Tracking CommieCrat TDS

Obama admin spied on Putin, actually the CIA and FBI did, but thats their job. If Putin was communicating with Trump, then there you go.

The dossier was only used as supplemental raw intelligence to renew an already existing FISA warrant.

The first two years of Trump's presidency was all his. The GOP had congress; nothing stopped them from passing whatever they wanted.

Rod Rosenstein allegedly said 2 members of Trump's cabinet were open to invoking the 25th Amendment after Comey's firing. Hardly a coup when Trump's own cabinet considered it, but those cabinet members are likely out now.
25th requires two-thirds vote in both chambers. It cant be a coup if the law is followed.

Spin it anyway you wish, but this soft commie coup has been derailed and some of these deep state operatives better "lawyer up" and soon. These cowards are gonna start rolling over on each other and leftard commies like yourself are gonna be soiling yourselves and dining on crow.

Stick around, hasn't even gotten interesting.....yet.
Discussing the 25th amendment is not a Coup.

Even privately planning with others to use the 25th amendment to remove the president and then actually doing it, is not a coup.

LMAO!!! Are you REALLY that obtuse as to what was really going on?
Go ahead and enlighten us.

The deep state attempted a coup d'etat claiming Russian collusion using demcrat paid for GPS to pay a former MI5 agent to find dirt on Trump using the same sources leftards claimed that Trump used to find dirt on the Hildebeast. The DNC data dump wasn't a hack of a server but rather from an inside source and this has been PROVEN by former 2nd in command with the NSA William Binney as it pertains to the download speeds required, firewalls and the testimony of Craig Murray that got the thumb drive for Seth Rich that he passed onto Julian Assange. There was NO "hack" of the DNC server. The "ROOSKIES DID IT!!!" bullshit was used to deflect attention away from the damaging revelations.

Hope this helps!

Why did Guccifer 2.0 need to hack if there was no hack?
Why was the Kremlin trying to kill the russians working with Steele, if Steele were using this "same source"?
Spin it anyway you wish, but this soft commie coup has been derailed and some of these deep state operatives better "lawyer up" and soon. These cowards are gonna start rolling over on each other and leftard commies like yourself are gonna be soiling yourselves and dining on crow.

Stick around, hasn't even gotten interesting.....yet.
Discussing the 25th amendment is not a Coup.

Even privately planning with others to use the 25th amendment to remove the president and then actually doing it, is not a coup.

LMAO!!! Are you REALLY that obtuse as to what was really going on?
Go ahead and enlighten us.

The deep state attempted a coup d'etat claiming Russian collusion using demcrat paid for GPS to pay a former MI5 agent to find dirt on Trump using the same sources leftards claimed that Trump used to find dirt on the Hildebeast. The DNC data dump wasn't a hack of a server but rather from an inside source and this has been PROVEN by former 2nd in command with the NSA William Binney as it pertains to the download speeds required, firewalls and the testimony of Craig Murray that got the thumb drive for Seth Rich that he passed onto Julian Assange. There was NO "hack" of the DNC server. The "ROOSKIES DID IT!!!" bullshit was used to deflect attention away from the damaging revelations.

Hope this helps!

Why did Guccifer 2.0 need to hack if there was no hack?
Why was the Kremlin trying to kill the russians working with Steele, if Steele were using this "same source"?

Gucifer 2.0 is CIA...did you not read the Vault 7 data dump?
I consider this a public service....I'm sure some have lost track of time.

You must be drinking the MSM fake news' KoolAde. The only real "recent" scandal is that the Obama admin spied on the Trump campaign, and their FBI and DOJ worked with the Hillary Clinton campaign to promote the Steele Dossier to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump. Then after Trump won, they had an "insurance policy" to launch an illegal investigation against Trump for "collusion" with Russia, that stole Trump's first 2-years of his presidency, then the "deep state" actually tried a coup using the 25th Amendment.

Beg to differ that Obama's tan suit were his only scandals.
In addition to the worst scandal in the history of the US against Trump, here are a few honorable mentions:

Category:Obama administration controversies - Wikipedia
Obama admin spied on Putin, actually the CIA and FBI did, but thats their job. If Putin was communicating with Trump, then there you go.

The dossier was only used as supplemental raw intelligence to renew an already existing FISA warrant.

The first two years of Trump's presidency was all his. The GOP had congress; nothing stopped them from passing whatever they wanted.

Rod Rosenstein allegedly said 2 members of Trump's cabinet were open to invoking the 25th Amendment after Comey's firing. Hardly a coup when Trump's own cabinet considered it, but those cabinet members are likely out now.
25th requires two-thirds vote in both chambers. It cant be a coup if the law is followed.

