Toxic Train Wrecks. Bank Failures. Pandemics. Thanks Republicans!

Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.
Once again...

It's not what Trump did or didn't do.
It's not what Biden did or didn't do

The people responsible for SVB, East Palestine, et al is the management of those companies.
Management failed to properly maintain the tracks
Management made risky investments
Management failed to maintain brakes
Management betrayed the investors and depositors

But as long as we blame one another they will just laugh all the way to the bank.
We need a new law.

NO WE DON'T, shifty leftard scum.

For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.


Fuck the leftard scumbags. I hope they choke on their own hypocrisy.
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.


Just fucking wow!

How bad does it suck to be one of the few actual living people who voted for this historic disaster?
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.

They went broke while they spent months interviewing for a Latinx Tranny CFO
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.

Lol you're stoooopid

Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.

Wow, all this pure commie propaganda.

The train wreck was caused by a bad bearing. No regulations concerning train maintenance were changed.
Bank deregulation was passed with a bipartisan vote. Barney the wiener sucking frank even lobbied for the change to the Dodd/Frank law.
And last but definitely not least, China and St Fauci were responsible for the pandemic.

But what's really pathetic in you thinking you could drive clicks to the daily kook. Not fucking happening.

Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.
The most ridiculous thread I have ever seen, and I have been here a long time. Obama blamed Bush for 8 loooooooong years. Now Biden blames Trump after he has had the reigns for going on 2 and 1/2. Notice, when Trump took over and started fixing all of your screwups, you claimed it was all because of Obama, lol.

Biden changed virtually EVERYTHING when he came in, had control of EVERYTHING because his party was almost 100% in charge......but Trump did it, hehehehehehehe. According to all of you, Biden won virtually everything when taken to the Supreme Court when confronting the former President, and ALL of you have been touting just how wonderful things are economically, socially, and life is great. Now we hit a bump in the road, and we go back to it was all Trump, and the magnificent Biden had no control.

You really trying to sell this bull****, or are you flailing around trying to be a comedian; because if you are trying to do the latter, you are failing miserably! I know, your Democrats look incompetent to anyone who thinks, but trust me, young people do not think anymore, so your friends in high places will probably get away with screwing the pooch, yet again!

That's how you know this is Born in Kenya Barack's Third Term
Ask any Republican why Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed and they will spit out “woke,” along with some acronyms that are meaningless to probably 99% of the American public: DEI and ESG. That would be “diversity, equity, and inclusion” and “environmental, social, and governance” guidelines, the things they’re trying to replace “CRT” with as made-up acronymic scary things.

That’s a lot easier than dealing with reality. Trump and the GOP deregulated rails, and we got East Palestine. Trump and Republicans, primarily, rolled back some Dodd-Frank banking rules, and we got SVB.

Remember this from early March 2020?

“Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised.” When Trump was declaring that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world,” after he had disbanded the National Security Council directorate “charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.”

Yeah, that.

It all comes down to a “small-government” GOP that’s become so obsessed with the “small” that they’ve abandoned the “government” part.

We need a new law. For every regulation Republicans cut, any citizen can sue them for damages when their small government BS goes south.
These banks failed because the Feds increased interest rates, which made their older bonds at lower rates worthless. They raised the rates because dems have been blowing trillions for years now, which caused inflation. You all loved the "inflation reduction act" and the disastrous Omnibus bill right after that, remember?
Granted everyone knows liberals are a little slow on the uptake, but two full years of the House, Senate, and White House tell a different story. Liberals are not only slow, but utterly incompetent for doing nothing about everything they blame on Republicans.
Isn't deregulation grand? Fucks everything up! The rich own the republican party to push deregulation so they can play the banks over and over again. It is sick!
Isn't deregulation grand? Fucks everything up! The rich own the republican party to push deregulation so they can play the banks over and over again. It is sick!

Isn't deregulation grand? Fucks everything up!

We need the federal government to tell the banks what they can buy and how much.

Like subprime mortgages. They should make the banks buy more. Right?
What could go wrong?

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