Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Your wife has been kidnapped. The man sitting in front of you knows where she is. He refuses to talk. However he has a visible reaction of abject fear when you threaten to cut his dick off. What is your next move?

(This presupposes you like your wife)
That scenario happens all the time however only in Right conservative wing nuts pus filled brains ...yuck o Rama
Tyrone can't relate. He hates his husband. We'll give him a pass.
You are in a gay panic dude .....hahahahahahahah
Torture Report Exposes Sadism and Lies

the Senate’s authoritative report gives a full description of the unconscionable activities that took place in the name of the United States and offers sufficient evidence to block the outrageous efforts of former CIA directors and deputy directors to deceive the American people.
"The maiming and breaking of bodies and the forms of unimaginable pain inflicted by the Bush administration on so-called “enemy combatants” was no longer seen in violation of either international human rights or a constitutional commitment to democratic ideals. The war on terror had now reduced governance in the United States to a legalized apparatus of terror that mimicked the very violence it was meant to combat."
This thread proves to me all democrats are traitors. They will gladly give aid and comfort to the enemy

Torture is wrong no matter who it is performed by o for what reason.
Now the tough part is "How do you define torture?"
Does torture have to be physically painful? or can mind games also be defined as torture?
anyone captured is automatically tortured!! are you that stupid too? Wow, just Wow!!!!
where the fuck did I say that? You need to return to school for a reading comprehension course
you asked a question desperate, I answered it. what is your problem? You didn't like your own question?
Thought my question of "What is Torture? was a fair question to ask.
I did not see any answer to that question in your response.
Maybe you would like to give it another shot: Define Torture!

putting a person in a woodchipper feet first
putting electrical leads to your nuts
pouring boiling water down your throat
pushing you off a third story roof
putting pepper corns in your eyes
cutting off your tongue
breaking arms and legs
cutting off an ear or nose

we know what torture is, and waterboarding is not torture.
'Did I ever say it was?
"The maiming and breaking of bodies and the forms of unimaginable pain inflicted by the Bush administration on so-called “enemy combatants” was no longer seen in violation of either international human rights or a constitutional commitment to democratic ideals. The war on terror had now reduced governance in the United States to a legalized apparatus of terror that mimicked the very violence it was meant to combat."

A guy who carries water for a President who kills people from drones along with their friends, families and passers buy, that is if it's the right target, having your undies all wadded up over water boarding is so quaint.

So what about Obama saying he could target US citizens who aren't threatening anyone with drones? That bother you? Anything? Or is it just them you're after?
"The maiming and breaking of bodies and the forms of unimaginable pain inflicted by the Bush administration on so-called “enemy combatants” was no longer seen in violation of either international human rights or a constitutional commitment to democratic ideals. The war on terror had now reduced governance in the United States to a legalized apparatus of terror that mimicked the very violence it was meant to combat."

A guy who carries water for a President who kills people from drones along with their friends, families and passers buy, that is if it's the right target, having your undies all wadded up over water boarding is so quaint.

So what about Obama saying he could target US citizens who aren't threatening anyone with drones? That bother you? Anything? Or is it just them you're after?
I would like to see Obama taken to the Hague and put on trial for war crimes and I want Bush and Cheney and Condi and the rest of the war criminals up there how about you ?
"The maiming and breaking of bodies and the forms of unimaginable pain inflicted by the Bush administration on so-called “enemy combatants” was no longer seen in violation of either international human rights or a constitutional commitment to democratic ideals. The war on terror had now reduced governance in the United States to a legalized apparatus of terror that mimicked the very violence it was meant to combat."

A guy who carries water for a President who kills people from drones along with their friends, families and passers buy, that is if it's the right target, having your undies all wadded up over water boarding is so quaint.

So what about Obama saying he could target US citizens who aren't threatening anyone with drones? That bother you? Anything? Or is it just them you're after?
I would like to see Obama taken to the Hague and put on trial for war crimes and I want Bush and Cheney and Condi and the rest of the war criminals up there how about you ?

Funny how you go on and on about the latter and this is the first time you've mentioned the former.

As to your question, as long as we go after all of them and not one party either way in a partisan witch hunt, I'm in.

Waterboarding? A walk in the park compared to real torture.

You've been waterboarded?
A lot of Americans have because it isn't torture you dumbasses!
and yet your people's favorite talking head- Shammity backed-out of trying to endure it? STFU Shit stain :talktothehand:

Since I don't watch Hannity and I'm not a Rep I'll assume you weren't talking to me

Shit Ingot.
I am in fact the Crown of took the Big Bang and Billions of years of evolution to produce me ...and I am so very proud of myself... thank you OSOTU [ Operating System of the Universe]...alt-control-delete my enemies OSOTU...quarantine their viral toxicity in a non accessible storage unit where the anti virals can rehab the soft wear of their mistaken identities...

