Toxic Train Wrecks. Bank Failures. Pandemics. Thanks Republicans!

Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.
/——/ The latest tripe from LiberalPropagandaville.
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.
You seem embarrassed.
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that the NTSB Chair falled Biden and Buttigieg liars, td them to stop spreading misinfornation, and proved the train derailment had nothing to do with Trump.

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that top US economists proved the BIPARTISAN legislation Trump signed into law had nothibg to do with the legislation or Trump.

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that the SVB did not have a risk assessor for 9 months and when they finally goted one she was a full-blown 'woke' activist who focused on LGBTQ, gay, diversity, Trans, etc... causrs instead of doing her job.

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that economists proved the SVB's invesyments were too risky, their own ratevof interest return too low, cash holdings too low, and tbe Fed raising intetest rates 7 times killed the SVB.

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that massive investors had far more money in tge SVB tban the FDIC protection covers because they trustedc2 things the govt has proven to be true:
1. The FDIC covers all losses to a certain amount.

2. All losses in banks 'too big to fail' are covered / bailed out by the US govt

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that COVID-19;was created in a Chinese govt lab where the US (Fauci) was funding dangetous GoF testing.

It does not matter to snowflake f*tards that Birx confessed in public that everything she and Fauci recommended was BS they made up, that none of the quatantine / mask / vaccine mandates were based on scuence, and that the Biden administration used the pandemic and these BS mandates to CONTROL Americans.

All that matters to these single-minded f*tards is 'Blame / Get Trump'.
SVB Financial Group’s holdings were hit hard by the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hikes, and their value dropped dramatically — causing depositors to panic and withdraw their funds.

SVB Financial Group’s holdings — assets such as U.S. Treasurys and government-backed mortgage securities viewed as safe — were hit by the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hikes, and their value dropped dramatically.

The company’s tipping point came Wednesday, when SVB announced it had sold $21 billion worth of its securities at a roughly $1.8 billion loss and said it needed to raise $2.25 billion to meet clients’ withdrawal needs and fund new lending. That news sent its stock price plunging and triggered a panic-induced wave of withdrawals from VCs and other depositors. Within a day, SVB stock had tanked 60% and led to a loss of more than $80 billion in bank shares globally.

Not was greed and stupidity.
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.

IF YOU WOULD..... look it up, youll find that train derailments are actually going down, although there are usually like a thousand a year or so. normally it isnt such a disaster, however, the trend has been DOWN not up. You want to give Trump credit for that?
SVB Financial Group’s holdings were hit hard by the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hikes, and their value dropped dramatically — causing depositors to panic and withdraw their funds.

SVB Financial Group’s holdings — assets such as U.S. Treasurys and government-backed mortgage securities viewed as safe — were hit by the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hikes, and their value dropped dramatically.

The company’s tipping point came Wednesday, when SVB announced it had sold $21 billion worth of its securities at a roughly $1.8 billion loss and said it needed to raise $2.25 billion to meet clients’ withdrawal needs and fund new lending. That news sent its stock price plunging and triggered a panic-induced wave of withdrawals from VCs and other depositors. Within a day, SVB stock had tanked 60% and led to a loss of more than $80 billion in bank shares globally.

Not was greed and stupidity.

Correct! interest rate hikes!... they were warned to stop pumping more money into the economy because it causes inflation... which required rate hikes. Democrat solution is what? Blame Trump... and it gets them off the hook with their dumb ass base.
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.
You are a class A fool.... thanks for showing it with every post....
Why are you thanking Republicans, OP?

Thank Brandon...... give credit where credit is due!;)

Toxic Train Wrecks. Bank Failures. Pandemics. Thanks Republicans!​


Toxic Train Wrecks. Bank Failures. Pandemics. Thanks Republicans!​

Says the douche bag, skrewed, during a Democrap administration. :cuckoo:

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