Toyota, Yamaha working on hydrogen-burning V8 engine

You clowns should educate yourself on some of the facts that make hydrogen a non-green alternative before your knees jerk and you fall down laughing.

No, it is YOU who should educate yourself. Hydrogen is plentiful. Lithium, samarium, and all of the other rare earth's to make EV's are NOT.

Hence the name RARE EARTHS!

Maybe by weight. By volume it's paltry.
By volume? Don't make me laugh! Volume is relative to pressure, so effectively meaningless. Weight is the constant by which any metric must be measured here because weight directly relates to QUANTITY of matter carried, thus load, not the STATE of that matter.

You must have learned physics off the back of a box of Corn Pops.
By volume? Don't make me laugh! Volume is relative to pressure, so effectively meaningless. Weight is the constant by which any metric must be measured here because weight directly relates to QUANTITY of matter carried, thus load, not the STATE of that matter.

You must have learned physics off the back of a box of Corn Pops.

Ummmm. Nooo.....physics clearly passed multiple feet over his tiny little brain.

It never touched him!
No, it is YOU who should educate yourself. Hydrogen is plentiful.
It is just the most abundant element in the universe! :71:

Lithium, samarium, and all of the other rare earth's to make EV's are NOT. Hence the name RARE EARTHS!
Not to mention that the mining of all these things (toxic metals) then the subsequent processing of their waste as batteries get old and die is an environmental disaster in the making.

But China welcomes us to try!
It is just the most abundant element in the universe! :71:

Not to mention that the mining of all these things (toxic metals) then the subsequent processing of their waste as batteries get old and die is an environmental disaster in the making.

But China welcomes us to try!

No shit. The level of scientific ignorance exhibited by these morons is astonishing. H has many problems to work out. There is no doubt about that. But the problems CAN be worked out.

There is no work around for lack of raw materials.
Ummmm. Nooo.....physics clearly passed multiple feet over his tiny little brain. It never touched him!

When people make such specious arguments as trying to discredit hydrogen technology by trying to argue one cubic foot gasoline liquid to one cubic foot hydrogen gas at sea level pressure at say 76°F, I know they are either deliberately being obtuse and misleading, or are just truly clueless.
Hydrogen electrolysis from water requires far more energy to produce than it yields as a motor fuel. The energy density of hydrogen is in the basement when compared to anything else.

By weight/mass, hydrogen is actually very good as far as energy density. That's a major reason why it was used as fuel for the Saturn V rockets that carried our men to the Moon.

By volume, it's very poor, and it is very difficult to safely store very much hydrogen, especially on the scale of a vehicle. The Saturn V rockets used in it liquid form; to put it in that form required cooling it to an extremely-low temperature, and it had to be pumped into the rocket just before launch, and once fueled, the rocket had to be launched almost immediately. Those of us old enough to remember can remember the paradoxical images of the rocket taking off on a pillar of fire, with ice falling off of it.
What the fuck are you blabbering about. The energy density of hydrogen is three times that of gasoline you ignorant clod.

It depends on whether you are going by weight or by volume.

It's very good by weight. Very poor by volume. Remember, hydrogen is the least dense of all elements, the least dense of all known matter.
No, it is YOU who should educate yourself. Hydrogen is plentiful. Lithium, samarium, and all of the other rare earth's to make EV's are NOT.
Of course hydrogen is plentiful, you ignorant twit.
Can you get it through your empty skull that it's usually not produced by green energy?

Think next time before your knee jerks!
No, it is YOU who should educate yourself. Hydrogen is plentiful. Lithium, samarium, and all of the other rare earth's to make EV's are NOT.

Hence the name RARE EARTHS!


Hydrogen is the most common element, but it is rarely found in free form. It's found combined with other elements, in forms where you need to expend more energy to separate it from those other elements than you can get back by burning it.
By volume? Don't make me laugh! Volume is relative to pressure, so effectively meaningless. Weight is the constant by which any metric must be measured here because weight directly relates to QUANTITY of matter carried, thus load, not the STATE of that matter.

You must have learned physics off the back of a box of Corn Pops.

Some compounds that are gas at standard temperature and pressure can be liquified under moderate pressure. Propane, for example.

Not hydrogen. It takes some drastic extremes of cold and/or pressure to liquify hydrogen, which cannot safely or feasibly be applied on the scale of a vehicle's fuel tank.
In the universe, you'll see it tops the list:

Even in the Earth's crust, it is tenth most plentiful.

Add to that it readily forms a single covalent bond with most nonmetallic elements, forming compounds such as water and nearly all organic compounds.

I know.

It's funny to say that's a plus.

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