1. The unverified dossier was the justification for the FISA warrant as McCabe testified.
"Comey had previously described the dossier – opposition research alleging Trump-Russia ties that was paid for by the Clinton campaign – as “salacious and unverified.” The FBI had severed ties with Steele in November 2016 due to behavior that convinced his handlers he was not a trustworthy source. Former federal prosecutors and investigators described the move to RealClearInvestigations as "desperate." They also said the FBI’s decision to suddenly re-engage with a discredited confidential source raises fresh questions about the evidentiary grounds on which the FBI opened an unprecedented probe targeting the president. "
Days After Comey Firing, McCabe's Team Re-Engaged Fired Dossier Author | RealClearPolitics

2. The first 2-years of the Trump admin the MSM had nothing but 93% negative reporting about Trump as opposed to 60% positive articles for Obama. It was all collusion and conspiracy all the time to undermine the Trump presidency.

3. The deep state democrats in the FBI and DOJ were actively promoting the coup, the cabinet members were not promoting it. That only 2 of 20 excluding the VP, who is essential as the one who would replace the president, means that the coup had no legal basis, as the FBI's lawyer (Baker) said as he quashed the coup attempt.
Spin it anyway you wish, but this soft commie coup has been derailed and some of these deep state operatives better "lawyer up" and soon. These cowards are gonna start rolling over on each other and leftard commies like yourself are gonna be soiling yourselves and dining on crow.

Stick around, hasn't even gotten interesting.....yet.
Discussing the 25th amendment is not a Coup.

Even privately planning with others to use the 25th amendment to remove the president and then actually doing it, is not a coup.

LMAO!!! Are you REALLY that obtuse as to what was really going on?
Go ahead and enlighten us.

The deep state attempted a coup d'etat claiming Russian collusion using demcrat paid for GPS to pay a former MI5 agent to find dirt on Trump using the same sources leftards claimed that Trump used to find dirt on the Hildebeast. The DNC data dump wasn't a hack of a server but rather from an inside source and this has been PROVEN by former 2nd in command with the NSA William Binney as it pertains to the download speeds required, firewalls and the testimony of Craig Murray that got the thumb drive for Seth Rich that he passed onto Julian Assange. There was NO "hack" of the DNC server. The "ROOSKIES DID IT!!!" bullshit was used to deflect attention away from the damaging revelations.

Hope this helps!

Why did Guccifer 2.0 need to hack if there was no hack?
Why was the Kremlin trying to kill the russians working with Steele, if Steele were using this "same source"?

OMG... Now you're down to conspiracy theories? There's no evidence the Kremlin tried to KILL the sources that Steele put into the dossier.... NONE.. Don't even have names. In fact, STEELE never gathered the Intel himself. He hired a journalist to go over and make connections with the FSB and GRU Intel agencies. Who WILLING pumped out that special brand of "disinformation" that the Soviet-Russians LOVE and invented.

IN FACT -- all those professional spooks that told those TALL TALES to the Steele group have STATUES to them as Heroes of Mother Russia for doing this much damage to our political system and HAVING AMERICANS PAY FOR IT thru the DNC and the Clinton campaign.. Putin just bought them all dachas on the Baltic to honor them..

You folks are dipping into American SPectator for your conspiracy porn now????

Discussing the 25th amendment is not a Coup.

Even privately planning with others to use the 25th amendment to remove the president and then actually doing it, is not a coup.

LMAO!!! Are you REALLY that obtuse as to what was really going on?
Go ahead and enlighten us.

The deep state attempted a coup d'etat claiming Russian collusion using demcrat paid for GPS to pay a former MI5 agent to find dirt on Trump using the same sources leftards claimed that Trump used to find dirt on the Hildebeast. The DNC data dump wasn't a hack of a server but rather from an inside source and this has been PROVEN by former 2nd in command with the NSA William Binney as it pertains to the download speeds required, firewalls and the testimony of Craig Murray that got the thumb drive for Seth Rich that he passed onto Julian Assange. There was NO "hack" of the DNC server. The "ROOSKIES DID IT!!!" bullshit was used to deflect attention away from the damaging revelations.

Hope this helps!

Why did Guccifer 2.0 need to hack if there was no hack?
Why was the Kremlin trying to kill the russians working with Steele, if Steele were using this "same source"?

OMG... Now you're down to conspiracy theories? There's no evidence the Kremlin tried to KILL the sources that Steele put into the dossier.... NONE.. Don't even have names. In fact, STEELE never gathered the Intel himself. He hired a journalist to go over and make connections with the FSB and GRU Intel agencies. Who WILLING pumped out that special brand of "disinformation" that the Soviet-Russians LOVE and invented.

