Town halls gone wild

come on, its a broken email address so it doesn't become a link
the software auto changes an email address into a "mailto" command, and i wanted to avoid that
you should be smart enough to understand why, unless i am over estimating your abilities
It appears that you are.
come on, its a broken email address so it doesn't become a link
the software auto changes an email address into a "mailto" command, and i wanted to avoid that
you should be smart enough to understand why, unless i am over estimating your abilities
It appears that you are.

Indeed. I grew weary of the MSLSD reject with amazing rapidity.

(Now THAT's ^ a sentence! :cool: :lol: )

It is the sole inhabitant (I believe) of my Ignore Poster Zone. This place is better without having to see his childish spew. :clap2:
You have provided no proof that Fox sponsored the tea parties. Show me a money trail, show me an advertisement that states Fox as being the sponsor, show me anything other than a network that worked to advance a cause. Which is within their constitutional right to do so.

Using your logic, if I stand on a street corner and try to get people to attend a specific event that would make me a sponsor. Ridiculous.

On second thought, don't sweat it, it's obvious you can't provide the evidence to support your argument, so I'll let you off the hook. I hate to bully the mentally challenged or in your case the mentally deficient.

Go back and read the thread there was evidence in the thread. If you missed it or IGNORED IT that is not my problem.

And once again you take YOUR lame logic and try to DISHONESTLY attribute it to me. I have already SPELLED out my logic and you IGNORED it and made up your own to try and attack me for something I never said or implied.

Face the FACTS, you tried to spin to cover for foxnews and FAILED. Game over and attacking me won't change that FACT. LOL

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in your ass.

You have failed to prove that Fox sponsored these events.

The fact that Fox reported the events prior to, during and after, does not equate to sponsorship. The fact that Fox employees hosted their shows from an event does not constitute sponsorship.( if that was the case then I guess they sponsored both the democrat and republican conventions)

So despite the FACT that foxnews talked the events up rather than just reported on them and promoted them through their constant airtime and attention given to them including hosting their programs at the events and providing entertainment you still wish to believe that they were merely just reporting??


Your concession is duly noted.

LOL So you can't win based on the facts, because you choose to ignore them, so you LIE and try to claim that I conceded. HAHAHA

Thanks for proving that you are in FACT dishonest.
I didn't answer your question because it was a stupid fucking question. I have no idea why he would estimate it the way he did. It could be he estimated it that way because he's "no expert".

It's ok keep running. LOL Your avoidance let's me know that I am correct.

Already spelled it out to you when I exposed your lame an dishonest attempts to cover for foxnews and make lames excuses as to why they where there.

And talk about spin you went from Fox is sponsoring an event to promoting an event which are two different things altogether.

Fox news did not sponsor the tea parties, and you cannot prove they did. I have nothing to prove because a negative can't be proven. The burden of proof lies with you. And you continually fail to prove your case.

Actually I provided a definition that did apply you just chose to IGNORE it like you seem to do any and all FACTS that counter your OPINIONS. LOL

Using your definition you still failed to prove that Fox SPONSORED the events.

Actually if one were honest, which you have proven that you are not, then my definition applies.

Your concession is duly noted.

Imagine that, more dishonesty from you. LOL
More petulance after being shown you are incorrect?

Dude, your best bet is to just STFU at this point.

Hit a nerve did we? How do you defend the SS runes and the Swastika's and the shouting down of citizens with legitimate concerns over the issue and the blatant moronic dialouge that your VP candidate in the last election is fostering?
You can't so therefore you obfuscate and attempt to redirect the conversation and then loose your temper when your spin doesn't take hold Dude.
I don't see him defending those things, if they are in fact not planted by community instigators in order to marginalize the opposition.

What are you doing defending union goon squads and astroturf organizations like "Instigating for America", coming in and artificaially packing houses and trying to intimidate dissenters?

LOL You posted a conspiracy theory like that and then demand proof from others of their claims. Do you apply that same standard to yourself??
Right. Let's hear your thoughts on Caribou Barbi's death panel comments.

She's a moron. Next question? Yes I have read parts of the bill. Oh, and BTW if you are going to ask additional questions, its best to not go back and edit your previous post (like I'm doing now). Instead, post a new reply. I had already read your post, which simply said "Ah common ground". Purely by accident did I see that you had gone back and edited and added more to it. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you genuinely did not mean anything devious by doing this.

What is it with you guys you're all paranoid no there was no devious intent in the edit just not wasting any more board space for a few additional words.

