Trade war against China

came as a kid eh ?? I knew a 'Chinese blooded' Gent , born in the USA in a tiny desert town near Death Valley . He owned a coffee shop , wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat . Nice guy , he was born in the USA in 1900 or a bit earlier . ------------ yeah , he wasn't born in some 'birthing hotel' as an 'anchor baby' in 'san diego' and he didn't grow up under 'communism' or being taught anti American propaganda . He wasn't one of 'mao's' red guards and he was alright . But the 'chinese' commies from mainland china that are imported into the USA are in many cases working for the 'chinese' government' and come to the USA to subvert the USA GGator .

What’s “many cases”? Don’t be ridiculous.
we are not getting fucked, he lied to you.
---------------------------------------------- Thats Americans that are getting 'fecked' , not YOU GGator .

nobody is getting fucked by China, no matte what your god in the white house tells you
you really are naive
....on top of it, we have Chinese immigrating here, and businesses sending jobs there!
DOUBLE fked!

My silly sister went an married one of those Chinese immigrants who came here as a child with his parents. Then he had the nerve to get his citizenship and serve as an office in our Navy for 20 years and now has the gall to work for the State Dept as the facility manager for their embassies.

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------------------------------ Another taxpayer paid 'government man' eh GGator ??

Just like the rest of the military you want sent to their deaths for your entertainment

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probably makes lots of taxpayer money , cash as a 'government' employee eh GGator ??
---------------------------------------------- Thats Americans that are getting 'fecked' , not YOU GGator .

nobody is getting fucked by China, no matte what your god in the white house tells you
you really are naive
....on top of it, we have Chinese immigrating here, and businesses sending jobs there!
DOUBLE fked!

My silly sister went an married one of those Chinese immigrants who came here as a child with his parents. Then he had the nerve to get his citizenship and serve as an office in our Navy for 20 years and now has the gall to work for the State Dept as the facility manager for their embassies.

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------------------------------ Another taxpayer paid 'government man' eh GGator ??

Just like the rest of the military you want sent to their deaths for your entertainment

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------------------------------------------ wot , aren't USA Military trained to fight for their lives if they have to go to War GGator ??
probably makes lots of taxpayer money , cash as a 'government' employee eh GGator ??

He does damn well that is for sure. They are somewhere in Africa right now on a “hardship” assignment which means he is getting paid even more.

Your jealousy is a bit unbecoming this early in the morning.

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just pointing out where and how he gets his money and benefits GGator .
just pointing out where and how he gets his money and benefits GGator .

He does a job and gets a salary and benefits in exchange for that work.

I would say no different than you, but I suspect you do not actually work for a living

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just pointing out where and how he gets his money and benefits GGator .

He does a job and gets a salary and benefits in exchange for that work.

I would say no different than you, but I suspect you do not actually work for a living

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------------------------------ you back up my point that he is not Special . As a Volunteer he just works a job as a government employee / mercenary . A Mercenary would be a good description wouldn't it ?? As a 'government' mercenary working for taxpayer Money and favors , well , who is safe GGator
just pointing out where and how he gets his money and benefits GGator .

He does a job and gets a salary and benefits in exchange for that work.

I would say no different than you, but I suspect you do not actually work for a living

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------------------------------ you back up my point that he is not Special . As a Volunteer he just works a job as a government employee / mercenary . A Mercenary would be a good description wouldn't it ?? As a 'government' mercenary working for taxpayer Money and favors , well , who is safe GGator

I never said he was special, he is just a normal joe. Which makes your and your fellow bigots hatred of him for being Chinese so odd

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just pointing out where and how he gets his money and benefits GGator .

He does a job and gets a salary and benefits in exchange for that work.

I would say no different than you, but I suspect you do not actually work for a living

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------------------------------ you back up my point that he is not Special . As a Volunteer he just works a job as a government employee / mercenary . A Mercenary would be a good description wouldn't it ?? As a 'government' mercenary working for taxpayer Money and favors , well , who is safe GGator

I never said he was special, he is just a normal joe. Which makes your and your fellow bigots hatred of him for being Chinese so odd

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---------------------------------- i have stipulated , 'chinese' from mainland 'china' are enemies and i see them as 'commies ' and enemies 'joe biden' --- errrrr sorry , i mean GGator .
Allright. I’ll admit it. I know little about international trade. But anyone who sets down the foot and calls china out is doing something right.

maybe US will suffer, that would be a shame - because the world (except Russia) needs to start treating China as the rouge state it is.

Good of you, and Trump - not a favourite - but he should have credit for standing up against China. Hope, wish and want them [NOT?] to cave in on this matter.

Yeah, and Canada and Europe, too! Their national security threat steel and national security threat cars really had to be tackled head-on.