IN FACT -- all those professional spooks that told those TALL TALES to the Steele group have STATUES to them as Heroes of Mother Russia for doing this much damage to our political system and HAVING AMERICANS PAY FOR IT thru the DNC and the Clinton campaign.. Putin just bought them all dachas on the Baltic to honor them..

You folks are dipping into American SPectator for your conspiracy porn now????

I dont subscribe to any conspiracy theories. Guccifer 2.0 is real. Russians helping Steele have been assassinated. I provide references to all my claims. Hacking from GRU agent guccifer actually occurred.
How the fuck can my post get deleted for "no topical content" in a goD-damned troll thread?

What the fuck, is it not topical if I don't join in the conservitard circle jerk?

Can somebody explain this crap to me please?
He has an obstructionist House and Obama appointed Judges blocking him every step of the way.
He is not a dictator and/or a fucking magician!
Do you understand how our Gov't even works?

Yes fuckwhit. I lived in DC for 18 years, which is prolly longer than you've been alive. I voted for Trump, that does not mean he hasn't made mistakes. The most glaring of which is, he did NOT use the power we gave him to best advantage to make the practice of communism in America illegal.

Try reading this... The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.

Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia
I consider this a public service....I'm sure some have lost track of time.


LOL just because your messiah said there was no scandals doesnt mean there was none.> Lets see Fast and Furious, IRS scandal, Benghazi , Holder being in contempt of court , Spying on journalist , Hillarys secret server, releasing Bowe Bergdahl for terrorist , Sending millions to Iran in the dead of night in cash, GSA scandal you do remember the guy in the bathtub with a daquri on our dime in Vegas, VA Death list , There is more if you want to go on
LMAO!!! Are you REALLY that obtuse as to what was really going on?
Go ahead and enlighten us.

The deep state attempted a coup d'etat claiming Russian collusion using demcrat paid for GPS to pay a former MI5 agent to find dirt on Trump using the same sources leftards claimed that Trump used to find dirt on the Hildebeast. The DNC data dump wasn't a hack of a server but rather from an inside source and this has been PROVEN by former 2nd in command with the NSA William Binney as it pertains to the download speeds required, firewalls and the testimony of Craig Murray that got the thumb drive for Seth Rich that he passed onto Julian Assange. There was NO "hack" of the DNC server. The "ROOSKIES DID IT!!!" bullshit was used to deflect attention away from the damaging revelations.

Hope this helps!

Why did Guccifer 2.0 need to hack if there was no hack?
Why was the Kremlin trying to kill the russians working with Steele, if Steele were using this "same source"?

OMG... Now you're down to conspiracy theories? There's no evidence the Kremlin tried to KILL the sources that Steele put into the dossier.... NONE.. Don't even have names. In fact, STEELE never gathered the Intel himself. He hired a journalist to go over and make connections with the FSB and GRU Intel agencies. Who WILLING pumped out that special brand of "disinformation" that the Soviet-Russians LOVE and invented.

IN FACT -- all those professional spooks that told those TALL TALES to the Steele group have STATUES to them as Heroes of Mother Russia for doing this much damage to our political system and HAVING AMERICANS PAY FOR IT thru the DNC and the Clinton campaign.. Putin just bought them all dachas on the Baltic to honor them..

You folks are dipping into American SPectator for your conspiracy porn now????

I dont subscribe to any conspiracy theories. Guccifer 2.0 is real. Russians helping Steele have been assassinated. I provide references to all my claims. Hacking from GRU agent guccifer actually occurred.

Of course Guccifer is a code name for an actual hacker.. That's not your problem here. You're problem is that you did not CRITICALLY READ and understand the Buzzfeed piece. I doubt you'd have a prayer of passing a GRExam.. (maybe even a SAT)

The article talks about 2 UNRELATED Steele papers. One is the Trump Campaign (phony as shit) "dossier" which Steele DID NOT do the contacts with FSB/GRU agents himself, but hired some unknown journalist to make those contacts. So that information was 2nd maybe 3rd hand at best..

The one where the Russian journalist/editor Lesin was murdered (probably by the Kremlin) had to do with Lesin revealing insider information about the workings between the RTelevision network and the propaganda wing of the Kremlin. HAD NO CONNECTION to the POS "Trump Russia dossier" at all..

In fact --- last time I looked -- over 30 JOURNALISTS in Russia have been killed or disappeared in the last 5 or 8 years "mysteriously"... That's a whole other issue..

This is what conspiracy tinfoil folks do.. They CONFLATE and confuse several BARELY related things to make up fictional explanations that fit their preconceived theories.

So congratulations on becoming one of those... :113:

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