Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

I have no issue with any of what went on... you should watch over and over again the video of all the people that had to make the choice to burn to death or jump to a certain death from seventy floors up. Then ponder those that were instantaneously incinerated on impact or who were later crushed to death in the collapse. Then ponder those that intentionally crashed a plane to protect others and those who died a the Pentagon. Then ponder the beheadings, the massacre of Christians, children etc.and think who does this?

Some seriously fucked up and evil people. I say whatever it takes.

More appeal to emotion. Is this all you Neo-cons have to throw around about it. It's fine because....all I have ios logical fallacy.

No, it's called reality... the reality that you are dealing with pure evil.. these fuckers don't care. Furthermore, it isn't like we're rounding scores of random people off the streets; these were carefully targeted people. And in the end, we what, water boarded three people?Whatever.
You have passed the intellectual test for the Gestapo. Congratulations.

Fakey is projection-flailing again....
So what I'm gathering is that the whole pro-torture argument is based on ... "but we're afraid ..."

Compelling argument, huh?

Those who have died to protect our ideals and principles were surely afraid too. But the difference is THEY had the courage to stand up for something.

If George Washington could defeat the most powerful military force of the day with a bunch of shopkeepers and farmers WITHOUT torture, what makes you think the United States of America can't handle these idiots without it? What a slap in the face to ALL Those - living and dead - who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces

Is that soap box high enough? The British met us on the field of battle, these current "warriors" go against every convention of modern war and conflict, and those caught do not deserve the protections allocated to those who DO follow modern conventions.

The difference is the patriots were willing to die for their beliefs. While you sissies are more than happy to cower in fear, trade in your principles and act just like them.

Terrorists forgo any consideration for their "rights" when they break the rules of war. Allowing them protections despite this vindicates their decision to violate said rules, and encourages it.

What you are missing is that I don't give a rat's ass about the terrorists. I care about the United States of America. This is NOT about what we do to "them" it is about what some are trying to turn us into.

We should play by the same rules as the enemy. Otherwise you end up with more dead Americans.
If the enemy chooses to fight a guerrilla war you do the same. Unless of course you prefer carpet bombing.....

Personally, I would prefer the application of FAE, nerve gas, and neutron bombs...
As long as we only do it to them, and only use methods designed to get actual information, we are not compromising our morals at all.
That is a rationalization if ever their was one.

Ask yourself if you would approve of this. The terrorist will not talk no matter what you do to him and he is the only one that knows where the bomb that will kill thousands of people is hidden. You can't torture him, he won't talk, but you do have his 10-year-old daughter who you know he will try to save if you strip and rape and torture her. So, what do you do?

If you answer that question honestly your morality will suddenly appear.

I get a couple of computer whizzes to cook up a "live video feed" of his daughter being tortured, and pump him full of truth serum.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

1) Please don't equate "far right" with "neo-con." I am far right and have NOTHING to do with RINOs/Neo-Cons.
2) As a "far right" conservative I state here and now that I am opposed to torture on personal, moral grounds.
No, he doesn't. He's fighting to make sure as many of us die by terrorists as possible. Then it's not just him, it's his party.
You don't even know what my party is and we wouldn't be dying from terrorists if you would stop creating them by torturing innocent civilians, who then become radicalized and want to get even.
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
Yes, as a matter of fact that would work very well. If you believe America is the greatest nation on earth, why would you not take the time to explain why, to defend what it stands for, to rise above any form of treatment he would have expected so that he want's to move here, to save the people who be so moral and decent under terrible threat? The way to get information is to make a friend, not an enemy.

That makes you an idiot, and a pussy, because you know all you will do is blame the government when they don't protect you, and castigate them when they take actions to do so.

Some people cannot be played nice with.

But we all know this is nothing more than Bush bashing for you, you partisan hack.
I've done no such thing, and I don't expect the government to protect me. That is what makes us so different.

Had Bush been able to stop 9-11 using torture and didn't, because it is immoral, I would not blame him, I would praise him, for being moral. At some point the rubber hits the road. For most of you that is when your survival is threatened. That, BTW, is when you are being a pussy. I am perfectly willing to die for my convictions and perfectly willing to let others die for my convictions, they are that good and when this nation is at its best that kind of thinking is understood. That is not now, obviously.

Nothing you say matters in the slightest, since you have already stated (numerous times) that you would prefer the extinction of the human race.
and at what point should ISIS stop if it feels it can save its lives ?