A test. So...

People rose from single cell organism to crawling reptile to walking ape to risk taking explorers to industrial giants to technological achievers to lazy sloths who vote to steal from others to pay their bills.

Which step is wrong in that sequence?
I think that when you run into people who believe they descended from crap flinging apes it's best to stay away from them....or at least out of throwing distance.
It's sad how freely people let their rights be taken away.
Mr. John Doe riding his car on the road, Mr Police pulls him. Good afternoon Mr Doe can I search your car? Why sure Mr. Police officer I have nothing to hide. Mr Doe forgets he let Junior used the car last night.
"The maiming and breaking of bodies and the forms of unimaginable pain inflicted by the Bush administration on so-called “enemy combatants” was no longer seen in violation of either international human rights or a constitutional commitment to democratic ideals. The war on terror had now reduced governance in the United States to a legalized apparatus of terror that mimicked the very violence it was meant to combat."

A guy who carries water for a President who kills people from drones along with their friends, families and passers buy, that is if it's the right target, having your undies all wadded up over water boarding is so quaint.

So what about Obama saying he could target US citizens who aren't threatening anyone with drones? That bother you? Anything? Or is it just them you're after?

A barracks full of sleeping enemy soldiers isn't threatening anyone either that hardly means you can't bomb it.
This is a terrible misuse of language. How can it be "torture" when the subject had every opportunity to avoid it? Harsh methods were only used as a last resort, because the subject would not cooperate with any previous methods.

FYI, both the CIA directors who were in office when these methods were being used have said that very valuable intel was gained by those interrogations. I know: They're both lying, right?

And to compare the waterboarding that the Japanese did to our troops with the our waterboarding of terrorists is absurd in the extreme.
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FYI, both the CIA directors who were in office when these methods were being used have said that very valuable intel was gained by those interrogations. I know: They're both lying, right?

Democratic politicians say it all the time, haven't you heard? You're not saying they would lie, are you? Say you're not saying that, it would crush my world.

I mean sure Democratic politicians either support or are silent about killing people with drones as well as their family, friends and neighbors. But they are against water boarding. It's only because they are of the highest moral standards and such adherent advocates of the Constitution.

If you don't know all this, ask a Democrat, they'll confirm it for you.
I guess it means nothing to liberals that even Leon Panetta has conceded that valuable intelligence was gained from the enhanced interrogation methods, and that both of the CIA directors who were in office when those methods were being used have said that they yielded valuable intelligence.

And it's worth repeating that the relatively few terrorists who were subjected to water boarding and other harsh methods could have avoided them entirely if they had chosen to cooperate.
You got that folks? So what do we do with people who BEHEAD others?

How many dipshits in this topic have made this argument in one form or another?

Definition of moral relativism: "Well, at least we don't (fill in the blank)!" Chop off heads, eat babies, etc.

This bogus reasoning is based on the intellectually bankrupt premise that if we can just find someone who is worse than us, we are morally in the clear.
I guess it means nothing to liberals that even Leon Panetta has conceded that valuable intelligence was gained from the enhanced interrogation methods, and that both of the CIA directors who were in office when those methods were being used have said that they yielded valuable intelligence.

I'm not a liberal, but no - it doesn't matter. The ends don't justify the means.

And it's worth repeating that the relatively few terrorists who were subjected to water boarding and other harsh methods could have avoided them entirely if they had chosen to cooperate.

It's also worth noting that, unless they are tried and convicted, we don't know whether they were terrorists or not. That's the conceit at the heart of this nonsense. You people always want to cast this as "terrorists don't deserve rights", and I'd agree with that statement. Once they've been convicted, torture them to your heart's content. But until then, they are suspects, and should be afforded full due process.
After 46 pages, one thing is perfectly clear,
torturing people is very important to the right!
It's as if its their birthright.

nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

At what point on the 'torture' scale do you say we must stop, even though THAT might save American lives?
and at what point should ISIS stop if it feels it can save its lives ?

Only the mentally weak actually think Moral Equivocation is an intellectually strong position from which to argue.

Double standards are moral equivocation...

Sorry, a spanking is not the same as killing.

There is not enough mental gymnastics in the world to that work.
nope, but saving american lives is very important. If squirting water up the nose of a murdering terrorist muslim bastard will save american lives, then we should do it.

BTW, waterboarding is not torture, neither is sleep deprivation or being put in a cold room.

At what point on the 'torture' scale do you say we must stop, even though THAT might save American lives?
and at what point should ISIS stop if it feels it can save its lives ?

Only the mentally weak actually think Moral Equivocation is an intellectually strong position from which to argue.

Double standards are moral equivocation...

Sorry, a spanking is not the same as killing.

There is not enough mental gymnastics in the world to that work.

The question is, where is the line between 'torture' and 'not torture'?

What's your opinion on that?

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