Traitor John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate

Well if that isn't a TRAITOR to us and our country. I don't what the hell else you call him and Obama. SELLING us out left and right
Selling us out by signing a treaty that REAFFIRMS our right to regulate weapons in our country consistent with our laws and our constitution? Care to explain that?


It's a shame Reagan could never foresee what LIBERALISM has done to the citizens of this country!




Wow such a bitter cross groveling cracker!!!

I guess when your name is GUANO...bird shit for the uninformed, it reflects on your intellect as well!
It's a shame Reagan could never foresee what LIBERALISM has done to the citizens of this country!




Wow such a bitter cross groveling cracker!!!

I guess when your name is GUANO...bird shit for the uninformed, it reflects on your intellect as well!
Odd that you would refer to anyone as uninformed when, as I demonstrated above, you know absolutely nothing about this treaty or even that it was signed two years ago. Tell us, in the two years since this was signed, what has the President done to impose its terms on the nation. Name one law that has resulted in any infringment on your right, despite your obvious mental illness, to own any damn gun you want.
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
It's a shame Reagan could never foresee what LIBERALISM has done to the citizens of this country!




Wow such a bitter cross groveling cracker!!!

I guess when your name is GUANO...bird shit for the uninformed, it reflects on your intellect as well!
Odd that you would refer to anyone as uninformed when, as I demonstrated above, you know absolutely nothing about this treaty or even that it was signed two years ago. Tell us, in the two years since this was signed, what has the President done to impose its terms on the nation. Name one law that has resulted in any infringment on your right, despite your obvious mental illness, to own any damn gun you want.

I haven't talked about a treaty, I'm talking about John, "THE TRAITOR" Kerry!

Then WHY was is signed if it has NO EFFECT on America? Perhaps he has FASCIST plans for gun control in the remainder of his term in office!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!


There is overwhelming evidence that the Navy gave John Kerry either a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge – which is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge without the felony conviction – and that, as a result of such discharge, he was stripped of all of his famous but questionable Navy awards and medals. And the kicker? The evidence is on his website!

Kerry’s oh-so-clever handlers evidently depended on the ignorance of the public and the press about military records when they posted his 1978 “Honorable Discharge from the Reserves” on his site as part of a carefully selected partial release of his Navy records (the Navy says it is still withholding about 100 records). However, one diligent researcher, Thomas Lipscomb, saw through the scam and exposed it in a New York Sun story on Oct. 13. Predictably, the major media has shunned the story.

What Mr. Lipscomb noticed (and I overlooked when I first read the document) was the date of the posted discharge, Feb. 16, 1978. This was six years after Kerry’s six-year (1966-1972) commitment to the Navy ended. The anti-war detractor of our military did not re-up for another six-year term in 1972, so why the delay of his discharge? The only logical conclusion is that the 1978 honorable discharge was a second discharge given to replace an earlier undesirable discharge under less-than-honorable conditions, as unfit for military service.

Sen. Kerry has said that his medal certificates were reissued because he lost them (and his dog ate his homework, I suppose). Rewards are certified in one’s permanent personnel record jacket. If you lose a medal, you can get a replacement medal if your records show the award. The only way awards would have to be reissued is if they were rescinded and deleted from your records. And this narrows the possibilities down to a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge. As Mr. Lipscomb noted:

There is one odd coincidence that gives some weight to the possibility that Mr. Kerry was dishonorably discharged … when a dishonorable discharge is issued, all pay benefits and allowances, and all medals and honors are revoked as well. And five months after Mr. Kerry joined the U.S. Senate in 1985, on one single day, June 4, all of Mr. Kerry’s medals were reissued.
Last edited by a moderator:

I could never understand all this hoop la over reagan being a conservative.
I think he raised taxes 7 times. He was a moderate at best
fact of the matter, We haven't had a conservative president.

Simply because he was hands above any previous president since IKE (and that includes JFK!) Today CRUZ is the closest we can get to a real conservative, perhaps we will get lucky and TRUMP (who is NOT a conservative, but more in line with Reagan) will be V.P. with a shot at president after Trump!...One can only surmise!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!

