Train Men Not to Rape? Or Train Women to Shoot to Kill?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Doug Giles
Mar 10, 2013

Last week on Hannity a “Democratic Strategist” named Zerlina Maxwell told Sean and his audience that guns are not the proper deterrent to dissuade rapists, but rather “teaching men not to rape is the key”. When I heard that chunk of stupidity I blew apple juice out of my nostrils -- and I haven’t had any apple juice in the last eight years.

That’s what you call “strategy”, Zerlina? Man, I hope she advises the Dems in the upcoming midterms and in 2016, because she’s denser than a chunk of Turkish walnut.

First off, I don’t know what planet Maxwell hails from, but here on Mother Earth I would say, aside from certain countries influenced by the religion of peace, pretty much everyone and their dog knows it’s wrong to put a knife or gun up to a woman’s noggin and then forcibly molest her.

Secondly, I don’t think, from a viability standpoint, her plan is workable. Primarily, because no matter how much men are “trained not to rape women” our society counters that tutelage by fueling notions of entitlement and narcissism within an atmosphere of violence that’s saturated with porn, where if you don’t get what you want then you act out.

From Zerlina’s zinger of teaching men not to rape, we then move to the brilliance of a girl named “Liberal Chick” who, in order to eschew an “evil gun” firearm defense in rape situations, states that we should train boys to …

1. Play with dolls so they will learn to be gentle.
2. Avoid hunting, football and other macho stupid activities that lead to rape.
3. Be vegetarians and suppress their love of eating meat that also leads to rape.
4. Purchase Prius’s instead of big SUV’s, which we all know macho, stupid rapists drive.
5. Become gay, or at least metro sexual, so that as men they will be more delicate and complex.


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Train Men Not to Rape? Or Train Women to Shoot to Kill? - Doug Giles - [page]
There is school that teach men not to rape? Who want go to that school? Haha! Just keeding!

Bill: "Hey Bob, what's up?"
Bob: "Nothing much, just tired from all that raping I've been doing lately."
Bill: "You know there's a school you can go to that teach you how not to rape. Run by Government!"
Bob: "Oh yeah? I'm gonna' have to check that out! After a few years!"
Bill and Bob:"Ah Hahahahahaha!"

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