Tower To Mueller....Over?

So it's almost a YEAR

Aaaaannnnd? Is there some legal time limit on investigation?

Mueller runs a broad, multi-faceted investigation into criminal Russian interfere into our election with 19 indictments and 5 guilty pleas already on the books. He will have as much time as he needs to complete it.

No there isn't, and that's one of the big problems with special counsels. DAs have a limited budget. They can't have 20 people on an investigation of one person for years and years, but Herr Mewler can. That is clearly an abuse of the due process clause

ROFL - objection to investigation - HOW CAN US POSSIBLY AFFORD IT?!?!?!
It's not a matter of whether we can afford it, you fucking Stalinist dumbass. It's an abuse of the target's right to due process. Being investigated is a form of punishment. No prosecutor should have a license to conduct and endless investigation of anyone with no limitation on his budget.

Being investigated is a form of punishment?
All this benghazi was happening after this supposed $145 million uranium BS.

Congress has no power to indict, so there's no threat of prison time being held over any witnesses head.
It's not a matter of whether we can afford it, you fucking Stalinist dumbass. It's an abuse of the target's right to due process. Being investigated is a form of punishment. No prosecutor should have a license to conduct and endless investigation of anyone with no limitation on his budget.

Oh so now it is not a budget matter, it's a RIGHTS matter.

Well there is no right to not be investigated and Mueller's investigation taking over a year does not mean it is ENDLESS dummy.
Yes, there is right not to be investigated for years and years. It's called the "due process clause." Herr Mewler isn't even investigating an actual crime. That right there is a violation of the 5th Amendment. None of his warrants are legal since a legal warrant requires the crime being investigated to be listed.

Mueller? Not investigating crime? Geezus, you are so retarded there is not even a point to carry on a conversation with you.

What "crime" is he investigating?

Crime relating to Russian interference in our election dummy:


Campaign Finance violations
Obstruction Of Justice
Criminal Perjury
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud
Money Laundering
False tax filings
Bank fraud

the list goes on and on and on.

Were those listed on a warrant?
Oh so now it is not a budget matter, it's a RIGHTS matter.

Well there is no right to not be investigated and Mueller's investigation taking over a year does not mean it is ENDLESS dummy.
Yes, there is right not to be investigated for years and years. It's called the "due process clause." Herr Mewler isn't even investigating an actual crime. That right there is a violation of the 5th Amendment. None of his warrants are legal since a legal warrant requires the crime being investigated to be listed.

Mueller? Not investigating crime? Geezus, you are so retarded there is not even a point to carry on a conversation with you.

What "crime" is he investigating?
Russian interference in our election. Collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russia. Money laundering.

Your propagandists do that shitty a job that you don't know these things!?!? WOW!!!
"Russian interference in our election" isn't a criminal matter.

Yes, it is. That's why there are indictments. You mean to say your propagandists have not told you this?


"Collusion" isn't a crime.
Conspiracy is. Acting as a foreign agent is.

You mean to say your propagandists have not told you this?


There isn't a shred of evidence of money laundering, and Herr Mewler certainly hasn't listed that on any warrant.
Um. Manafort and Gates laundered money, and there is an indictment to that effect.

Jesus H. Christ, retard, you really need to get out of your cave and stop drinking the piss of your propagandists.

Paul Manafort, Rick Gates laundered more than $30 million, according to new Mueller indictment

The two men were initially charged in a 12-count indictment in October that accused them of a multimillion-dollar money-laundering conspiracy tied to lobbying work for a Russia-friendly Ukrainian political party.

The new charges, contained in a 32-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Virginia, allege that Manafort and Gates doctored financial documents, lied to tax preparers and defrauded banks — using money they cycled through offshore accounts to spend lavishly, including on real estate, interior decorating and other luxury goods.
bripat, you've just made a complete fool of yourself! :lol:
Oh so now it is not a budget matter, it's a RIGHTS matter.

Well there is no right to not be investigated and Mueller's investigation taking over a year does not mean it is ENDLESS dummy.
Yes, there is right not to be investigated for years and years. It's called the "due process clause." Herr Mewler isn't even investigating an actual crime. That right there is a violation of the 5th Amendment. None of his warrants are legal since a legal warrant requires the crime being investigated to be listed.

Mueller? Not investigating crime? Geezus, you are so retarded there is not even a point to carry on a conversation with you.

What "crime" is he investigating?

Crime relating to Russian interference in our election dummy:


Campaign Finance violations
Obstruction Of Justice
Criminal Perjury
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud
Money Laundering
False tax filings
Bank fraud

the list goes on and on and on.

Were those listed on a warrant?

The willfully blind monkeys are trying to wish away Mueller's investigation, and are drinking some high grade piss from their propagandists.

What makes you assume they don't have anything?

Not everything leaks like the Trump administration.

You know how these Millenials are. It's all instant gratification with them. These kinds of investigations can take years, but these kids nowadays want everything now. Besides, Muller has already come out with many charges against many people. Maybe he ends up with nothing against Trump. But in the meantime he's finding a great deal of wrongdoing, and we should be glad that crimes are being discovered and prosecuted.

Spot on!
Yes, there is right not to be investigated for years and years. It's called the "due process clause." Herr Mewler isn't even investigating an actual crime. That right there is a violation of the 5th Amendment. None of his warrants are legal since a legal warrant requires the crime being investigated to be listed.

Mueller? Not investigating crime? Geezus, you are so retarded there is not even a point to carry on a conversation with you.

What "crime" is he investigating?

Crime relating to Russian interference in our election dummy:


Campaign Finance violations
Obstruction Of Justice
Criminal Perjury
Conspiracy to commit wire fraud
Money Laundering
False tax filings
Bank fraud

the list goes on and on and on.

Were those listed on a warrant?

I'll take that as a "no."

You can speculate endlessly about imaginary crimes, but no one has seen any hard evidence for anything you listed. Those are just snowflake we dreams.
Oh so now it is not a budget matter, it's a RIGHTS matter.

Well there is no right to not be investigated and Mueller's investigation taking over a year does not mean it is ENDLESS dummy.
Yes, there is right not to be investigated for years and years. It's called the "due process clause." Herr Mewler isn't even investigating an actual crime. That right there is a violation of the 5th Amendment. None of his warrants are legal since a legal warrant requires the crime being investigated to be listed.

Mueller? Not investigating crime? Geezus, you are so retarded there is not even a point to carry on a conversation with you.

What "crime" is he investigating?
Russian interference in our election. Collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russia. Money laundering.

Your propagandists do that shitty a job that you don't know these things!?!? WOW!!!
"Russian interference in our election" isn't a criminal matter. It's an intelligence matter.

"Collusion" isn't a crime.

There isn't a shred of evidence of money laundering, and Herr Mewler certainly hasn't listed that on any warrant.
Trump's panama towers are involved with drug money and Russian mafia.
So it's almost a YEAR now since the horse-faced turd began looking into the Trump campaign for "collusion" with the Ivans...and? We all know somebody who couldn't find their ass with both hands, finally finds SOMETHING in a year, right? Their car keys? Their password into Amazon? That their uncle Mike never climbed Mt.Everest? C'mon G-Man....surely you and your Hillary-backing goons got something, right? Tower to Mueller...Over?

You guys are worse than a backseat full of grade schoolers on a road trip. ARE WE THERE YET?

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