There is overwhelming evidence that the Navy gave John Kerry either a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge – which is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge without the felony conviction – and that, as a result of such discharge, he was stripped of all of his famous but questionable Navy awards and medals. And the kicker? The evidence is on his website!

Kerry’s oh-so-clever handlers evidently depended on the ignorance of the public and the press about military records when they posted his 1978 “Honorable Discharge from the Reserves” on his site as part of a carefully selected partial release of his Navy records (the Navy says it is still withholding about 100 records). However, one diligent researcher, Thomas Lipscomb, saw through the scam and exposed it in a New York Sun story on Oct. 13. Predictably, the major media has shunned the story.

What Mr. Lipscomb noticed (and I overlooked when I first read the document) was the date of the posted discharge, Feb. 16, 1978. This was six years after Kerry’s six-year (1966-1972) commitment to the Navy ended. The anti-war detractor of our military did not re-up for another six-year term in 1972, so why the delay of his discharge? The only logical conclusion is that the 1978 honorable discharge was a second discharge given to replace an earlier undesirable discharge under less-than-honorable conditions, as unfit for military service.

Sen. Kerry has said that his medal certificates were reissued because he lost them (and his dog ate his homework, I suppose). Rewards are certified in one’s permanent personnel record jacket. If you lose a medal, you can get a replacement medal if your records show the award. The only way awards would have to be reissued is if they were rescinded and deleted from your records. And this narrows the possibilities down to a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge. As Mr. Lipscomb noted:

There is one odd coincidence that gives some weight to the possibility that Mr. Kerry was dishonorably discharged … when a dishonorable discharge is issued, all pay benefits and allowances, and all medals and honors are revoked as well. And five months after Mr. Kerry joined the U.S. Senate in 1985, on one single day, June 4, all of Mr. Kerry’s medals were reissued.

Yellowbullet is a definite piece of work!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
Sorry, asshole, the only liar here is you and whoever this fake Navy Captain Nelson really is.
It's a shame Reagan could never foresee what LIBERALISM has done to the citizens of this country!




Wow such a bitter cross groveling cracker!!!

I guess when your name is GUANO...bird shit for the uninformed, it reflects on your intellect as well!
Odd that you would refer to anyone as uninformed when, as I demonstrated above, you know absolutely nothing about this treaty or even that it was signed two years ago. Tell us, in the two years since this was signed, what has the President done to impose its terms on the nation. Name one law that has resulted in any infringment on your right, despite your obvious mental illness, to own any damn gun you want.

I haven't talked about a treaty, I'm talking about John, "THE TRAITOR" Kerry!

Then WHY was is signed if it has NO EFFECT on America? Perhaps he has FASCIST plans for gun control in the remainder of his term in office!
By its very terms, it has no affect on our law or constitution. Once again, dumb fuck, what has been done in the two years since this was signed that affected gun rights in this country? If you cannot answer that question, then we know you are a lying asshole.
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!

There is overwhelming evidence that the Navy gave John Kerry either a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge – which is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge without the felony conviction – and that, as a result of such discharge, he was stripped of all of his famous but questionable Navy awards and medals. And the kicker? The evidence is on his website!

Kerry’s oh-so-clever handlers evidently depended on the ignorance of the public and the press about military records when they posted his 1978 “Honorable Discharge from the Reserves” on his site as part of a carefully selected partial release of his Navy records (the Navy says it is still withholding about 100 records). However, one diligent researcher, Thomas Lipscomb, saw through the scam and exposed it in a New York Sun story on Oct. 13. Predictably, the major media has shunned the story.

What Mr. Lipscomb noticed (and I overlooked when I first read the document) was the date of the posted discharge, Feb. 16, 1978. This was six years after Kerry’s six-year (1966-1972) commitment to the Navy ended. The anti-war detractor of our military did not re-up for another six-year term in 1972, so why the delay of his discharge? The only logical conclusion is that the 1978 honorable discharge was a second discharge given to replace an earlier undesirable discharge under less-than-honorable conditions, as unfit for military service.

