Total US Debt Rises Over $18 Trillion; Up 70% Under Barack Obama

Gotta love nutters. Take the strengths of your competitors and try like hell to make people think they are yours.

The current POTUS has been more fiscally responsible than the guy before him. Not even close.

Thanks for posting the biggest load of shit I've read all day. What's so sad is that you actually see nothing wrong by propagating such blatant dishonesty. Reveals a whole lot about you as a person.

The only Obama policy that added significantly to the deficit/debt was the stimulus. That pales in comparison to all of the budget busting actions supported by GW Bush.
If the debt was 10T when Obama took office and 17T now and the stimulus was 1T then how is that possible?
3 Trillions from the Bush Tax Cuts.
3 Trillion at least rebuilding Iraq
1 trillion from Medicare part D
The unknown trillions from a fucked up economy through GOP deregulation
Unknown trillions from the cost of the tens of thousands of young Americans Republicans tricked into going to Iraq and ending up maimed.
The trillions lost with millions of jobs moving to China from 2001 to 2008.
Trillions lost from the more than 40,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

Can someone answer a simple question? If this stuff happened under Bush and the GOP, then how is it Obama's fault?

And the far left propaganda rolls on..
If all those things happened before Obama took office, how can they be his fault.
Unless, you are saying Iraq never happened
Medicare Part D never happened
There was never a recession
Tens of thousands of young Americans weren't maimed in Iraq.
Millions of jobs didn't move to China from 2001 to 2008
Tens of thousands of factories didn't close from 2001 to 2008

Is that what Republicans are claiming? These things never happened?
Gotta love nutters. Take the strengths of your competitors and try like hell to make people think they are yours.

The current POTUS has been more fiscally responsible than the guy before him. Not even close.

Thanks for posting the biggest load of shit I've read all day. What's so sad is that you actually see nothing wrong by propagating such blatant dishonesty. Reveals a whole lot about you as a person.

The only Obama policy that added significantly to the deficit/debt was the stimulus. That pales in comparison to all of the budget busting actions supported by GW Bush.
If the debt was 10T when Obama took office and 17T now and the stimulus was 1T then how is that possible?

Because the deficit was already a trillion dollars going into Obama's presidencies just based on Bush's spending vs. revenues.
Gotta love nutters. Take the strengths of your competitors and try like hell to make people think they are yours.

The current POTUS has been more fiscally responsible than the guy before him. Not even close.

Thanks for posting the biggest load of shit I've read all day. What's so sad is that you actually see nothing wrong by propagating such blatant dishonesty. Reveals a whole lot about you as a person.

The only Obama policy that added significantly to the deficit/debt was the stimulus. That pales in comparison to all of the budget busting actions supported by GW Bush.
If the debt was 10T when Obama took office and 17T now and the stimulus was 1T then how is that possible?

Because the deficit was already a trillion dollars going into Obama's presidencies just based on Bush's spending vs. revenues.
That doesnt equate to a 7T increase. You'll have to guess again.
The gist.....
It's never Obama's fault...
For anything....
The smartest president in history appears never to have done anything in 6 years.
Smartest president comedy aside. Glad to hear you figured it out.
Still waiting for you to.
Libs swear up and down Bush was the worst president ever. But when any policy of Obama's get criticized they immediately point out Bush did the same thing. So wouldnt that make Obama at least as bad?

Gee the other day you insisted that Obama never followed Bush policy. lol, another fat Rabbi lie.
Gee, another lie from the resident dimwit. Link where I said that.


I said:
There haven't been any Democratic policies. You said so yourself. You said Obama just continued Bush's policies.

and you said:

Link to where I said that? Because I certainly never did nor would have.

400 Americans Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 75.

Gotta love nutters. Take the strengths of your competitors and try like hell to make people think they are yours.

The current POTUS has been more fiscally responsible than the guy before him. Not even close.

Thanks for posting the biggest load of shit I've read all day. What's so sad is that you actually see nothing wrong by propagating such blatant dishonesty. Reveals a whole lot about you as a person.

