Training for "biblical warfare."

The far right radical extremists cry that they are being picked on by everyone. That they're nothing but victims.

Yet we find out that the truth is the far right radical extremists are training males for that civil war you all want so badly.

Face it, you're in the minority. What you all want and are doing is not acceptable to our society and borders criminal. All you're going to succeed in doing is getting yourselves either killed or in prison.

well when people keep telling you youre evil and should be wiped from the face of the earth ..what do you expect

Reza Aslan Wants to Eradicate All Trump Supporters
UC Riverside professor and former CNN host Reza Aslan, best known for indulging in cannibalism on television, must be disappointed that Tinseltown is holding off on releasing The Hunt. A movie about shooting deplorables would be right up his alley. He recently called for all Trump supporters to be “eradicated from society.”

To quote Aslan:

After [El Paso] there is no longer any room for nuance. The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters – ALL OF THEM – are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.

How will he eradicate all white nationalists, considering that they comprise close to half the population? Maybe every resident of the USA should be called forward one by one to denounce their president; anyone who won’t do it gets a bullet in the head. But how can you know that they aren’t white nationalists in their hearts even if they mouth the required declarations? The problem has vexed totalitarians from the French Revolution, through Soviet Russia and China under Mao, right up to present day “liberals” like Reza Aslan.
The far right radical extremists are organized and training males for what they are calling "biblical warfare."

From what the sheriff says it sounds like it's a program to train males to commit acts of terrorism in this nation.

From the article:

Longtime Shea critic, and Republican, the Spokane county sheriff, Ozzie Knezovich, said in a telephone conversation that “it almost sounds like going back to the Hitler Youth concept”.

Knezovich added: “There are lines that should never crossed. When you indoctrinate children in radicalized hate, then we wonder why we have the kind of shootings and bombings that we have around the world.”

Revealed: Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare'

There is no 'Far Right' in this country.

There is only a Far Left that needs to hide its iniquities by creating an imaginary corollary.
The far right radical extremists are organized and training males for what they are calling "biblical warfare."

From what the sheriff says it sounds like it's a program to train males to commit acts of terrorism in this nation.

From the article:

Longtime Shea critic, and Republican, the Spokane county sheriff, Ozzie Knezovich, said in a telephone conversation that “it almost sounds like going back to the Hitler Youth concept”.

Knezovich added: “There are lines that should never crossed. When you indoctrinate children in radicalized hate, then we wonder why we have the kind of shootings and bombings that we have around the world.”

Revealed: Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare'

There is no 'Far Right' in this country.

There is only a Far Left that needs to hide its iniquities by creating an imaginary corollary.
Thank you! The truth is, it is IMPOSSIBLEfor there to be a ""far right." The "right" by the Founder's definition, is MINIMAL government. The more government control over the individual, the farther LEFT you become.

If you want a powerful federal government, you are SOME VARIANT of socialism.
If you want to know what democrats are uo to. Just look at what they accuse others of doing.

This is white genocide pure and simple.
The far right radical extremists are organized and training males for what they are calling "biblical warfare."

From what the sheriff says it sounds like it's a program to train males to commit acts of terrorism in this nation.

From the article:

Longtime Shea critic, and Republican, the Spokane county sheriff, Ozzie Knezovich, said in a telephone conversation that “it almost sounds like going back to the Hitler Youth concept”.

Knezovich added: “There are lines that should never crossed. When you indoctrinate children in radicalized hate, then we wonder why we have the kind of shootings and bombings that we have around the world.”

Revealed: Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare'

Whats good for muslimes is good for Christians....
The far right radical extremists are organized and training males for what they are calling "biblical warfare."

From what the sheriff says it sounds like it's a program to train males to commit acts of terrorism in this nation.

From the article:

Longtime Shea critic, and Republican, the Spokane county sheriff, Ozzie Knezovich, said in a telephone conversation that “it almost sounds like going back to the Hitler Youth concept”.

Knezovich added: “There are lines that should never crossed. When you indoctrinate children in radicalized hate, then we wonder why we have the kind of shootings and bombings that we have around the world.”

Revealed: Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare'

Whats good for muslimes is good for Christians....
And what's good for leftist antifa is good for Christians.
The far right radical extremists are organized and training males for what they are calling "biblical warfare."

From what the sheriff says it sounds like it's a program to train males to commit acts of terrorism in this nation.

From the article:

Longtime Shea critic, and Republican, the Spokane county sheriff, Ozzie Knezovich, said in a telephone conversation that “it almost sounds like going back to the Hitler Youth concept”.

Knezovich added: “There are lines that should never crossed. When you indoctrinate children in radicalized hate, then we wonder why we have the kind of shootings and bombings that we have around the world.”

Revealed: Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare'

Don't you need this for that?

I think the replies by the far right radical extremists to this thread it typical and funny.

Deny, lie, call names, try to change the subject anything but acknowledge what is happening.

The proof is in the article. The republican politician who is involved is being investigated.

The republican sheriff has denounced them and most certainly doesn't deny they exist.

Keep in your denial. Don't admit what your own party is doing. It will be much easier for sane Americans to recognize you and vote people like you out of office.

Will the republican party ever become sane again?
The far right radical extremists cry that they are being picked on by everyone. That they're nothing but victims.

Yet we find out that the truth is the far right radical extremists are training males for that civil war you all want so badly.

Face it, you're in the minority. What you all want and are doing is not acceptable to our society and borders criminal. All you're going to succeed in doing is getting yourselves either killed or in prison.

I'm glad I live in Maryland.

I'd hate to think that I may encounter one them there Republicans or Conservatives that keep your panties in a wad.
In the name of God zealots, they are fake Christians, and I take them seriously. They are a scary bunch that are ignorant. They are scattered across the US, far right extremists militias are just like the KKK.
Both of them frighten you that badly?

Neither of them reside remotely close to you.

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