Only the mentally weak actually think Moral Equivocation is an intellectually strong position from which to argue.

Double standards are moral equivocation...

Sorry, a spanking is not the same as killing.

There is not enough mental gymnastics in the world to that work.

The question is, where is the line between 'torture' and 'not torture'?

What's your opinion on that?
That's not the question, GERTRUDE. The question is what do you do when the context is one of extreme all agreed we were confronted with after 911. Stop whining and confront reality.
You are scared ain't you.....Government knows how to stampede you all lol
So basically we question terrorists with the soft pillow and the comfy chair?
In the binary world of the right wing, that's how things work.
Black or white.
Up or down.
Left or right.
Hot or cold.
Either or.

No nuance.

Nothing in between.

No thought.

No plan.

There is plenty of nuance in my posts below the one you quoted. I suggest you read further before opening your pie-hole.
At least you admit that one was "binary".

Its actually called sarcasm.

Deanie is not capable of understanding sarcasm. (In his case, he always plummets into the sarCHASM.)
Tyrone can't relate. He hates his husband. We'll give him a pass.

Something weird about the conservative Right wingers that I have noticed in the UK site, this site and other sites where comments are allowed is that they all of a sudden begin to attack one's sexual identity. Its the weirdest dang write a post that counters theirs and all of a sudden they are making comments about "your husband , your boyfriend' ...launching what they intend to be gay shaming innuendos ...I mean it happens with some frequency and it hints of an underlying pathology that views being pro war pro violent solutions pro killings pro torture pro guns as "Manly" and the opposing views as "Gay"...wild wild stuff...
the above cartoon is from the Arizona Daily Star, and Fitz is a radical fucking libertraitor who has received many death threats from some local patriots, i despise his political stance, he is an Obola lover, would get on his knees or even hands and knees for the muslime mulatto commie son-of-a-bitch in the Blackhouse. :up:
the above cartoon is from the Arizona Daily Star, and Fitz is a radical fucking libertraitor who has received many death threats from some local patriots, i despise his political stance, he is an Obola lover, would get on his knees or even hands and knees for the muslime mulatto commie son-of-a-bitch in the Blackhouse. :up:
Obviously, English is not your first language.

What country you from, fool?
the above cartoon is from the Arizona Daily Star, and Fitz is a radical fucking libertraitor who has received many death threats from some local patriots, i despise his political stance, he is an Obola lover, would get on his knees or even hands and knees for the muslime mulatto commie son-of-a-bitch in the Blackhouse. :up:
Obviously, English is not your first language.

What country you from, fool?

The poster happens to be the Albert Einstein of Wing Nuttia as proof I offer....

"fucking libertraitor , Obola lover, muslime mulatto commie son-of-a-bitch in the Blackhouse."

its not racist at all ...LOL
The poster happens to be the Albert Einstein of Wing Nuttia as proof I offer....

"fucking libertraitor , Obola lover, muslime mulatto commie son-of-a-bitch in the Blackhouse."

its not racist at all ...LOL
I know who he is. He's someone who thinks he can be a patriot, without embracing American values.
ISIS did not do this :

The modern, educated, advanced nation of Iraq was reduced to a quasi failed state … the Americans, beginning in 1991, bombed for 12 years, with one dubious excuse or another; then invaded, then occupied, overthrew the government, tortured without inhibition, killed wantonly … the people of that unhappy land lost everything – their homes, their schools, their electricity, their clean water, their environment, their neighborhoods, their mosques, their archaeology, their jobs, their careers, their professionals, their state-run enterprises, their physical health, their mental health, their health care, their welfare state, their women’s rights, their religious tolerance, their safety, their security, their children, their parents, their past, their present, their future, their lives … More than half the population either dead, wounded, traumatized, in prison, internally displaced, or in foreign exile … The air, soil, water, blood, and genes drenched with depleted uranium … the most awful birth defects … unexploded cluster bombs lying in wait for children to pick them up … a river of blood running alongside the Euphrates and Tigris … through a country that may never be put back together again. … “It is a common refrain among war-weary Iraqis that things were better before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003,” reported the Washington Post. (May 5, 2007)
Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War 75 U.N.T.S. 135 entered into force Oct. 21 1950.

Article 3
In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:

1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:

(a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;

(b) Taking of hostages;

(c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

I guess we're ok with throwing out the Geneva convention's convictions too, right? In the name of safety?

Against terrorists? Yeah, works for me.

You are a terrorist if you do that.

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