I guess that when I said that I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, that it went over your head?
Right. Let's hear your thoughts on Caribou Barbi's death panel comments.

She's a moron. Next question? Yes I have read parts of the bill. Oh, and BTW if you are going to ask additional questions, its best to not go back and edit your previous post (like I'm doing now). Instead, post a new reply. I had already read your post, which simply said "Ah common ground". Purely by accident did I see that you had gone back and edited and added more to it. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you genuinely did not mean anything devious by doing this.

So... Your take on the misquotes and falsehoods that are being promoted?

And I haven't read it all either But I have read parts in response to the some of the claims being made.

Which misquotes and falsehoods?
authenticity of it, but do agree with it's statement.

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.'
Thomas Jefferson
authenticity of it, but do agree with it's statement.

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.'
Thomas Jefferson

Our Government can't come close to give us everything we want, so we should not worry about them taking everything we have.
authenticity of it, but do agree with it's statement.

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.'
Thomas Jefferson

Our Government can't come close to give us everything we want, so we should not worry about them taking everything we have.

100% wrong.

They can't "give" us anything.

But they sure as hell CAN take and take and take.
have you ever donated money to a politician or a cause?

I posted this on another thread, this seems more appropriate:

Interesting the accusations on astroturfing by the right. I've said repeatedly that the left owns it, but here's one example:

Health Care for America NOW!

You'll forgive me if I don't post the text from the link in my quote, is it's quite long.

It's true, the Dems are now astroturfing right back, after being mobbed by the Con astroturfers.

And it will all escalate now until Town Hall meetings go the way of the DoDo. It's a shame really.

You are underestimating the concern of average folks, at the detriment of your 'party.'
I posted this on another thread, this seems more appropriate:

Interesting the accusations on astroturfing by the right. I've said repeatedly that the left owns it, but here's one example:

Health Care for America NOW!

You'll forgive me if I don't post the text from the link in my quote, is it's quite long.

It's true, the Dems are now astroturfing right back, after being mobbed by the Con astroturfers.

And it will all escalate now until Town Hall meetings go the way of the DoDo. It's a shame really.

You are underestimating the concern of average folks, at the detriment of your 'party.'
let them keep it up
it will bite them in the ass, HARD
I posted this on another thread, this seems more appropriate:

Interesting the accusations on astroturfing by the right. I've said repeatedly that the left owns it, but here's one example:

Health Care for America NOW!

More on RW astroturf:

Conservatives for Patients' Rights is led by health care entrepreneur Rick Scott, the co-founder of Solantic urgent care walk-in centers, which he's spread across Florida and is looking to expand. While 80 percent of its patients have at least some insurance, Solantic also bills itself as an alternative to emergency-room care and a resource for patients with no insurance.


FreedomWorks, which has been advocating against the overhaul but has not launched TV ads, is chaired by Dick Armey, the former Republican majority leader of the House of Representatives from Texas.

But also noteworthy are the group's other backers and board members. They include billionaire flat-tax proponent and former GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes; Richard J. Stephenson, who founded Cancer Treatment Centers of America, which offers alternative as well as standard therapies, sometimes not covered by insurance; and Frank M. Sands, Sr., chief executive officer of an investment management firm whose offerings include a Healthcare Leaders portfolio.


Patients First and Patients United are creations of a larger group called Americans for Prosperity. AFP's Web site describes a grassroots organization with more than 700,000 members that advocates "for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint."

It was started by billionaire David Koch, of the Koch Industries oil family, one of the country's top donors to conservative, free-market causes. The foundation's board includes Art Pope, a former North Carolina legislator also involved in conservative causes, whose family owns hundreds of discount stores.

Tim Phillips, AFP's president, is a former Republican congressional staffer who helped former Christian Coalition executive director Ralph Reed start up the consulting firm Century Strategies in the 1990s. Clients paid the firm to build Christian grassroots support for various business causes. That included work for since-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.


One of them, Club for Growth, which advocates lower taxes, is led by president Chris Chocola, a former Republican congressman from Indiana who lost his re-election bid in 2006. Club for Growth this week announced a $1.2 million ad campaign against a health care overhaul, to run in North Dakota, Colorado, Arkansas and Nevada.

The other, 60 Plus Association, is a conservative senior advocacy group that wants to abolish the estate tax. Singer Pat Boone is the group's national spokesman. Chairman Jim Martin started the group in 1992 with fund-raising help from conservative direct mail guru Richard Viguerie. It spent $1.5 million on TV ads opposing a healthcare overhaul in the last week.

