Train Derailment in Seattle Area

Training? Uh.....gol dang beav. Going 3x the recommended speed into a turn ain't like forgetting to ring the damn horn twice for takeoff or not allowing your girlfriend into the cockpit for dinner.

This is a Major screwup. Train all you pun intended. I find it almost funny they had the big brass on board. Buckle up Mr.Managers sir. Lol. The very first run. You can't make this up!
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Thank God only 3 out of 77 passengers were killed. So far the NTSB determined the train was doing 80 mph in a 30 mph zone. Bon-Voyage party?

I didn't count cars, but only 77 passengers? Ridiculous.

That's why in the U.S., aside from the Acela line, all the high-speed rail lines lose money by the buckets.

I think Alaska's was profitable until a few years back (by that I mean maybe 10) but that's only because we hyped the fuck out of it for the tourists. We built special train cars, basically a flat car with leather seats and a glass bubble stuck on it, so they can ooo and ahh at the wilderness on the way to Denali heh We still do legit whistle stops on our freight trains - that's where there's no station or scheduled stop, the conductor just notes there are peeps by the tracks in the middle of nowhere and picks em up or drops em off (it's free too, so long as they've got room in the cars.)

Despite the best efforts of USMB's crack team of online forensic experts, partisan loons and their conjectures on why this fatal tragedy happened, it turned out to be "human error" that appears to be the most likely cause of this accident. Most (but not all) rail accidents are related to human error, speed being the top culprit. Depending on the speed and forward momentum, it takes about 1.5 miles for a train going 50 mph to fully stop. If you stop too fast, that's when derailments occur. PTC might have prevented this.
Strange how the passengers claim the train never slowed down. If it did trip that automatic break probably saved a lot of lives, because the Engineer was clearly not paying attention as the train approached the curve at 81.1/mph..

Break? What was he doing taking a break? They now automatically tell when to take a break? :D
Trey Gowdy: Madam Hillary, we have all the evidence we need to prove that you were driving that train, and traveling at 110 MPH when you made that dreadful turn that caused 13 cars to fall into the woods and 43 people died !!!,,,and you act as if nothing tragic happened on your watch?
Hillary: Look ! Ok, so 43 people died because I was driving a train!, what difference does it make! people die every day in this country! and my glasses fell off right before I made that goddamn turn!

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