of the other obozo failures.
I couldn't agree more.

Waterboarding isn't torture as far as I'm concerned.

We need to do whatever it takes to save American lives if that includes waterboarding then waterboard away.

Freedom isn't free and I'm sure far worse occured during the revolutionary war and the civil war where prisoners were concerned.

WWI and WW II had their share of abuse and no one can tell me that the allies didn't do as bad or worse then the Natzi's in the pursuit of intelligence.

Waterboarding? A walk in the park compared to real torture.
If nothing else, you and your fucked up, dumbass, butt-buddy's, can serve as perfect examples of bad American's.
In your opinion. In mine you are a tool a useless parrott, Polly want a cracker? hahahahahahahahhahaha.........

Guess Polly is you if you think Waterboarding is torture.

Let me know how that cracker tastes. Make sure it Premium brand. They are the best.

Jesus your a fucking idiot.
I couldn't agree more.

Waterboarding isn't torture as far as I'm concerned.

We need to do whatever it takes to save American lives if that includes waterboarding then waterboard away.

Freedom isn't free and I'm sure far worse occured during the revolutionary war and the civil war where prisoners were concerned.

WWI and WW II had their share of abuse and no one can tell me that the allies didn't do as bad or worse then the Natzi's in the pursuit of intelligence.

Waterboarding? A walk in the park compared to real torture.
If nothing else, you and your fucked up, dumbass, butt-buddy's, can serve as perfect examples of bad American's.
In your opinion. In mine you are a tool a useless parrott, Polly want a cracker? hahahahahahahahhahaha.........

Guess Polly is you if you think Waterboarding is torture.

Let me know how that cracker tastes. Make sure it Premium brand. They are the best.

Jesus your a fucking idiot.
did you see who I quoted? I didn't quote you fool. Wow, perhaps you should read better before you attempt to stomp on me again.

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