Look, I guess there is some merit in calling out China as a rogue state concerning trade. Meaning, they are violating international trade rules, and your motivation is that international trade rules be upheld. You cannot then turn around and praise the Trump for going rogue on pretty much the rest of the world, violating trade rules across the board, and hope to be taken seriously as someone who could argue his case consistently. There are rules to follow in trade disputes, institutions to contact, procedures to be invoked, and rulings by independent actors to be honored. That's how a rules-based world of trade is supposed to work, not everyone in a position to do so going rogue, bullying everyone else.

There is a larger point to be made in that the "America First" imbecile works as a wrecking ball taken to the post-WW II international order, largely U.S.-created as it is, diminishing, dismantling, and delegitimizing international institutions and treaties created peaceably to resolve disputes. That's going to haunt us all, probably for decades to come.
I see what you mean, but it’s like the first time after the wwii someone steps up. Can’t help liking that.
I cringe when China is awarded olympics and stuff like that. The world just tip-toes around them...

You don’t like the Olympics?
Yes I do. What I don’t like is the credibility that it brings the regime.
What I don’t like is the credibility that it brings the regime.

Did your view of the Chinese regime change due to the Olympics? Do you know anyone whose views changed?

Let me put it this way: The so-called "credibility" accruing to regimes governing host countries is, at best, highly overrated, largely the fantasy of a hysterical punditry in search of something smart to say, and most assuredly very temporary. As things stand in this modern world, and with the highly corrupt practices swirling around, even determining, allocation decisions, there might be a bright light thrown on uncanny regimes, raised attention to atrocities, and a decline of "credibility" ensuing in the longer term.

So, even that part, I find, doesn't really add up. That's on top of that oh-so smart and easy-to-win trade war cracking the backs of struggling farmers in the Mid-West, or out-of-work lowly workers in China. That's not standing up to China, that's a mob boss and bully blundering through international institutions that took decades to build.

In a word, I get neither your resentment against China, nor your glee - and you seemed, up to now, a reasonable guy to me.
Allright. I’ll admit it. I know little about international trade. But anyone who sets down the foot and calls china out is doing something right.

maybe US will suffer, that would be a shame - because the world (except Russia) needs to start treating China as the rouge state it is.

Good of you, and Trump - not a favourite - but he should have credit for standing up against China. Hope, wish and want them [NOT?] to cave in on this matter.

Yeah, and Canada and Europe, too! Their national security threat steel and national security threat cars really had to be tackled head-on.

Look, I guess there is some merit in calling out China as a rogue state concerning trade. Meaning, they are violating international trade rules, and your motivation is that international trade rules be upheld. You cannot then turn around and praise the Trump for going rogue on pretty much the rest of the world, violating trade rules across the board, and hope to be taken seriously as someone who could argue his case consistently. There are rules to follow in trade disputes, institutions to contact, procedures to be invoked, and rulings by independent actors to be honored. That's how a rules-based world of trade is supposed to work, not everyone in a position to do so going rogue, bullying everyone else.

There is a larger point to be made in that the "America First" imbecile works as a wrecking ball taken to the post-WW II international order, largely U.S.-created as it is, diminishing, dismantling, and delegitimizing international institutions and treaties created peaceably to resolve disputes. That's going to haunt us all, probably for decades to come.
I see what you mean, but it’s like the first time after the wwii someone steps up. Can’t help liking that.
I cringe when China is awarded olympics and stuff like that. The world just tip-toes around them...

You don’t like the Olympics?
Yes I do. What I don’t like is the credibility that it brings the regime.

What makes them any less credible than the other 200 plus counties that participate?

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he's trying to stop America from getting fked and you guys fight for China

we are not getting fucked, he lied to you.
---------------------------------------------- Thats Americans that are getting 'fecked' , not YOU GGator .

nobody is getting fucked by China, no matte what your god in the white house tells you
you really are naive
....on top of it, we have Chinese immigrating here, and businesses sending jobs there!
DOUBLE fked!

My silly sister went an married one of those Chinese immigrants who came here as a child with his parents. Then he had the nerve to get his citizenship and serve as an office in our Navy for 20 years and now has the gall to work for the State Dept as the facility manager for their embassies.

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Sneaky bastard
we are not getting fucked, he lied to you.
---------------------------------------------- Thats Americans that are getting 'fecked' , not YOU GGator .

nobody is getting fucked by China, no matte what your god in the white house tells you
you really are naive
....on top of it, we have Chinese immigrating here, and businesses sending jobs there!
DOUBLE fked!

My silly sister went an married one of those Chinese immigrants who came here as a child with his parents. Then he had the nerve to get his citizenship and serve as an office in our Navy for 20 years and now has the gall to work for the State Dept as the facility manager for their embassies.

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Sneaky bastard

yep, how dare him devote his life to service to this country
he's trying to stop America from getting fked and you guys fight for China

we are not getting fucked, he lied to you.
---------------------------------------------- Thats Americans that are getting 'fecked' , not YOU GGator .

nobody is getting fucked by China, no matte what your god in the white house tells you
you really are naive
....on top of it, we have Chinese immigrating here, and businesses sending jobs there!
DOUBLE fked!

