Zone1 Traditional patriarchal men versus feminized men

Yes Racist The white washing and outright denial of history beginning with 1619 to the civil ware , Jim Crow, Andrew Jackson,s Indian removal policy to the present day institutional racism is racist​
Nobody denies history, but we’ve excommunicated the anti-black/colored racist laws from the books, like the Democrat Jim Crow laws.

We still have anti-white institutional racism, like the Democrat affirmative action, race quotas, DEI ideology, etc. we still have work to do.
Feminazis are the type who aren't interested in men. The fact is, attractive women are attracted to masculine men with a plan, aka conservative men. Women are not attracted to wimpy leftwing men who go out and protest with the pro-abortion women.

If a guy went to a speed-dating meet up and told the women he didn't have a real stable job, but was committed to helping the environment, the women would run the other way as fast as they could. But if the guy says he's a senior programmer or owned a successful business he would definitely have their interest. This is biology.
The white man who waves the BLM flag is also very much feminized. I’ve noticed that if you look at various videos of BLM rallies, most of those white folks are cucks.

I would say the same thing for black men that have pretty much been brainwashed by this 400 years a slave argument or the other BLM arguments. Most of them are very feminized.

It’s the traditional masculine black or white man that can look at history without any bias and recognize that we all descend from slaves. And we all have descendants at some point in history that were in great positions of power and strength.

Abortion should not be men vs. women but the moronic MAGA minions and Evangelical have made it that
it isn’t. The left makes it into one, and there’s pushback from the right by like 1% of bitter morons and online trolls… but the issue can be clarified as…

When does a human life begin


How does it effect me and my life

One is philosophical, medical, biological… the other, in regards to a majority of abortions, is about what is convenient.

It’s telling which side has the right intentions vs. Which side doesn’t. It’s easy to look out for yourself and only yourself. It’s harder to sacrifice and care for others
Holly shit!! WHAT ?? More of your blatherskite? Patriarchal are the real men. How decidedly chauvinistic of you. Basically what you are saying is that to be a real man, as opposed to a feminized man you must believe in denying a woman’s right to autonomy over her own body, have ridged ideas about gender and gender rolls, and be a racist adhere to your narrow and uninformed views of history and science​

Oh the trail of tears grows longer still
Like with most radical feminists or cuck males you made up my views.

Your side will continue to attempt to tell people how they think. While ignoring the problems that radical left-wing policies and third waive feminism have brought us….ie mass school shootings, a high child born out of wedlock rate in the white and more so the black community, the highest number of single young men in American history, The highest number of women over 30 who don’t have kids and who will never have kids, An over amount of anti-depressants and drugs like Ritalin prescribed to young people.

Those are facts now what you will do in response is engage hyperbole and personal attacks. As well as insulting American history. Including providing no context on people like Andrew Jackson or how Native American tribes had slaves. What you won’t do is engage in a post of context.
the highest number of single young men in American history,
Indeed, dating app studies reveal that most women find most men unattractive, women only swipe right like 1-3%, and like 80% of women are going after the top 10-15% of men.

Women are worshipped in our society, and they’re told from youth to not settle for an average man, to be “independent” and loud/aggressive.

This leaves the bottom 33% of men left behind… because women mistake societal and online attention for how attractive they are, and have a massively inflated self worth as far as how attractive they are, and what “league” they are in.

It used to be that women 5’s would date men 5’s. Now, women 5’s demand 8’s. They get laid by 8’s, but can’t get the 8 to commit to them. They get jaded at men who are 8’s, and apply that to all men, and don’t even consider average looking men.

the ideology is so strong, they’ll die unhappy and alone rather than “settle” for an average guy. It’s insane. We generally know what makes women happy, but feminism tries to inhibit this and guide women away from biological desires.
Nobody denies history, but we’ve excommunicated the anti-black/colored racist laws from the books, like the Democrat Jim Crow laws.
Bovine excrement. Jim Crow was southern Democrats who are now Republicans and that codswallop in no way addresses my point. You people rail against critical race theory wanting to bury the truth and then accuse us of re-writing history
Bovine excrement. Jim Crow was southern Democrats who are now Republicans
Then why did all those senators retire and die as democrats?

You own your history. You’re the party of slavery, Jim Crow, affirmative action, race quotas… all the racism keeps coming from the left
and that codswallop in no way addresses my point. You people rail against critical race theory wanting to bury the truth and then accuse us of re-writing history
Because critical race theory is defined as purposefully looking at anything that happens primarily through race, which is basically looking under every rock to find it.

If a white person cuts in line in front of a black person. The normal person would say the cutter was rude.

The critical race theorist would say it was racism, that the white person targeted the black person to cut in front of, and it personifies slavery, or whatever hyperbolic BS they would say.