Sen. Kerry has said that his medal certificates were reissued because he lost them (and his dog ate his homework, I suppose). Rewards are certified in one’s permanent personnel record jacket. If you lose a medal, you can get a replacement medal if your records show the award. The only way awards would have to be reissued is if they were rescinded and deleted from your records. And this narrows the possibilities down to a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge. As Mr. Lipscomb noted:

There is one odd coincidence that gives some weight to the possibility that Mr. Kerry was dishonorably discharged … when a dishonorable discharge is issued, all pay benefits and allowances, and all medals and honors are revoked as well. And five months after Mr. Kerry joined the U.S. Senate in 1985, on one single day, June 4, all of Mr. Kerry’s medals were reissued.
Another delusional right wing prick heard from.
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
Sorry, asshole, the only liar here is you and whoever this fake Navy Captain Nelson really is.

Yes, THIS is part of the reason why that scumbag Kerry wasn't elected... but glad to see you are a true believer in our military as Kerry was....


Kerry was a COMMIE SYMPATHIZER before he was a terrorist muslim sympathizer!

It's a shame Reagan could never foresee what LIBERALISM has done to the citizens of this country!




Wow such a bitter cross groveling cracker!!!

I guess when your name is GUANO...bird shit for the uninformed, it reflects on your intellect as well!
Odd that you would refer to anyone as uninformed when, as I demonstrated above, you know absolutely nothing about this treaty or even that it was signed two years ago. Tell us, in the two years since this was signed, what has the President done to impose its terms on the nation. Name one law that has resulted in any infringment on your right, despite your obvious mental illness, to own any damn gun you want.

I haven't talked about a treaty, I'm talking about John, "THE TRAITOR" Kerry!

Then WHY was is signed if it has NO EFFECT on America? Perhaps he has FASCIST plans for gun control in the remainder of his term in office!
By its very terms, it has no affect on our law or constitution. Once again, dumb fuck, what has been done in the two years since this was signed that affected gun rights in this country? If you cannot answer that question, then we know you are a lying asshole.

PissyMurphy, then WHY sign it, against the WILL OF CONGRESS?
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
Sorry, asshole, the only liar here is you and whoever this fake Navy Captain Nelson really is.

Yes, THIS is part of the reason why that scumbag Kerry wasn't elected... but glad to see you are a true believer in our military as Kerry was....


Kerry was a COMMIE SYMPATHIZER before he was a terrorist muslim sympathizer!

So, you move from one lie to another.
Wow such a bitter cross groveling cracker!!!

I guess when your name is GUANO...bird shit for the uninformed, it reflects on your intellect as well!
Odd that you would refer to anyone as uninformed when, as I demonstrated above, you know absolutely nothing about this treaty or even that it was signed two years ago. Tell us, in the two years since this was signed, what has the President done to impose its terms on the nation. Name one law that has resulted in any infringment on your right, despite your obvious mental illness, to own any damn gun you want.

I haven't talked about a treaty, I'm talking about John, "THE TRAITOR" Kerry!

Then WHY was is signed if it has NO EFFECT on America? Perhaps he has FASCIST plans for gun control in the remainder of his term in office!
By its very terms, it has no affect on our law or constitution. Once again, dumb fuck, what has been done in the two years since this was signed that affected gun rights in this country? If you cannot answer that question, then we know you are a lying asshole.

PissyMurphy, then WHY sign it, against the WILL OF CONGRESS?
Congress never voted on it. They never rejected it. The President has the power to enter into agreements with the UN and foreign nations. This agreement is intended to stop the spread of weapons to terrorists around the world. Why any real American would not want to try to keep weapons from getting into the hands of terrorists around the world is hard to understand.
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!

There is overwhelming evidence that the Navy gave John Kerry either a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge – which is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge without the felony conviction – and that, as a result of such discharge, he was stripped of all of his famous but questionable Navy awards and medals. And the kicker? The evidence is on his website!

Kerry’s oh-so-clever handlers evidently depended on the ignorance of the public and the press about military records when they posted his 1978 “Honorable Discharge from the Reserves” on his site as part of a carefully selected partial release of his Navy records (the Navy says it is still withholding about 100 records). However, one diligent researcher, Thomas Lipscomb, saw through the scam and exposed it in a New York Sun story on Oct. 13. Predictably, the major media has shunned the story.

