Trader Joes in Portland, OR gets axed because black groups wanted affordable housing

A bit ironic, given liberals normally complain ab out there not being enough grocery options, let alone healthy ones, in black neighborhoods. But then they turned down a chance to not only get a place that sells mostly healthy foods, but it is cheaper than just about every other grocer?
Hours earlier, Trader Joe's had issued a brief statement to the news media saying that "if a neighborhood does not want a Trader Joe's, we understand, and we won't open the store in question."

Ashby believes deal isn't finished. ""I really do think Trader Joe's will come back," she said.

"I think it cost the Northeast Portland community, cost the opportunity for continued economic revitalization that could've been shaped by members of this community," said Michael Alexander, president and CEO of the Urban League of Portland

But Washington also worries PAALF's tactics will fragment the community. "You get a victory here," he said. "What doors does that close elsewhere?"

Other possible developers who might have been attracted to the area will take note and seek opportunity somewhere else.
Maybe some economic development money can be drummed up and basketball courts placed one the lot. Something useful for that community.
Awesome. Couldn't happen to better scumbags. Looks like Burger King and KFC from here on out. You've earned your food desert you racist, self-consumed assholes and you'll like it.

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