Traitor John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Delivering us to our enemies????? The U.N. will now be able to ALTER or NULLIFY the 2nd Amendment!

If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has his way the United Nations will be able to say if Americans are allowed to have their Second Amendment rights. He has just signed an anti-gun treaty with the United Nations that the U.S. Senate has already said it is against. The treaty Kerry signed without authorization from the Senate would create an un-Constitutional registry of all US gun buyers and would lead to the UN controlling American’s gun rights. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate...

The Legislative Branch? Who the hell are they? Everyone knows that the Executive Branch knows better and can rule better on their own. All HAIL! King Obama and his prophet, Kerry!!!
nobody cares.............they could sign 50 treaties. Nobody cares.

Only the faggy progressives are grabbing the popcorn on this one.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: In New York and Connecticut in early 2013, they made laws requiring all owners of "assault" weapons to register their weapons. How many did? About 17 in each state!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:........and that was after threats the state police would come door to door if they had to. Still laughing my balls off 3 years later!!

This is just about keeping the lefty crack monkeys of the Dum party happy!!!
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Why didn't some gook shoot him 50 years ago?

He was too fucking busy getting SPLINTERS and writing them up as PURPLE HEART REQUESTS while he spent 4 FUCKING MONTHS of a 13 month deployment in country....He's a fag liar, has been for 5 decades now, as he claimed we .......

Traitor John Kerry...

Vietnam vets have trying to tell anyone who would listen for almost 50 yrs now; but nooooo...!
Unless the Senate ratifies the treaty it has no force of law in this Country. No matter what Kerry signed and no matter what Obama wants.
Why didn't some gook shoot him 50 years ago?

He was too fucking busy getting SPLINTERS and writing them up as PURPLE HEART REQUESTS while he spent 4 FUCKING MONTHS of a 13 month deployment in country....He's a fag liar, has been for 5 decades now, as he claimed we .......

I read somewhere that he got hit in the ass by a piece of rice and got a purple heart for it.

Man they must give purple hearts out by the gross for just about anything. Wonder if they still give them out for actual bullet wounds? You know. REAL WOUNDS???

Oh and I wonder if that purple heart was one of the medals he threw away when he turned into an anti war demonstrator??

He went to Vietnam to become a hero so he could run for office and once home discovered the anti war movement was the better way to go.
Why didn't some gook shoot him 50 years ago?

He was too fucking busy getting SPLINTERS and writing them up as PURPLE HEART REQUESTS while he spent 4 FUCKING MONTHS of a 13 month deployment in country....He's a fag liar, has been for 5 decades now, as he claimed we .......

I read somewhere that he got hit in the ass by a piece of rice and got a purple heart for it.

Man they must give purple hearts out by the gross for just about anything. Wonder if they still give them out for actual bullet wounds? You know. REAL WOUNDS???

Oh and I wonder if that purple heart was one of the medals he threw away when he turned into an anti war demonstrator??

He went to Vietnam to become a hero so he could run for office and once home discovered the anti war movement was the better way to go.

According to his commanding officer:

"Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry was serving as an Officer-in-Charge of Inshore Patrol Craft 94, one of five boats conducting a Sealords operation in the Bay Hap River. While exiting the river, a mine detonated under another Inshore Patrol Craft and almost simultaneously, another mine detonated wounding Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry in the right arm. In addition, all units began receiving small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks. When Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry discovered he had a man overboard, he returned upriver to assist. The man in the water was receiving sniper fire from both banks. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry directed his gunners to provide suppressing fire, while from an exposed position on the bow, his arm bleeding and in pain and with disregard for his personal safety, he pulled the man aboard. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry then directed his boat to return to and assist the other damaged boat to safety. Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry's calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

And Kerry never exaggerated the wounds he received that led to the purple hearts.
"Kerry had been wounded three times and received three Purple Hearts. Asked about the severity of the wounds, Kerry said that one of them cost him about two days of service, and that the other two did not interrupt his duty. "Walking wounded," as Kerry put it. A shrapnel wound in his left arm gave Kerry pain for years. Kerry declined a request from the Globe to sign a waiver authorizing the release of military documents that are covered under the Privacy Act and that might shed more light on the extent of the treatment Kerry needed as a result of the wounds."

You people have no shame at all.
Why didn't some gook shoot him 50 years ago?

He was too fucking busy getting SPLINTERS and writing them up as PURPLE HEART REQUESTS while he spent 4 FUCKING MONTHS of a 13 month deployment in country....He's a fag liar, has been for 5 decades now, as he claimed we .......

You are either a liar or, more likely, an idiot. First of all, the weapons agreement you are referring to was signed in 2013. Kerry signs UN arms treaty, senators threaten to block it
Second, try reading the damn thing before trying to comment on it. The Treaty states:
"Reaffirming the sovereign right of any State to regulate and control conventional arms exclusively within its territory, pursuant to its own legal or constitutional system" Can that be any plainer to you? Each nation has the right to decide for itself whether it will regulate and control conventional arms pursuant to its own constitutional system. This treaty Protects the second amendment from any interference. And it only attempts to regulate the "international trade" of conventional weapons, including the following: (a) Battle tanks; (b) Armoured combat vehicles; (c) Large-calibre artillery systems; (d) Combat aircraft; (e) Attack helicopters; (f) Warships; (g) Missiles and missile launchers; and (h) Small arms and light weapons." You don't think that there should be regulation of the sale, internationally, of weapons of war? Are you so stupid as to think that some militia in Syria has a second amendment right to an M1 Abrams Battle Tank? A blackhawk helicopter? The only records to be kept, consistent with each individual nation's laws and constitution, are of weapons exported overseas. From the treaty:
"Record keeping 1. Each State Party shall maintain national records, pursuant to its national laws and regulations, of its issuance of export authorizations or its actual exports of the conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1). 2. Each State Party is encouraged to maintain records of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1) that are transferred to its territory as the final destination or that are authorized to transit or trans-ship territory under its jurisdiction. 3. Each State Party is encouraged to include in those records: the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1), conventional arms actually transferred, details of exporting State(s), importing State(s), transit and trans-shipment State(s), and end users, as appropriate. 4. Records shall be kept for a minimum of ten years."

It is amazing how stupid you gun nuts are. You never take the time to actually find out for yourself the truth. Are you just lazy?
Well if that isn't a TRAITOR to us and our country. I don't what the hell else you call him and Obama. SELLING us out left and right

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