The only Obama policy that added significantly to the deficit/debt was the stimulus. That pales in comparison to all of the budget busting actions supported by GW Bush.
If the debt was 10T when Obama took office and 17T now and the stimulus was 1T then how is that possible?

Because the deficit was already a trillion dollars going into Obama's presidencies just based on Bush's spending vs. revenues.
That doesnt equate to a 7T increase. You'll have to guess again.

Mandatory spending increases automatically without the President's say so. Revenues fluctuate without the President's say so.
Thanks for posting the biggest load of shit I've read all day. What's so sad is that you actually see nothing wrong by propagating such blatant dishonesty. Reveals a whole lot about you as a person.

The only Obama policy that added significantly to the deficit/debt was the stimulus. That pales in comparison to all of the budget busting actions supported by GW Bush.
If the debt was 10T when Obama took office and 17T now and the stimulus was 1T then how is that possible?

Because the deficit was already a trillion dollars going into Obama's presidencies just based on Bush's spending vs. revenues.
That doesnt equate to a 7T increase. You'll have to guess again.

Mandatory spending increases automatically without the President's say so. Revenues fluctuate without the President's say so.
Revenues have been climbing as the recession ended. Deficits have continued at near their levels.
So far you havent excused Obama's increasing the debt by a record $7T.
Mandatory spending increases automatically without the President's say so. Revenues fluctuate without the President's say so.

That's a bullshit excuse. He's the president. He could have held a press conference on tv for the whole country to see demanding Congress rein in spending to get the deficits under control He'd have been hailed a hero if he did that.
If the debt was 10T when Obama took office and 17T now and the stimulus was 1T then how is that possible?

Because the deficit was already a trillion dollars going into Obama's presidencies just based on Bush's spending vs. revenues.

Another bullshit excuse. Obama was riding on an 80% approval rating after getting elected. He could have kicked the budget with the trillion dollar plus deficit back to Congress saying it was unacceptable and demand they rein it in. Again, he'd have been hailed a hero for doing that.
Mandatory spending increases automatically without the President's say so. Revenues fluctuate without the President's say so.
Revenues have been climbing as the recession ended. Deficits have continued at near their levels.
So far you havent excused Obama's increasing the debt by a record $7T.

Deficits are only bad when Republicans run them up. That's the difference.
I am confused. Are liberals claiming they are fiscal conservatives? They do not want massive government spending?

Can someone out there please decipher their double talk?


Are they saying massive spending reduces the deficit?


Are they all of a sudden saying the tea party platform is the correct one?

If their lying shack of shit in chief has truly reduced the size of government and reduced the massive spending and that has resulted in the "lowering of the deficit" someone should remind them that that is not what they stand for.

Holy shit liberals are hypocrites who ALL talk out of both sides of their stupid faces. Holy shit.

The Debt is over $18 TRILLION now...what does that say about Obama?

Dems stretch the truth)
You're wrong . . . Congress holds the purse strings, and they controlled the spending. Nice try, though.
The smartest president in history appears never to have done anything in 6 years.
Smartest president comedy aside. Glad to hear you figured it out.
Still waiting for you to.
Libs swear up and down Bush was the worst president ever. But when any policy of Obama's get criticized they immediately point out Bush did the same thing. So wouldnt that make Obama at least as bad?

Gee the other day you insisted that Obama never followed Bush policy. lol, another fat Rabbi lie.
Gee, another lie from the resident dimwit. Link where I said that.


I said:
There haven't been any Democratic policies. You said so yourself. You said Obama just continued Bush's policies.

and you said:

Link to where I said that? Because I certainly never did nor would have.

400 Americans Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Post 75.

Looks like you failed to show where I said Obama just contiunued Bush's policies.
Typical. Claim something and then fail to support it. Are you intentionally lying or just dimwitted?
The Obama congress got stuck paying for what the Bush congress spent. Sadly, many Americans, informed by such as fox not-news, still don't know this.

every deficit in the history of our Government created the National Debt .. how hard is it for you morons to figure that out ? ... for all of you simpletons write this down ... National Debt = an accumulation of deficits.

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