Train Derailment in Seattle Area

So the question is:

If there was an obstruction on the tracks, who put that obstruction there?
It's all Fake News.......until it's not.

"Early in the morning of April 20th we poured concrete on the train tracks that lead out of the Port of Olympia to block any trains from using the tracks. We took precautions to notify BNSF (the train company) – we called them and we used wires to send a signal that the tracks were blocked. We did this not to avoid damaging a train, nothing would bring bigger grins to our faces, but to avoid the risk of injuring railway workers.

"This action was done to disrupt the movement of trains carrying proppants used in natural gas fracturing. These train tracks are part of a system of pipelines, fracking wells, mines, clearcuts, control centers, fiberoptics, dams, highways and factories that cover the planet and are physical manifestations of a process that is destroying the ecosystems, cultures, and inhabitants everywhere. Behind this network of infrastructure there are politicians, CEOs and bureaucrats who have private security, cops, prison guards, non-profit directors, PR consultants and the legacy of 500 years of colonization to back them up. We oppose all of these manifestations, infrastructural, personal and ideological. We blocked the train tracks because we want to blockade the entire web of domination that is slowly killing us."

Olympia, WA: Train Tracks Sabotaged To Stop Fracking Equipment
Typical Moon Bat stupidity. Spending almost $200 million public funds on an idiot mass transit train that crashed the first day it was in operation.

Moon Bat be morons. Even the mayor of the city near the crash said it was a stupid idea.

It crashed because some leftist sabotaged the tracks. Get rid of the left, and we can have a pretty good country again.
i think CNN will report that Trump owns that strip of the tracks
Trump erupted on twitter: "The train accident that just occurred in DuPont, WA shows more than ever why our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be approved quickly. Seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East while our roads, bridges, tunnels, railways (and more) crumble! Not for long!"

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