Martin declined to identify his major donors. In 2006, he acknowledged that his group was getting funding from the pharmaceutical industry. But this year, pharmaceutical companies lead the spending spree on behalf of a health care overhaul.

Who's behind the attacks on a health care overhaul? | McClatchy
I posted this on another thread, this seems more appropriate:

Interesting the accusations on astroturfing by the right. I've said repeatedly that the left owns it, but here's one example:

Health Care for America NOW!

More on RW astroturf:

Conservatives for Patients' Rights is led by health care entrepreneur Rick Scott, the co-founder of Solantic urgent care walk-in centers, which he's spread across Florida and is looking to expand. While 80 percent of its patients have at least some insurance, Solantic also bills itself as an alternative to emergency-room care and a resource for patients with no insurance.


FreedomWorks, which has been advocating against the overhaul but has not launched TV ads, is chaired by Dick Armey, the former Republican majority leader of the House of Representatives from Texas.

But also noteworthy are the group's other backers and board members. They include billionaire flat-tax proponent and former GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes; Richard J. Stephenson, who founded Cancer Treatment Centers of America, which offers alternative as well as standard therapies, sometimes not covered by insurance; and Frank M. Sands, Sr., chief executive officer of an investment management firm whose offerings include a Healthcare Leaders portfolio.


Patients First and Patients United are creations of a larger group called Americans for Prosperity. AFP's Web site describes a grassroots organization with more than 700,000 members that advocates "for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint."

It was started by billionaire David Koch, of the Koch Industries oil family, one of the country's top donors to conservative, free-market causes. The foundation's board includes Art Pope, a former North Carolina legislator also involved in conservative causes, whose family owns hundreds of discount stores.

Tim Phillips, AFP's president, is a former Republican congressional staffer who helped former Christian Coalition executive director Ralph Reed start up the consulting firm Century Strategies in the 1990s. Clients paid the firm to build Christian grassroots support for various business causes. That included work for since-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.


One of them, Club for Growth, which advocates lower taxes, is led by president Chris Chocola, a former Republican congressman from Indiana who lost his re-election bid in 2006. Club for Growth this week announced a $1.2 million ad campaign against a health care overhaul, to run in North Dakota, Colorado, Arkansas and Nevada.

The other, 60 Plus Association, is a conservative senior advocacy group that wants to abolish the estate tax. Singer Pat Boone is the group's national spokesman. Chairman Jim Martin started the group in 1992 with fund-raising help from conservative direct mail guru Richard Viguerie. It spent $1.5 million on TV ads opposing a healthcare overhaul in the last week.

Martin declined to identify his major donors. In 2006, he acknowledged that his group was getting funding from the pharmaceutical industry. But this year, pharmaceutical companies lead the spending spree on behalf of a health care overhaul.

Who's behind the attacks on a health care overhaul? | McClatchy
yeah, of course, only dems are allowed to create grass roots orgs

fucking hypocrites

hve you seen the fucking list of dem paid groups?
what type of a tactic would you call flag @
it sure looks naziesque to me

I don't know you will actually have to provide a link that works.
come on, its a broken email address so it doesn't become a link
the software auto changes an email address into a "mailto" command, and i wanted to avoid that
you should be smart enough to understand why, unless i am over estimating your abilities

Thanks once you cleared that up I figured I would take advantgage of it and here's what I wrote.

To Whom it may concern I am attaching a link to a website where misinformation on Health care reform is rampant.
Some posters on this site also seem to harbor a deep seated hatred of the President comparing him to Hitler and the administration to the Third Reich and outright blatant racism that can only be born of ignorance.
I really think that this site and it's posters deserve further scrutiny.
Last edited:
I don't know you will actually have to provide a link that works.
come on, its a broken email address so it doesn't become a link
the software auto changes an email address into a "mailto" command, and i wanted to avoid that
you should be smart enough to understand why, unless i am over estimating your abilities

Thanks once you cleared that up I figured I would take advantgage of it and here's what I wrote.

To Whom it may concern I am attaching a link to a website where misinformation on Health care reform is rampant.
Some posters on this site also seem to harbor a deep seated hatred of the President comparing him to Hitler and the administration to the Third Reich and outright blatant racism that can only be born of ignorance.
I really think that this site and it's posters deserve further scrutiny.
too late fucknuts
they took it down
but go ahead and find another way to report me
i'd wear it as a badge of honor

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