What Mr. Lipscomb noticed (and I overlooked when I first read the document) was the date of the posted discharge, Feb. 16, 1978. This was six years after Kerry’s six-year (1966-1972) commitment to the Navy ended. The anti-war detractor of our military did not re-up for another six-year term in 1972, so why the delay of his discharge? The only logical conclusion is that the 1978 honorable discharge was a second discharge given to replace an earlier undesirable discharge under less-than-honorable conditions, as unfit for military service.

Sen. Kerry has said that his medal certificates were reissued because he lost them (and his dog ate his homework, I suppose). Rewards are certified in one’s permanent personnel record jacket. If you lose a medal, you can get a replacement medal if your records show the award. The only way awards would have to be reissued is if they were rescinded and deleted from your records. And this narrows the possibilities down to a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge. As Mr. Lipscomb noted:

There is one odd coincidence that gives some weight to the possibility that Mr. Kerry was dishonorably discharged … when a dishonorable discharge is issued, all pay benefits and allowances, and all medals and honors are revoked as well. And five months after Mr. Kerry joined the U.S. Senate in 1985, on one single day, June 4, all of Mr. Kerry’s medals were reissued.
Another delusional right wing prick heard from.

Here, you forgot to sign your application!

I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!

There is overwhelming evidence that the Navy gave John Kerry either a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge – which is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge without the felony conviction – and that, as a result of such discharge, he was stripped of all of his famous but questionable Navy awards and medals. And the kicker? The evidence is on his website!

Kerry’s oh-so-clever handlers evidently depended on the ignorance of the public and the press about military records when they posted his 1978 “Honorable Discharge from the Reserves” on his site as part of a carefully selected partial release of his Navy records (the Navy says it is still withholding about 100 records). However, one diligent researcher, Thomas Lipscomb, saw through the scam and exposed it in a New York Sun story on Oct. 13. Predictably, the major media has shunned the story.

What Mr. Lipscomb noticed (and I overlooked when I first read the document) was the date of the posted discharge, Feb. 16, 1978. This was six years after Kerry’s six-year (1966-1972) commitment to the Navy ended. The anti-war detractor of our military did not re-up for another six-year term in 1972, so why the delay of his discharge? The only logical conclusion is that the 1978 honorable discharge was a second discharge given to replace an earlier undesirable discharge under less-than-honorable conditions, as unfit for military service.

Sen. Kerry has said that his medal certificates were reissued because he lost them (and his dog ate his homework, I suppose). Rewards are certified in one’s permanent personnel record jacket. If you lose a medal, you can get a replacement medal if your records show the award. The only way awards would have to be reissued is if they were rescinded and deleted from your records. And this narrows the possibilities down to a dishonorable discharge or an undesirable discharge. As Mr. Lipscomb noted:

There is one odd coincidence that gives some weight to the possibility that Mr. Kerry was dishonorably discharged … when a dishonorable discharge is issued, all pay benefits and allowances, and all medals and honors are revoked as well. And five months after Mr. Kerry joined the U.S. Senate in 1985, on one single day, June 4, all of Mr. Kerry’s medals were reissued.
Another delusional right wing prick heard from.

Here, you forgot to sign your application!

Typical gutless response from you. You are incapable of ever backing up any of the lies you tell.
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
I think this nails Kerry, does anything else reach this height of disdain?


Words of Captain Donald L. Nelson, JAG corps USN ret I was on active duty as a U.S. Navy JAG when all of this was going on 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal JAG to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy.

We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C-Span, and hopefully the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.

This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do) he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush. If you would like to talk with me, I may be reached at telephone number (925) 964-0943 in Danville, California, or at [email protected]. Contact information for CAPT Sullivan is below.

Even 50 years ago, he was a liar (as all DemocRATS are) and used political power to ALTER what he really was!
Sorry, asshole, the only liar here is you and whoever this fake Navy Captain Nelson really is.

Yes, THIS is part of the reason why that scumbag Kerry wasn't elected... but glad to see you are a true believer in our military as Kerry was....


Kerry was a COMMIE SYMPATHIZER before he was a terrorist muslim sympathizer!

So, you move from one lie to another.

When you can't refute it call the poster a liar... typical Commie tactics... please continue Pissy!

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