My silly sister went an married one of those Chinese immigrants who came here as a child with his parents. Then he had the nerve to get his citizenship and serve as an office in our Navy for 20 years and now has the gall to work for the State Dept as the facility manager for their embassies.

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you're really a genius --aren't you??!!
doesn't matter if they become citizens or not/etc..
and HE is taking a job from an American----you just proved it ---a good job at that
yes, they have kids and their kids have kids--etc!!! =overcrowding our schools--fking over AMERICAN kids
taking scholarships from American kids..taking college placements from AMERICANs

NO SHIT!! like I said--we send jobs over there--they come here to get jobs --double fked
..'we've got a bunch at our work --we also have a Taiwanese ---and we have boxes that say '' made in China''.. ''made in Taiwan'' --DOUBLE fked
you're really a genius --aren't you??!!
doesn't matter if they become citizens or not/etc..
and HE is taking a job from an American----you just proved it ---a good job at that
yes, they have kids and their kids have kids--etc!!! =overcrowding our schools--fking over AMERICAN kids
taking scholarships from American kids..taking college placements from AMERICANs

NO SHIT!! like I said--we send jobs over there--they come here to get jobs --double fked
..'we've got a bunch at our work --we also have a Taiwanese ---and we have boxes that say '' made in China''.. ''made in Taiwan'' --DOUBLE fked

uhhh...when you become a citizen, you become an American...that is what becoming a citizen means.

Oh, and they had 10 kids...home schooled them all. 3 went into the AF, two via the AF Academy. Oh, and they were all born here and are all citizens also.

If you cannot compete with them for the jobs, that is your problem, not theirs. Are employers supposed to hire inferior applicants just because they are "American" (which in your world means white) ?
What I don’t like is the credibility that it brings the regime.

Did your view of the Chinese regime change due to the Olympics? Do you know anyone whose views changed?

Let me put it this way: The so-called "credibility" accruing to regimes governing host countries is, at best, highly overrated, largely the fantasy of a hysterical punditry in search of something smart to say, and most assuredly very temporary. As things stand in this modern world, and with the highly corrupt practices swirling around, even determining, allocation decisions, there might be a bright light thrown on uncanny regimes, raised attention to atrocities, and a decline of "credibility" ensuing in the longer term.

So, even that part, I find, doesn't really add up. That's on top of that oh-so smart and easy-to-win trade war cracking the backs of struggling farmers in the Mid-West, or out-of-work lowly workers in China. That's not standing up to China, that's a mob boss and bully blundering through international institutions that took decades to build.

In a word, I get neither your resentment against China, nor your glee - and you seemed, up to now, a reasonable guy to me.
I’ll admit that I don’t know what this trade war might lead up to. Perhaps it’s insane.

My resentment against China...
There are many issues, with them. Some issues shared with other countries, but the combination is dreadful.

It’s a dictatorship. Quite repressive as such, with political prisoners, brutal force against civilians. The state have enforced an unprecedented level of control on a personal level. They repeatedly protest on an official level about news reporting in foreign countries - to the extent that the relationship between the countries will be harmed if the news reporting isn’t censored the way Beijing seems fit.
China also likes to operate on the open market but ever so often doing so with government meddling, skewing market forces politically.

Olympics is an example where the event is handed to a nation where everything is political, athletes gagged... so when, for once, this nation gets opposed by a country with some real muscles I can’t help feeling a good sensation.
I’ll admit that I don’t know what this trade war might lead up to. Perhaps it’s insane.

My resentment against China...
There are many issues, with them. Some issues shared with other countries, but the combination is dreadful.

It’s a dictatorship. Quite repressive as such, with political prisoners, brutal force against civilians. The state have enforced an unprecedented level of control on a personal level. They repeatedly protest on an official level about news reporting in foreign countries - to the extent that the relationship between the countries will be harmed if the news reporting isn’t censored the way Beijing seems fit.
China also likes to operate on the open market but ever so often doing so with government meddling, skewing market forces politically.

Olympics is an example where the event is handed to a nation where everything is political, athletes gagged... so when, for once, this nation gets opposed by a country with some real muscles I can’t help feeling a good sensation.

Okay, understood.

Still, Eric, you dread China because the Chinese have to suffer under that regime, and now you're looking on with glee as the Chinese are subjected to the fallout of Trump's trade war on top of that.

I think I indicated as much before: The way to go after China's market distortions would be to reinforce international institutions created for the purpose of enforcing trade rules. For that, it'd be helpful to create an international coalition of those similarly motivated. Waging a multi-front trade war against pretty much the rest of the world is, say, Trumpish imbecility writ large. Global even. So, I sort of understand your satisfaction watching a bully have his comeuppance. Cheering on the bigger bully in the course of that doesn't reside in the same universe as does reason. And yes, I know you didn't claim it does.

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