It’s illogical and assumptive, purposefully dividing people. And you champion it???
So computer language is right out with you?
01101001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101
it isn’t. The left makes it into one, and there’s pushback from the right by like 1% of bitter morons and online trolls… but the issue can be clarified as…

When does a human life begin


How does it effect me and my life

One is philosophical, medical, biological… the other, in regards to a majority of abortions, is about what is convenient.

It’s telling which side has the right intentions vs. Which side doesn’t. It’s easy to look out for yourself and only yourself. It’s harder to sacrifice and care for others
Like most on your side, you have a piss poor understanding of the issue such as when and why women seek abortion.
Like with most radical feminists or cuck males you made up my views.

Your side will continue to attempt to tell people how they think. While ignoring the problems that radical left-wing policies and third waive feminism have brought us….ie mass school shootings, a high child born out of wedlock rate in the white and more so the black community, the highest number of single young men in American history, The highest number of women over 30 who don’t have kids and who will never have kids, An over amount of anti-depressants and drugs like Ritalin prescribed to young people.

Those are facts now what you will do in response is engage hyperbole and personal attacks. As well as insulting American history. Including providing no context on people like Andrew Jackson or how Native American tribes had slaves. What you won’t do is engage in a post of context.
That’s quite and inane unhinged rant ,Andy, Again , I am not telling you what you think. You have been telling me what you think, loud and clear. Left wing policies are responsible for all of that ? School shootings?? Really?? Can you substantiate any of that?
I will continue to “tell you what you think” More accurately, I will continue to call you out on the points that you have clearly stated that you embrace. You support the subjugation of women – barefoot and pregnant while believing that the only men who are real men.. Paternalistic as you put it -are macho assholes who control women, deny the truth about race and racism, and adhere to rigid and bigoted ideas about gender and sexuality

By the way, we have cats, we had careers, and no kids. My wife is a proud successful childless cat lady and I am not a cuck.
Feminized men believe in reparations payments. They complain constantly about racism and things like that. They want reparations. This group represents weakness and complaining. These people are most likely to believe in 100 genders , most likely to be extremely pro abortion

Patriarchal men believe in traditional values, being proud of their history, realizing that all people of history went through dealing with racism and struggles. This group believes the historical scientific fact that there are two genders and they oppose abortion. This group represents strength and someone to look up to for kids.
Non-testosterone driven men evolve.

Testosterone ones pine for 1920s
That’s quite and inane unhinged rant ,Andy, Again , I am not telling you what you think. You have been telling me what you think, loud and clear. Left wing policies are responsible for all of that ? School shootings?? Really?? Can you substantiate any of that?​

I will continue to “tell you what you think” More accurately, I will continue to call you out on the points that you have clearly stated that you embrace. You support the subjugation of women – barefoot and pregnant while believing that the only men who are real men.. Paternalistic as you put it -are macho assholes who control women, deny the truth about race and racism, and adhere to rigid and bigoted ideas about gender and sexuality

By the way, we have cats, we had careers, and no kids. My wife is a proud successful childless cat lady and I am not a cuck.
You can’t help yourself your continuing to make things up about other posters. I have nothing wrong with a strong businesswoman. So you’re comment about barefoot pregnant woman is absurd. You lefty folks do this all the time whether it’s on gender or accusations of someone you oppose being racist. It’s kind of unfortunate but also laughable.

I will criticize the Secret Service making it easier for women to pass a physical test compared to men. Do you know why I do … it’s called common sense. I’ll criticize any major corporation in America with a racial job hiring quota… folks like you either accept this racism and left-wing propaganda or you just don’t know about it.

Well notice how mass school shootings, divorce, more children, born out of wedlock than ever, and andivorce, more children born out of wedlock than ever, and a general destruction of many nuclear families across America are happening at the same time with the rise of third wave feminism.
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You can’t help yourself your continuing to make things up about other posters. I have nothing wrong with a strong businesswoman. So you’re comment about barefoot pregnant woman is absurd. You lefty folks do this all the time whether it’s on gender or accusations of someone you oppose being racist. It’s kind of unfortunate but also laughable.

I will criticize the Secret Service making it easier for women to pass a physical test compared to men. Do you know why I do … it’s called common sense. I’ll criticize any major corporation in America with a racial job hiring quota… folks like you either accept this racism and left-wing propaganda or you just don’t know about it.

Well notice how mass school shootings, divorce, more children, born out of wedlock than ever, and andivorce, more children born out of wedlock than ever, and a general destruction of many nuclear families across America are happening at the same time with the rise of third wave feminism.
I am sure you will get over it.
The Democrat vice presidential candidate is a weak feminized man. He believes in tampons for boys. Providing Products for boys at public schools and he has an enacted laws to support this.
Bovine excrement! Tampons are being made available in boys bath rooms form trans boys who have not had gender affirming surgery but identify as male. Should they have to go into the girls room for what they need??

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